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Keldarin1987 12-24-09 04:54 AM

Critical Latency- and fpscrashdown since last nUI+ update
First of all... sorry for my english! I'm german ;)

Now my problem: Since last update of nUI+ I've recognized a critical crashdown on my latency and fps! I always keep my video card drivers up-to-date, so I don't think, that there's the problem. I've also tried to de-install all addons and just to install the nUI+ core! Same problem! I know, that Blizzard changed something about the graphics engine in WoW, but was already told, that it shouldn't have anything to do with it. And now a friend told me, that you can change some numbers and settings in the in the WTF-folder of World of Warcraft to increase the fps and decrease the latency! But I'm too scared to try it out by myself! Maybe you can help me out here ;)

Vis 12-24-09 06:42 AM

nUI shouldn't have any effect on your latency. Latency is a measurement of your connection speed and as far as I'm aware, nUI has no control over your net connection to the WoW servers.

Leatrix has a couple of addons that do seem to help some people though. They may or may not help you, but it's always worth a shot.

Leatrix Latency Fix will change some settings in the computers operating systemthat many have stated improve their, you guessed it, latency. It is fully reversible, but make sure to read everything on the addon page before deciding to apply it.

To help you with framerates, you can manually tweak your video option through the in game Video settings and reduce things like shadows, view distance etc. You can also try another of Leatrix's addons named Leatrix Gfx. That addon will allow you to change some other settings that would normally require you to edit the file.

And just for reference, what is your OS and your computer system specs?


Added bolded/italic statement wording to clarify what Leatrix Latency fix affects

marioinfinity 12-24-09 07:06 AM

I posted this somewhere else in a comment; but I believe that WoW has had some huge latency/fps issues over the last year.

From BC to Wrath i lost an average of 10fps/50latency in raid situations; from running Hyjal to Naxx25. From their to Ulduar25 i've lost around the same. ToC I experience more loss during key fights but not consistently. In ICC I've lost around another 10fps; (around 15 in the new 5mans). So, in BC i used to run around 50-60fps and now i run around 20-30, and around 50-100 latency to around 300-400. And its not internet; its not computer technology. I've got a friend who's even had the extreme pleasure of getting nowhere with Blizz forums and tech support on the matter and his MacPro cost around 30k..

I've never had the pleasure of working with MMO Servers; but from what I've noticed is that older servers (like mine) vs newer servers have significant Latency/FPS differences. So a lot of my opinion lies in them trying to push these awesome graphical enhancements on outdated equipment with high realm population... And unless they invest internally on fixing that; Cataclysm might be another hit like Wrath; but I'm sure that having yet another surge in players will cause even more problems which may effect us players unless preemptively solved.

Either that.. Or a 30,000$ Mac designed to run animation software for Pixar with a T3 internet connection isn't good enough to play Warcraft anymore and we're all screwed..

And point: I've never heard of any latency fixes editing config files. TCP/IP Fixes can be beneficial on some computers depending on your internet, security and configuration but those are usually minimal. So.. yea.. if you'd like to elaborate; I have no problem crashing my wow for the further of my fellow players.. as long as editing that file wont get me into trouble lol.

(note: on second thought the editing of wtf files could just be manipulating port usage similar to the tcp/ip thing, which actually might violate tos? i dont know.. and if so, again speaking out of knowledge of wtf the editing involves, it would be minimal in my experience..)

Petrah 12-24-09 08:55 AM


Originally Posted by marioinfinity (Post 171728)
I posted this somewhere else in a comment; but I believe that WoW has had some huge latency/fps issues over the last year.

Any latency that appears between your modem and the WoW servers is not a Blizzard issue. This is something your ISP needs to resolve as it would deal either directly with them or with one of their peering partners.

However, if the issue was indeed a latency issue with the WoW server or with their ISP (AT&T), it would affect everyone on the server (quite possibly all the servers in your battlegroup) and not just 1 or a few people. When this happens, it's extremely apparent because you can go to the Customer Service forum and new posts and threads about latency on a specific server/battlegroup will be filling up faster than you can refresh the browser. Often times their forum gets hit so hard with visits that the forums themselves cannot load.

One thing that a lot of people don't realize is that all the game servers are not located in one place. There are 4 data centers located in different places throughout the US. It depends on your physical location, the location of the servers data center (the server you play on), and what's happening in between those two locations that will have an impact on your latency. For example, I play on the Nesingwary server, which it's data center is located in Seattle Washington. I live about 25 minutes away from there... my latency in game sits between 12ms and 15ms. If I log into one of the Dallas servers, obviously my latency is going to shoot up to triple digit numbers because I'm physically located farther away.

Check the WoWWiki to see where your server is located.
US realm list:
EU realm list:

If you live in the US but play on an EU server, or if you live in EU and play on a US server. you're going to have latency. Not really any way around this.

If you think that the server you play on has latency issues, check the Customer Service forums (not the Tech Support forums as they do not deal with the servers) for posts. The CSR's will relay information to the server technicians.

If you think the latency is on your end, post in the Tech Support forums so they can help you narrow down the issue.

Edit: As for the FPS differences between new servers and old servers... weather the server is old or new makes no difference. There is only one graphic engine and they all use it. That engine got it's largest overhaul in the WoTLK pre patch. The only real differences between newer servers and older ones is perhaps stability.

spiel2001 12-24-09 09:11 AM

If it matters any, I think the key issue the OP is after is about frame rate more than latency. Keep in mind, he's German (if memory serves me correctly) so there's some "lost in translation" that goes on.

Any suggestions any of you can offer in how he can optimize his video configuration would be most appreciated.

Petrah 12-24-09 09:16 AM

Sorry Scott.. I've edited my post for clarification. I didn't reply to the OP cuz Vis pretty much said the same thing I would have. :)

Keldarin1987 12-25-09 07:55 AM

OK... I've found some mods, that decreased my latency down to 25ms in Dalaran! But still have my fps-crashdown to 5fps! Even if I turn all the visual effects on minimum!

Hey cool.. a banana^^:banana:

Anyway... I also tried the^^! It just optimized my visual effects :p
I cleared the folder SavedVariables in my WoW-Account-Folder-thingermajigger... helped quite a bit :D

neuralassassin 12-25-09 10:43 AM

The drops in fps are they during raids or solo play? Many have found if you change the unit panels to player instead of the raid frames it will help their fps as it's not updating all the frames. Obviously this isn't going to work for healer, (though you could use healbot or one of the other healing mods in nui's infopanel) but it may hold you over till nUI6 comes out in which Scott is trying to address the fps issues that some people have with the current version.

Also might be worth trying a clean installation like in these steps
Enjoy and merry Xmas :D

Wasgij 12-25-09 12:25 PM

Latency ISP End .... There is nothing in the World of Warcraft Game that effects your Latency. Hench why you see the Fix found here in Wowinterface from (Leatrix Latency Fix ) ...... Latency is the Connection between your PC and the Point server. ISP issue's routing load and area outages can effect your Latency even if they are not in your area.

9 times out of 10 if you have a latency issue you are getting Line noise from your ISP . They wont admit it till you push to have a Line Tech come out, not a service tech. Comcast is the biggest offender. And Any comcast customer who has not been upgraded to an Arris modem is using out of date hardware for there system.The Thompson and Motorola ones they have use for the past 4 years are not Docs 3 compatible. Comcast has upgrade to Docs 3 and there older equipment is not compatible with the new upgrades. I dealt with Philadelphia Corporate on this issue directly.

FPS drops is caused by Add-ons ... NUI alone does not really drop FPS but when you start add on more then you start more Vid processing and hence FPS drop ...Dal is known for FPS with or without add-ons .. You can have a Super Computer but when it come to all the processing going on with the game in fights all those add-ons ( pardon the pun ) add up...

I know I don't post alot here but I do work for a Game Company and thought I would explain this .

Xrystal 12-25-09 01:08 PM

I can concur with this. Being in the UK playing on a US server my normal latency is 300 or so . When that jumps up to 700 or more I know someone in the house is downloading something so I switch to our second connection if I'm about to do something important like a raid :D

If the latency hits 2000 or more the internet is really having a bad day and I'm more likely to DC :D

Petrah 12-25-09 05:14 PM


Originally Posted by Wasgij (Post 171896)
9 times out of 10 if you have a latency issue you are getting Line noise from your ISP .

This is not true. There are more than several issues that can cause high latency. Physical location from the server aside.

Wireless connection (not officially supported by Blizzard)
Bad router.
Bad modem.
Bad client side cables.
Corrupt or outdated client side firmware.

In order from your connection to the game server: Isp issues, ISP peering partner issues, or AT&T (Blizz ISP) issues.

Sometimes I have the same problem that Xrystal has... if my roomie or daughter is downloading something large it will cause me to have higher latency in game. I've spoke to several networking admins about how I have all the computers connected to the net, and this should definitely not be happening. There's something set up wrong somewhere, but it doesn't happen often enough for me to bother tracking it down.

Wasgij 12-25-09 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by Petrah (Post 171934)
This is not true. There are more than several issues that can cause high latency. Physical location from the server aside.

Wireless connection (not officially supported by Blizzard)
Bad router.
Bad modem.
Bad client side cables.
Corrupt or outdated client side firmware.

True I was leaving out the obvious suspects... My Main point being Nui or add-ons in general don't cause High Latency..

You also have Motherboard Level Chip-sets that effect your connection also . The subject of Latency is a long list of "what if's "

I have found out point in case I have a Legacy Nforce4 chip set ... That with a 5 year old Motherboard is causing issue's . Nvidia is not updating this chip set anymore so I have to upgrade my board.

Online gaming can be like a bad game of Chess when it comes to problem solving .... :P


thetravellor 12-26-09 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Vis (Post 171724)
nUI shouldn't have any effect on your latency. Latency is a measurement of your connection speed and as far as I'm aware, nUI has no control over your net connection to the WoW servers.

Leatrix has a couple of addons that do seem to help some people though. They may or may not help you, but it's always worth a shot.

Leatrix Latency Fix will change some settings in the computers operating systemthat many have stated improve their, you guessed it, latency. It is fully reversible, but make sure to read everything on the addon page before deciding to apply it.

To help you with framerates, you can manually tweak your video option through the in game Video settings and reduce things like shadows, view distance etc. You can also try another of Leatrix's addons named Leatrix Gfx. That addon will allow you to change some other settings that would normally require you to edit the file.

And just for reference, what is your OS and your computer system specs?


Added bolded/italic statement wording to clarify what Leatrix Latency fix affects

Nui+ does severely affect fps. With nui+ disabled I get 60fps, with it enabled I get 40 when things are quiet ranging down to 7 or lower. Turning down video settings to support Nui+ is not really best solution. OS = Windows 7. Hardware, 17" Macbook Pro with 4GB RAM.

Xrystal 12-26-09 08:09 AM

The more information that nUI acts on the lower the fps. What I tend to do in raid situations when the fps can drop severely is switch to party view as being a healer I can use grid to heal people with.

Having say 25 unit frames to update with all the information that nUI calculates regularly is bound to impact the fps. That is one of the things that Scott is working to correct in version 6.

However, that said. I only had major fps problems when Wrath and 3.1 came out so they obviously changed things big time there to impact on your system anyway.

I even tried disabling nUI during a raid to diminish the fps problem. I couldn't even play the game as I had spent so long with nUI as my main interface that I just can't play without it :D

In Dalaran I usually sit at about 60fps dropping to about 40fps on busy days but in large active raids it can drop to 5fps or lower. Switching frame display helps alot but doesn't negate it completely. Also, extra graphics effects that aren't needed I have turned down in the past when I had a lower end graphics card that worked fine pre Wrath.

Keldarin1987 12-26-09 01:49 PM

If you read my OP carefully, then you'll see, that I already tried just to play with the nUI+ core... no addons installed!
I always have an fps about 5-15! It doesn't matter if I'm in a Raid or Party or Solo somewhere farming my flowers ;)
And as I also already wrote... my latency problems are gone^^... 25ms in Dalaran is pretty good I guess^^ I just have the fps-crashdown!

Xrystal 12-26-09 02:20 PM

My apologies, I probably missed the phrases while reading while sleepy :D

spiel2001 12-31-09 12:04 AM

The issue you are binging up is a known problem for some players and discussed extensively in quite a few threads. It is a large part of the motivation for the rewrite in nUI6.

One working solution for raiding in the short term is to switch out of the 25 man raid unit frame panel to the solo or party panel which is doable unless you're a healer. This will greatly reduce the impact nUI has on framerate for those people who are affected by this bug.

Tsuroyu 03-13-10 12:46 PM

I am a newer user to nUI, and have read most of the threads regarding this issue. I am happy to see that the problem is being addressed in the future release of nUI :banana:. I suppose some of you might call me a n00b, and when it comes to using nUI.. I'd agree. I can honestly say that nUI cut my framerates almost exactly in half... from 120 fps or so.. to just above 50fps or so in IF. And.. so we are clear... this was just with nUI installed on a clean install. I'm one of those guys who likes all the "eye candy" that is in WoW, especially in the end game content ICC10/25. What I'm hoping to do is give Scott yet another thing to look at :) for his nUI 6.0 release. I always keep my drivers and system software up to date so some of the system stats (driver revisions) are eventually bound to change.

*edit* Should have probably mentioned that I run WoW full out.... All "eye candy" on, 1680x1050 rez, 8x antialiasing.. etc etc etc :)

System specs:
Windows Vista 64 Ultimate
Intel Q9550 quadcore @2.83 ghz
4 GB DDR3 ram @ 1333mhz
2x ATI Radeon HD4870 (crossfire enabled)
Catalyst 10.2 drivers

If any other information would help you out.. let me know. (wouldn't support something if I didn't believe in it) :p

Petrah 03-13-10 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by Tsuroyu (Post 181571)
*edit* Should have probably mentioned that I run WoW full out.... All "eye candy" on, 1680x1050 rez, 8x antialiasing.. etc etc etc :)

System specs:
Windows Vista 64 Ultimate
Intel Q9550 quadcore @2.83 ghz
4 GB DDR3 ram @ 1333mhz
2x ATI Radeon HD4870 (crossfire enabled)
Catalyst 10.2 drivers

If any other information would help you out.. let me know. (wouldn't support something if I didn't believe in it) :p

We have just about the exact same system set up except I don't run crossfire, and my FPS in game is way above average for what I have. Have you tried testing on a single card without crossfire enabled to see if this makes a difference?

Xrystal 03-13-10 04:08 PM

Its possible its a sli compatibility issue. My fiance could use his nvidia sli fine but my brother uses ATI I think and couldn't on his a long while back. And someone long since left had upgraded his computer to the point that wow was too inferior to run on it at all rofl.

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