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Shirik 10-11-08 10:59 PM

A Big "Thank You" from WoWInterface
Hi everyone,

I'm probably not the person that can be saying this on behalf of WoWInterface -- and I guess I'm a day early -- but at least on behalf of myself I wanted to thank everyone that came out to Blizzcon that we were able to meet up with. It was really nice meeting all of you and being able to put faces with some names, and it's even better to know that the community that's been built extends into the non-virtual world too just as well.

Benihana's was a blast and I was glad that there were so many people that could show up (unfortunately we couldn't reserve any more tables than we already had, so hope it wasn't too packed for everyone!). I hope everyone else enjoyed the food as much as I did (I'm infatuated with Japanese culture, myself, so I could eat there every day if it wouldn't cost me $350 a week).

Unfortunately I couldn't make it to Disney as I live on the East Coast and thus have to catch an early flight back, but I hope you all have fun there tomorrow!

For those of you that couldn't make it, I really hope to see more of you in the future as I think we have one of the best communities right here. For those of you that did make it, hopefully we can meet up again.

I look forward to meeting you all at future conventions or wherever we may meet.

-- Shirik

Lopeppeppy 10-12-08 08:09 PM

*Peppy loves Shirik straight to death*

From good conversations in various lines, to dinner and drinks, to cookies shared, to Piratical Posings, start to finish I loved meeting everyone.

Seerah, Cairenn and Peppy, coming to a picture near you.

I can't say how wonderful it was to get four dinosaurs in one hallway, and all three answering back when I went RAWR! :)

The canyons of SoCal are a beauty very unlike my own pine forests in New York.

I will share photos with Esamynn as soon as I vet them properly!

Tekkub 10-12-08 09:43 PM


You didn't mention the shirts, ass. /wuv for gutting us MMOUI shirts with a spot to write our screen names. I'm certain everyone was happy to give you all a little free advertising. I didn't have anyone come up to and ask me what addons I'd written though. Or flat out know my name. I was hoping for a tiny little ego boost there :(

We would have done Disney if we could have, but Trey may have to work tommorow. He actually had a carrier offer us free Disney tickets too, those bastards sure love to bribe people.

Seerah 10-13-08 06:34 PM

Thank you, everyone, for a great weekend! Hubby and I enjoyed meeting everyone, having fun together, and not feeling alone at the Con. :)

Tristanian 10-13-08 06:37 PM

The non-US citizens demand screenshots !!!

THUNDER_CHILD 10-13-08 11:25 PM

all pictures will be (hopefully) posted @ and you can see much of the team @ (wich will be posted in the gallery.)

hipjipp 10-15-08 02:25 AM

Oh <insert random thing to worship here>! I wish i were there... To bad i'm neither an US resident or rich enough to have been there... Looked nice from the pictures up atm. Who was qualified to be in the group-picture? Any addon-author or just the old and famous ones? Would've been quite funny to see an alternatively dressed (goth/metal, take your pick) 17 year old standing with the greater "gods"... =)

THUNDER_CHILD 10-15-08 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by hipjipp (Post 104417)
Would've been quite funny to see an alternatively dressed (goth/metal, take your pick) 17 year old standing with the greater "gods"... =)

What, didn't you notice Shirik?

Shirik 10-19-08 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by THUNDER_CHILD (Post 104524)
What, didn't you notice Shirik?


I'm 21 -_-
And I'm not a stick
And I'm like double Seerah's height :D

EDIT: Sorry Seerah you know I <3 you *hugs*

EDIT2: Ok after doing the math maybe not double, but still. Also I need to shave in that picture...

THUNDER_CHILD 10-20-08 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Shirik (Post 105644)

I'm 21 -_-
And I'm not a stick
And I'm like double Seerah's height :D

EDIT: Sorry Seerah you know I <3 you *hugs*

EDIT2: Ok after doing the math maybe not double, but still. Also I need to shave in that picture...

17 - 21, same diff. minus the smoking, drinking, gambling, and sex of course.
who said anything about a stick?
Stature has nothing to do with height.

PS. dont shave, Tekkub will be sad.

Tekkub 10-20-08 04:30 PM

Don't shave, and put on a few pounds, and tekkub won't be sad.

Seerah 10-20-08 09:17 PM

Upon Shirik's denial that I could take him down, I told him that he was stick. ;)

THUNDER_CHILD 10-21-08 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 105845)
Upon Shirik's denial that I could take him down, I told him that he was stick. ;)

sorry shirik, seerah wins.

"13:55.00 purl: in a one on one showdown, Seerah wins."

Ackis 10-21-08 02:57 PM

It was the shirts that let me notice cogwheel in line! LOL

Then people started asking him about his addons. Teheheh.

DrChaos 10-21-08 04:44 PM

Im sure if I would have been there I would have high fived Tekkub for some of the greatest mod's ever! I probably would have asked for an autograph too... no, im not kidding.......

I wish I could have been there just to see and get a chance to hang out with you guys. maybe next year.

Thanks for the great photos of everyone and keep up the good work on wowinterface! Hands down the only place to be.


ps. IMG_1452.JPG in the above link might need a little "cover up" with photoshop /wink.... (the one with the 2 female night elves) :eek:

Tekkub 10-21-08 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by Ackis (Post 106025)
It was the shirts that let me notice cogwheel in line! LOL

Then people started asking him about his addons. Teheheh.

No one noticed me or asked about my mods....


Originally Posted by DrChaos (Post 106049)
Im sure if I would have been there I would have high fived Tekkub for some of the greatest mod's ever! I probably would have asked for an autograph too... no, im not kidding.......

My sig sucks... but I would draw a bear paw on your ass.

Seerah 10-21-08 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Tekkub (Post 106055)
My sig sucks... but I would draw a bear paw on your ass.

/me huggles Tekkub

Phanx 10-21-08 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tekkub (Post 106055)
No one noticed me or asked about my mods....

You probably insulted them on a forum somewhere. :p

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