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Shirik 01-21-08 11:27 AM

Vista Users - UAC and You
If you don't want to know all the background information on WHY this is necessary, and just want to get WoW to work, then scroll down "Making It Work" below.

Are you having trouble installing addons? Are you changing files or deleting your WTF folder, but somehow magically WoW ignores the changes? If you're on Windows Vista, a new security feature called "User Account Control" is likely to blame.

About User Account Control (UAC)
Microsoft's Windows Vista is the latest generation of their Windows operating system. Along with new eye-catching features, Vista also takes a new, hard stance on security. This new stance, however, caught some programmers off-guard. As a result, these new features have caused some programs to operate slightly differently than expected, and unfortunately, World of Warcraft is one of them.

The new feature in question is called "User Account Control" or "UAC." UAC is a great feature that provides users with the security that they are not running as administrators all the time. *nix users will be familiar with this system, as the overwhelming majority of them will agree that you should not be running as root, and only give permissions to programs as necessary.

One of the restrictions imposed by this is that the Program Files folder cannot be modified without "escalated" (administrative-level) permissions. WoW (by default) does not run escalated, so it does not have access to the Program Files folder. You may, however, be aware that WoW needs to write files there! It stores all of your configurations (in the WTF folder), it stores the cache data (in the Cache folder), and it even puts some default addon keys there.

So why doesn't WoW just crash when it can't write there? Well, Microsoft was intelligent. They foresaw that older programs consistently used this folder to store configuration information, even though it has been strongly discouraged by Microsoft for years in favor of the %APPDATA% folder. So they invented this idea of "virtualization." If a program does not indicate to Vista that it is "UAC Aware" (via a "manifest"), Vista assumes that the program is not aware of the permissions restrictions. So, instead of denying access, it "fakes" write access. Anything the program tries to write or create in the Program Files folder then gets actually written to the "Virtual Store" which is located at C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore. If you go there and don't properly have WoW set up, you may even see that there is a Program Files\World of Warcraft folder there with various files that have been virtualized away.

Making It Work
So, how do we stop this? There are actually several solutions, though some are preferred over others due to simplicity.
  • Option 1: Install in an Unprotected Location

    This option is best for people whom haven't yet installed or aren't worried about installing again and losing their settings. The idea behind it is quite simple: If you don't install in the Program Files folder, WoW won't be restricted by Vista. Many people recommend creating a C:\Games folder or something similar. Thus, your program would be installed in

    C:\Games\World of Warcraft

    So long as you don't use the "Windows" or "Program Files" folders, you should be OK.

    You can also use another drive for World of Warcraft. If you do so, it is perfectly acceptable to create a "Program Files" folder on that drive and install it there, like the screenshot below. In such a case, Vista realizes that this is not the "real" Program Files directory, so it is not protected by UAC.

    (Note that the folder is called "Program Files (x86)" because this is a 64-bit copy of Vista and a 32-bit program.)

  • Option 2: Provide Administrative Permissions

    This isn't always the easiest option because it requires a bit of moving, especially if you've already played WoW for a while and your settings are currently virtualized away. It does, however, avoid the need for a new installation. Giving WoW administrative permissions provides a means for WoW to write directly to the Program Files folder, so it doesn't get virtualized anymore.

    If you right click on "WoW.exe" in your Program Files directory, you will find an option "Properties." Clicking on this will bring up the Program Properties window. Click on the "Compatibility" tab. You will see the following pane:

    Check the box next to "Run this program as an administrator."

    Next, do the same for "Launcher.exe" in the same folder. Open the "Compatibility" tab and check "Run this program as an administrator."

    If this is done correctly, the next time you run WoW, you will get a UAC escalation popup, which looks like this:

    This popup asks for escalated permissions for the program shown. If it does not say "Blizzard Entertainment" and "Blizzard Launcher" or "WoW.exe," double-check that it's the right program before giving permissions.

    However you have another problem -- all your old settings! Now that WoW has administrative permissions, it will no longer consult the Virtual Store for settings, meaning all your settings have been lost! Fortunately, we can move them back to where they need to be.

    Go to "C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\World of Warcraft" and you will find all of your WTF folders, etc. Copy your WTF folder into "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft" and your settings will be restored. If prompted, the files in your VirtualStore should overwrite the ones that may already exist in your Program Files directory. Keep in mind that if you are using a 64-bit Vista, "Program Files" will be named "Program Files (x86)."

  • Option 3: Disable UAC
    This is a last-resort option and probably should not be used, but I place it here for informational purposes anyway. UAC is a beneficial feature which protects you from malicious code being executed at an administrative level where it can do serious harm. If not given escalated permissions, most malicious code may cause a little harm, but nothing too severe (perhaps an annoyance more than anything).

    However, it is possible to turn it off if you really want to, and that will stop all of these Virtual Store and permissions problems. You will, however, be turning off one of the most crucial security features that Vista has to offer, so be absolutely sure you want to do this before you do it.

    Click on the "Start" button and then choose "Control Panel" on the right side. Find the "User Accounts" icon and double click it. This will open up the "User Accounts" control panel. At the bottom, you will see an option "Turn User Account Control On or Off." Click on this option. You will see a UAC box pop up; validate that it is from Microsoft and then accept it. (Naturally you must give administrative permissions to disable this!). Uncheck the checkbox in the window that appears, and then select OK. UAC is now disabled. You may wish to follow the instructions in option 2 above, now, to copy over your WTF folder to your WoW folder, as these settings will no longer be virtualized away.

UAC is a useful feature provided by Microsoft that enforces policies that have been encouraged a long time ago. Unfortunately, programs are still not up with the times, and thus these changes sometimes cause a few glitches along the way. UAC still can provide the security you desire and your programs can get along with it just fine, it just may take a little extra attention. With this attention you can be sure to have a secure user account while enjoying the world we all love.

Thrae 03-07-08 05:42 PM

Two other solutions to add:
* You can simply move the "World of Warcraft" folder from outside of the default install location, "C:\Program Files" or "C:\Program Files (x86)" to somewhere else. Once you run the program again via the Launcher, it will automatically detect where it is and change the needed registry settings itself. You do not need to reinstall.

* Second option involves manually adding the security information. Note that these procedures assume you installed World of Warcraft into its default location.

- Click on START.
- Double-click on your system drive ( C: ).
- Vista 32-bit only: Double-click on the folder labeled "Program Files"
- Vista 64-bit only: Double-click on the folder labeled "Program Files (x86)"
- Right-click on the "World of Warcraft" folder and select "Properties".
- Click on the "Security" tab.
- Click on the "Edit" button. If UAC is enabled, it will prompt you to continue. Do so.
- Click on the "Add" button.
- Type in the name of your user account into this field. Usually it will be "Senior Admin", and be at the top of your Start Menu. If you are unsure, after typing in the name, click on "Check Names". If it gives "Name Not Found", that means it was incorrect. If you are still unsure of your user account name, go into the User Accounts in the Control Panel and it should be listed there.
- Click OK.
- Back in the "Permissions for World of Warcraft" window, select your user account name (again, probably "Senior Admin").
- In the Permissions box, click on the little checkbox for "Full Control".
- Click OK.
- Click OK.

You should now have no problems with anything that requires access to your World of Warcraft folders, such as Addons.

Falcon213 03-08-08 11:22 AM

Couldn't you just put the addons in the local store copy?

Thrae 03-09-08 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Falcon213 (Post 84844)
Couldn't you just put the addons in the local store copy?

WoW isn't smart enough with Vista to do that. And with patching, there's a lot of stuff that needs to be changed session per session.

digmouse 03-24-08 03:13 AM

I usually disable UAC the 1st time I boot into my newly installed Window Vista.

MentalPower 05-16-08 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by digmouse (Post 85896)
I usually disable UAC the 1st time I boot into my newly installed Window Vista.

That is fine if you're computer savvy and know the risks involved. However it is not something you should recommend to mom and pop that do not know the risks that disabling UAC brings.

Also note that disabling UAC usually means that Vista will nag you about it via its security center every time you boot.

deoradh 05-26-08 08:13 PM

For the love of all that's holy, don't tell people to disable UAC. I'm trying to be nice when I say that the vast majority of people likely to hear such advice have zero clue what it exposes them to.

Run as administrator only as long as it's actually needed, and work to convince Blizzard to re-work how they interact with UAC to perform their patches. In particular, tell them to move the interface and addon folders to Program Data, where they belong.

Dreadlorde 05-27-08 12:56 PM


Originally Posted by deoradh (Post 91985)
For the love of all that's holy, don't tell people to disable UAC. I'm trying to be nice when I say that the vast majority of people likely to hear such advice have zero clue what it exposes them to.

Run as administrator only as long as it's actually needed, and work to convince Blizzard to re-work how they interact with UAC to perform their patches. In particular, tell them to move the interface and addon folders to Program Data, where they belong.

Not everyone uses winblows, there's no reason for Blizzard to change the way the install/patch because M$ makes Vista overly-secure.

Shirik 05-27-08 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by deoradh (Post 91985)
For the love of all that's holy, don't tell people to disable UAC. I'm trying to be nice when I say that the vast majority of people likely to hear such advice have zero clue what it exposes them to.

Run as administrator only as long as it's actually needed, and work to convince Blizzard to re-work how they interact with UAC to perform their patches. In particular, tell them to move the interface and addon folders to Program Data, where they belong.

I strongly discouraged the practice of disabling UAC, and I don't do it myself. However, the fact that it can be potentially dangerous is no reason to hide its existence. If a user wishes to do this, then that is their own perogative. It does nothing more than expose them to what they would have been exposed to in Windows XP anyway.

Besides, a system is only as secure as its user is knowledgable. It is arguable that a user is more secure if they disable UAC and know what they've exposed themselves to than if they enable it and have no clue what's going on.

The Interface and Addon folders will probably never be relocated, mostly because too many users are familiar with their position as it is now and because WoW is a portable application. Attempting to provide a place like %APPDATA% on every operating system is just asking for trouble. It is a far easier solution to just not install in Program Files in the first place.

Codermik 07-12-08 07:24 AM


Bad idea to disable UAC, its there for your protection. Although it can be annoying at times I agree, you need to remember its there to help prevent malicious software on your computer being installed without your consent such as key loggers, back doors etc thats there to steal your wow login details or credit card details.

UAC shouldnt be disabled at all!

Shirik 07-12-08 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Shirik (Post 92052)
I strongly discouraged the practice of disabling UAC, and I don't do it myself. However, the fact that it can be potentially dangerous is no reason to hide its existence. If a user wishes to do this, then that is their own perogative. It does nothing more than expose them to what they would have been exposed to in Windows XP anyway.

Besides, a system is only as secure as its user is knowledgable. It is arguable that a user is more secure if they disable UAC and know what they've exposed themselves to than if they enable it and have no clue what's going on.

I did not advocate disabling UAC. I listed it as an option because it is an option. In some cases, this is the optimum solution for users. This is NOT, however, the best solution for about 99% of the users out there. Yet, that is not a valid reason to hide it from this listing.

In fact, let's quote the first sentence in the "Disable UAC" section:


Originally Posted by Shirik
This is a last-resort option and probably should not be used, but I place it here for informational purposes anyway.

I stand by that statement as it is 100% true and valid.

Voorije 07-30-08 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Shirik (Post 81714)
UAC is a useful feature provided by Microsoft that enforces policies that have been encouraged a long time ago.

I actually remember reading a DEV-Blog not too long ago where a MS Windows Development Leader / Designer / Whatever basically said that UAC was BAD, and that's what the MEANT IT TO BE.

They Designed UAC to annoy the user in an effort to force programmers to write programs that didn't cause UAC Violations (Popups) by doing so programmers would write better programs that were more "secure" in the first place.

Hence why they have an option to turn it off.

AnrDaemon 09-14-08 05:58 PM

Well, it is not "UAC bad", it is "Virtualization bad".
It just hides the fact that problem (Program writing data in installation folder) exists.
But we're here not for discussing Windows design troubles.

Let me add Option 4? Pure theorycrafting, I hate Crapsta enough to never touch it even with 100-feet stick.
But it is what I'm doing if I have such problem with applications under W2k/WinXP.
Note before you dive into reading: It require some additional tools to complete process, so read it to the end BEFORE you start following these instructions. If you have slightest feel that you're not understand intentions, process, and expected results, DON'T! Just don't do it.

Step 1:
Start WoW as administrator once and let it create all the needed "WTF/**" folders for your account. You do not need to log in every character you have. One is enough. Ok, you did it. Log your char out, close WoW client.

Step 2:
Go to your %APPDATA% folder. Basically, open any Explorer window (Win+E anyone?) and type

in the address bar. (The "<CR>" thingy stands for "Enter" key. Hope you know it, but if not - you are now.)

Step 3:
Create the "Blizzard/World of Warcraft" folder there in %APPDATA%. 2 steps, I hope you can do it yourself. Refer to "Windows for dummies" for more precise instructions.

Step 4:
Go to "%ProgramFiles%/World of Warcraft/WTF" folder. Open it in separate window. You must see your account name as folder in there.
Copy "%ProgramFiles%/World of Warcraft/WTF/<YourAccount>" to "%APPDATA%/Blizzard/World of Warcraft/<YourAccount>".
Critical: I emphase the word "Copy" because you must do exactly that. Copy it, otherwise you may have applied rights moved along with folder and effect would not be what we want to be done.
Hold "Ctrl" key while dragging your stuff, or use whatever you feel applicable for that task. I know at least 4 ways to have it done through Explorer itself.

Step 5:
Delete "%ProgramFiles%/World of Warcraft/WTF/<YourAccount>". (Shall I notice you to make a backup?)

Step 6:
Create symlink to "%APPDATA%/Blizzard/World of Warcraft/<YourAccount>" at "%ProgramFiles%/World of Warcraft/WTF/<YourAccount>".
Cannot be done through Explorer. :) Find your way and tool. You should be able to do so.

Step 7:
That's all. Log in your another char and see if you have it's settings created in the "%APPDATA%/Blizzard/World of Warcraft/<YourAccount>/<YourAnotherChar>".

I *really* hope it would work. Otherwise, I'd say M$ really stupid... >.>

Advantages? Ok, you asking, I tell you.
You'll be able to have different system accounts to have their own WoW profiles stored inside system profiles. Easy to backup, transfer, etc.
And for patchdays, it's Real Simple. Unlink WTF/** folders.
Update. See if all works ok in first place. Cleanup WTF folder and link your profiles back. See if all works as expected. Make adjustments, shuffle backups etc. As you need.

Vyper 09-15-08 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Dreadlorde (Post 92038)
Not everyone uses winblows, there's no reason for Blizzard to change the way the install/patch because M$ makes Vista overly-secure.

UAC is not overly secure. UAC is a basic security feature based on a concept the virtually every other operating system has implemented, which is that you should never be running administrative privileges when you do not need them. I say virtually only because I cannot guarantee theres not some obscure OS out there that does not. All operating systems I have used to date have had this kind of feature, but as usual Microsoft is a bit behind the game. Requiring the user to manually grant administrative privileges, often times give them the heads up that... "OH CRAP maybe this program isn't the Tetris clone I thought it was".


Originally Posted by AnrDaemon (Post 102165)
Well, it is not "UAC bad", it is "Virtualization bad".
It just hides the fact that problem (Program writing data in installation folder) exists.

Its not even strictly "Virtualization bad". This was a necessary step for Microsoft to take, as this is something that never existed in their OS before. From an economic standpoint they simply cannot release an operating system which refuses to run 80% of the programs that are already in use on their old OS, as for some off the wall reason people get pissy when they don't work on the new one. There is no perfect solution, but the virtualization works for many programs.

AnrDaemon 09-15-08 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Vyper (Post 102183)
Its not even strictly "Virtualization bad". This was a necessary step for Microsoft to take, as this is something that never existed in their OS before. From an economic standpoint they simply cannot release an operating system which refuses to run 80% of the programs that are already in use on their old OS, as for some off the wall reason people get pissy when they don't work on the new one. There is no perfect solution, but the virtualization works for many programs.

It was there already for ages. Of course, many users weren't suffered by that in case they were working as system administrators...
I'd say it should be done way-way early, with Win2k probably.

And to one who said "WoW is not runned on windows exclusively so there's no reason for Blizzard to change the way" - that's even GREATER reason... Mac is a *NIX style OS as far as I know, thus using classic *NIX-like separation of programs, configuration data and user personal data.
I *DUNNO* why Blizzard so unaware of this fact. And if they ever considering Linux release, as many more users moving to Linux in case of Vista release (they can't sustain it's stupidity).

Kaomie 09-15-08 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by AnrDaemon (Post 102203)
And if they ever considering Linux release, as many more users moving to Linux in case of Vista release (they can't sustain it's stupidity).

WoW works just fine under Linux with Wine in OpenGL mode.
And it is not even hard to install with any modern distribution.

Vyper 09-15-08 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by AnrDaemon (Post 102203)
It was there already for ages. Of course, many users weren't suffered by that in case they were working as system administrators...
I'd say it should be done way-way early, with Win2k probably.

Your grammar makes it tough for me to be sure what your trying to say here, but I think your trying to say UAC like features were available in Win2k+, which they are not. In Win2k-XP if you are an administrator, you are running with administrator privileges always, rather than elevating on demand.

You are correct, OSX is a *nix OS.


Originally Posted by Kaomie (Post 102204)
WoW works just fine under Linux with Wine in OpenGL mode.
And it is not even hard to install with any modern distribution.

The point is that we shouldn't need to run under WINE. WINE introduces new overhead as it must emulate a Windows system, as well as the fact that WINE still has some stability issues, and sound delay (though it is much better than it once was).

Dreadlorde 09-15-08 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Vyper (Post 102205)
The point is that we shouldn't need to run under WINE. WINE introduces new overhead as it must emulate a Windows system, as well as the fact that WINE still has some stability issues, and sound delay (though it is much better than it once was).

Wine is a recursive acronym, standing for 'Wine Is Not an Emulator'.


Originally Posted by
Wine is a translation layer (a program loader) capable of running Windows applications on Linux and other POSIX compatible operating systems. Windows programs running in Wine act as native programs would, running without the performance or memory usage penalties of an emulator, with a similar look and feel to other applications on your desktop.

AnrDaemon 09-16-08 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Kaomie (Post 102204)
WoW works just fine under Linux with Wine in OpenGL mode.
And it is not even hard to install with any modern distribution.

WoW is not my work tool. Sadly :)


Originally Posted by Vyper (Post 102205)
Your grammar makes it tough for me to be sure what your trying to say here, but I think your trying to say UAC like features were available in Win2k+, which they are not. In Win2k-XP if you are an administrator, you are running with administrator privileges always, rather than elevating on demand.

I was unclear. I mean, that restrictions were applied to %ProgramFiles% even before W2k (in all systems supporting NTFS, unsure about HPFS).
And the way default users is set must be changed in W2k (when MS considered to abandon W9x' line and started to line things up to WinXP as replacement for both NT(W2k as the moment) and 9x based OS.
Simple demand for default user to be in "Users" group rather tan Administrator would help alot, disturb whole development and build right coding practice in 1,5-2 years easily. Now it is too late, *nix-like OS' progressed to the level where they can easily concur with windows for everyday work. And every thing MS did bad (Vista) more users going to *nix. I just clearly see it as increased population on *nix-related forums.


The point is that we shouldn't need to run under WINE. WINE introduces new overhead as it must emulate a Windows system, as well as the fact that WINE still has some stability issues, and sound delay (though it is much better than it once was).
WINE is not an emulator, it is RTE library. Much like libc or msvcp60. Plus loader. If you understand what I mean :)

Back to topic. Can anyone give a feedback to my first post? Does it really work as expected?

Shirik 09-16-08 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by AnrDaemon (Post 102252)
Back to topic. Can anyone give a feedback to my first post? Does it really work as expected?

I don't really see the point to your post, actually. You're just installing to a different folder, same as if you were to do something like install to C:\Games. You're just putting it in a more complicated location which is already used by the OS for some other purpose as well.

Yes, it should work. I don't see the point though, sadly.

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