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hasnogaems 03-07-20 08:49 PM

Found this on wowlazymacros. 1 button rotation?
What it do?

#showtooltip Colossus Smash
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,0,Victory Rush
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,0,Slam
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Overpower
/castsequence reset=0.3 0,Mortal Strike
/castsequence reset=0.3 Colossus Smash
/cast !Colossus Smash

hasnogaems 03-07-20 10:15 PM

Tested it. It kinda 1 button rotation but u need to spam it to skip abilities that on cd. So not rly viable.

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