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Cairenn 08-24-05 02:18 PM

API changes from 1.6.1 to 0.7.0 (1700)
Iriel's list of actual API changes between 1.6.1 and 0.7.0

Here's a list of all of the API level changes I've found between the live
code and the 0.7.0 (1700) build on test. I have not included the changes to
FrameXML code here (I'd imagine they're quite substantial)


* NEW Frame:EnableMouseWheel
* NEW child1,child2,... = Frame:GetChildren()
* NEW strata = Frame:GetFrameStrata()
* NEW num = Frame:GetNumChildren()
* NEW function = Frame:GetScript("handler")
* NEW Frame:SetBackdrop([backdropTable])
* NEW Frame:SetFrameStrata("strata")
* NEW Frame:SetParent(parent or "parent")
* NEW Frame:SetScript("handler", function)

* NEW r,g,b,a = FontString:GetTextColor()
* NEW FontString:SetFont("font", size [, "flags"]);

* NEW lines = EditBox:GetHistoryLines()
* NEW EditBox:SetHistoryLines(lines)
* NEW EditBox:SetIgnoreArrows([isIgnored])

* REMOVED GameTooltip:SetMoneyWidth(width)
* NEW GameTooltip:SetMinimumWidth(width)

* NEW ScrollingMessageFrame:Clear()
* NEW ScrollingMessageFrame:EnableFading([isEnabled])
* NEW lines = ScrollingMessageFrame:GetMaxLines()
* NEW ScrollingMessageFrame:SetFadeDuration(dseconds)
* NEW ScrollingMessageFrame:SetMaxLines(lines)
* NEW ScrollingMessageFrame:SetTimeVisible(seconds)

* NEW SimpleHTML:SetHyperlinkFormat

* NEW StatusBar:SetStatusBarTexture("file" [,"layer"])

* REMOVED PlayerModel:UpdateModel();

* NEW Frame Type DressUpModel (inherits from PlayerModel)
* NEW DressUpModel:Dress()
* NEW DressUpModel:TryOn(item)
* NEW DressUpModel:Undress()


* NEW BindEnchant()
* NEW canJoin = CanJoinBattlefieldAsGroup()
* NEW CancelAreaSpiritHeal()
* REMOVED ChatFrameLog(x) -- Replaced with LoggingChat
* NEW inRange = CheckBinderDist() -- Check distance to hearthstone binder.
* NEW inRange = CheckPetUntrainerDist() -- Check distance to pet trainer.
* NEW ConfirmBinder() -- Confirm hearthstone binding
* UPDATED ConfirmLootRoll(id, rollType) -- New rolltype arg (1=need, 2=greed)
* NEW ConfirmPetUnlearn() -- Confirm pet training unlearn
* NEW CreateMiniWorldMapArrowFrame("parentFrame") -- Create arrow frame for minimap (battlefield minimap)
* NEW CrateWorldMapArrowFrame("parentFrame") -- Create arrow frame for world map.
* NEW GetActionAutocast(slot)
* NEW dep1,dep2,... = GetAddOnDependencies(index or "name")
* NEW name,title,notes,enabled,loadable,reason,security = GetAddOnInfo(index or "name")
* NEW count = GetNumAddOns()
* UPDATED GetNumGuildMembers([includeOffline]) -- Added flag
* NEW count = GetPlayerBuffApplications(buffIndex) -- Get # of buffs stacked
* NEW autoCastAllowed,autoCastEnabled = GetSpellAutocast(id, book)
* NEW loaded = IsAddOnLoaded(index or "name")
* NEW isConsumable = IsConsumableAction(slot)
* NEW loaded,reason = LoadAddon(index or "name")
* NEW isLogging = LoggingChat([newState])
* NEW isLogging = LoggingCombat([newState])
* NEW PetStopAttack()
* NEW PositionMiniWorldMapArrowFrame("point", "frame"[ ,relativePoint] [,offsetX, offsetY])
* NEW PositionWorldMapArrowFrame("point", "frame"[ ,relativePoint] [,offsetX, offsetY])
* NEW ResetChatColors()
* NEW RestoreVideoDefaults()
* UPDATED RollOnLoot(id, rollType) -- Updated rolltype arg (0=pass, 1=need, 2=greed)
* NEW ShowMiniWorldMapArrowFrame(isShown)
* NEW ShowWorldMapArrowFrame(isShown)
* REMOVED ToggleCombatLogFileWrite() -- Replaced with LoggingCombat
* NEW ToggleSpellAutocast(id, book)
* NEW UpdateWorldMapArrowFrames()
* NEW debugbreak
* NEW debugdump
* NEW debugload
* NEW debugprint
* NEW debugprofilestart
* NEW debugprofilestop
* NEW debugtimestamp


* UPDATED CameraOrSelectOrMoveStart() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED CameraOrSelectOrMoveStop([x]) - Removed time argument
* UPDATED CameraZoomIn(x) - Removed time argument
* UPDATED CameraZoomOut(x) - Removed time argument
* UPDATED MoveBackwardStart() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED MoveBackwardStop() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED MoveForwardStart() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED MoveForwardStop() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED PitchDownStart() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED PitchDownStop() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED PitchUpStart() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED PitchUpStop() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED StrafeLeftStart() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED StrafeLeftStop() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED StrafeRightStart() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED StrafeRightStop() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED ToggleRun() - Removed argument
* UPDATED TurnLeftStart() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED TurnLeftStop() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED TurnOrActionStart() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED TurnOrActionStop() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED TurnRightStart() - Removed time argument
* UPDATED TurnRightStop() - Removed time argument

(Originally posted here)

Littlejohn 08-24-05 03:33 PM

How appropriate that DressUpModel rendered in a big cheesy grin!

Cairenn 08-24-05 03:38 PM

ROFL! Thanks for catching it, hadn't even noticed. ;)

Beladona 08-24-05 06:41 PM

the test server notes, compares, and file snapshots are on

Cairenn 08-24-05 06:55 PM

Thanks Bela. :)

Kaelten 08-24-05 08:14 PM

I noticed that the file that contained things like gsub = string.gsub is now missing, does that mean that these shortcuts have been removed or have they just been moved to a different file?

bsmorgan 08-24-05 08:21 PM

I'm using the MonkeyQuest, MonkeySpeed, and MonkeyBuddy addons which I don't think are being maintained anymore.


claims that ITEM_QUALITY6_TOOLTIP_COLOR is nil. Where would I find out what has changed here and an appropriate substitute?

Thanks for all the work you've all done to document the changes. I've bookmarked a bunch of stuff tonight!



Kaelten 08-24-05 08:52 PM

ITEM_QUALI TY6_TOOLTI P_COLOR = { r = 1.0, g = 0.5, b = 0 };

was the original line included in GameTooltip.lua but it was removed in 1.7

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