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luzienne 09-27-06 06:26 PM

Since the wowace website is down for now, is there somewhere that I can get a copy of ag_unitframes (a compiliation or something)?

also, does anyone have a copy of all the slash-commands, info, or whatever is needed to use it? (I haven't used it yet, but really want to give it a try. perl-frames just isn't cutting it, and I want something other then DUF, since it eats up so much memory)

thanks in advance :)

Farook 09-27-06 09:44 PM


Since the wowace website is down for now, ....
For me it is back for quiet some time already:


also, does anyone have a copy of all the slash-commands, info, or whatever is needed to use it? (scroll down a bit)


watkins 09-27-06 09:59 PM

I got ag unit frames yesterday, i love it, much easier on the memory,

type /aguf config

thats the only slash command you need

luzienne 09-27-06 11:19 PM

thanks for the info.

yeah, i just noticed the site was back up.


Pred 09-30-06 05:47 AM

I have a question.

I installed the ag_UnitFrames but it seems my default Blizzard Unit Frames are still up on the top left....I do not know how to get rid of them..any ideas?

And also; How do I get Target's target w/ these ag_UnitFrames...doesn't seem to want to show up for me either.

NLO 10-12-06 10:33 AM

*EDIT* Ignore this post :p

OK; I'll just ask this here so I don't open a new thread just for a simple question.

I want the frame of my target to be located to the right (as close as possible) to my characters frame, but, seeing as my buffs are also shown to the right of my frame (which I don't want anyway), the targets frame has to be located pretty long away from it (or under the buffs location) in order not to make the buff icons appear over/under it.
And I don't need to see my buffs/auras/... beside my characters frame anyway, cause I already see that info appearing to the left of my minimap.

Here's a screenshot showing what I want.
-> So; Here it is - How can I disable showing icons (buffs, auras, etc.) beside the players frame (Note that I still want to keep showing buffs by my targets and party frames), or, if it's not possible to turn them off / hide them, How can I hide showing the icons to the left of my minimap (Blizzard style)?


*EDIT* Lol; After tinkering a bit with it I figured out that the buff icons are reffered to as "Auras" so I've solved my problem now =P
Sorry for spamming :cool:

Barras 10-12-06 11:13 AM

/aguf config

Unit Frames --> Player --> Aura Style --> Hidden

EDIT: heh, figured it out while I was posting... :)

Iggeth 10-28-06 05:07 AM

Luzienne, as in Lia? If it is... What a co-incidence... It's Etherius.


Zenima 11-01-06 03:16 AM

Is it possible to use agUF only for its raid frames, but Perl Classic UF for the others (player, target, party, tot, pet) without significant impact on the UI performance? I know both addons are very well coded, but I'm not sure they are compatible this way. Have any of you tried it?
Thanks for the answers in advance.

aastarius 11-01-06 08:50 AM

Dunno about Perl but ag_unitFrames will let you have Player, Target, Party, Raid enabled or disabled at will so shouldnt be a problem if all you want it for is the raid frames. that said, if thats all you want why not give perfectRaid a try for raid frames.

Zenima 11-01-06 09:42 AM

I know perfectRaid, but it's quite different, from what I want. I'm rather looking for something more CT_RA like. But thanks for the tip!
I've seen ag_UF's raid part on this picture, and it's simply amazing :)

Barras 11-01-06 12:59 PM

iirc, perl classic is modular so you can delete the folders for any parts you're not using to save some bloat. Aside from that I doubt there'll be any problem running both and mix/matching parts from them apart from the obvious slight waste of resources. Plenty of people run aguf for most frames and a seperate addon for the raid frames.

Any particular reason why you want to keep perl rather than just swapping it out completely for aguf?

Zenima 11-01-06 02:28 PM

In fact, Perl Classic does not include a raid frame system in default, that's why I'm looking for a nice looking raid frame sys. Since I have no problems with Perl and the author does great job at coding and with functions, I'd like to keep it.
I'm going to try how they work together, but as you said they must be quite smooth. Thanks for the answers.

Echarion 11-01-06 02:46 PM

Well, Perl offers raid frames, but they arent included in the "normal" perl package and you have to download them additionally :) you can get them here.

Singh31 12-07-06 07:18 PM

Hmmm I'm having a small problem with agUF at the moment and sadly can't get to the main page for the mod with the site being push to the limit.

My problem/error is that the command for hiding party in a raid doesn't seem to work :( Does anyone know how to fix this?

(Sorry for not searching for an answer, but I can't seem to get the page for the mod and check there :( )

Mizpah 12-08-06 10:50 AM

profiles \ party frames issues
Hey Guys,

I am aware that most people have stated that party frames don't hide in raid, however I thought I would get around this by using Gyro (found on this site) and running command lines.

My first thought was to type the commands for hiding the party frames, but that does not seem to exist. After more thought I realised that I could change the profile from the command line - fantastic, as i could then to frame positions and all sorts, and have raid and non raid frames .

And thats where my problem lies - I have created two profiles - they *are* different I can compare the options in them, however when I chnage the profiles from the command line, nothing changes other than i recieve the message that the profile has changed!

So is the error with ag_unitframe, or the Ace2 profile system, or have I just got somthing fundimentally wrong ??

Thanks in advance,


llockejr 12-08-06 01:48 PM

Current bug in AGUF is that Party Frames are no longer hidden when Joining a Raid or Forming a Raid.

Minor bug, but still felt I should report it.

HughJarse 12-09-06 02:32 PM

Anyone know whats happened to the "group by" option in the raid view? before 2.0 ag_uf had a really nice group by healer/dps option. It's gone now and I miss it :(

Enzos 12-09-06 02:43 PM


i have a question about the debuffs listened under my group portraits.
The debuffs just apears in a different color in the middle of all the other buffs, so it`s really hard to figure out that there is a debuff that has to be dispelled.

Is it possible to place the buffs below my group members and to place the debuffs to the right of them so that i can see if there really is a debuff or not ?

Thanks alot.


txamethyst 12-09-06 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by Enzos

i have a question about the debuffs listened under my group portraits.
The debuffs just apears in a different color in the middle of all the other buffs, so it`s really hard to figure out that there is a debuff that has to be dispelled.

Is it possible to place the buffs below my group members and to place the debuffs to the right of them so that i can see if there really is a debuff or not ?

Thanks alot.


change the auras to two rows. this puts buffs on one line debuffs on the second. also, filter the debuffs to show only what you can dispel/cure. it gets a little cramped depending on how you scale the frames though. this should take care of wanting to move them to a different position.

good luck ;)

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