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OldHarry 08-27-09 04:07 PM

Want a working updater
I want and need a working updater for my adds. Minion seldom works properly, Curse Client has ceased to function. There is something about running a mac makes many adds not function when I just unzip them and move ALL the files into the add on folder. So yes I need an updater. And yes I have been supporting the mods I rely on most.

Gsusnme 08-27-09 05:37 PM

As of right now, there are not a lot of options. Curse only works for Curse, Minion only works for WoWI at the moment, WoWMatrix (EVAL) is now blocked by both said sites. I believe had an updater, but that (obviously) works only for that website as well. You could try Curse 4.0 (available at WowAce last I checked) or just send in bug reports and detailed information for the WoWI team so they can help fix the problems you are having.

OldHarry 08-27-09 05:44 PM

LIke I said Curse is not working and I have been to their site and can't give them error messages because it closes to soon to see anything.

Petrah 08-27-09 06:45 PM

Looks like the only thing you are left with is manual updates. :(

OldHarry 08-27-09 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Silenia (Post 156385)
Looks like the only thing you are left with is manual updates. :(

Too bad not all adds work on a mac when you unzip them manually.

zero-kill 08-27-09 07:49 PM

I don't mean to be pushy or insensitive, but you didn't buy a Mac for gaming. :rolleyes:

Seerah 08-27-09 07:55 PM


Originally Posted by OldHarry (Post 156395)
Too bad not all adds work on a mac when you unzip them manually.

They will all work. Perhaps they are not unzipping properly?

jonathon 08-27-09 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by zero-kill (Post 156400)
I don't mean to be pushy or insensitive, but you didn't buy a Mac for gaming. :rolleyes:

this is an unfounded idea... I run a mac and have NO problems with any of the games I WANT to play... but that is besides the point of this thread.

As for the updaters not working. have you tried fresh installs of both the curse client and mmoui's? I run both and have not had any problems since the last core update was released for MMOUI's...

As far as unzipping and then moving them over. that is how I install most of my new addons (ones I am testing to see if I like them). and have not problems.

some things to try...

1 check software update on the clients to make sure they are all up to date
2 update OSX (run software updater and apply everything there)
3 tell us which addons are not "unzipping correctly" so that we may assist with them if possible.

Yhor 08-27-09 10:15 PM

Dolby posted a nice pictorial tut for a Mac. I can't find it anywhere...

More than likely, what you are experiencing is the 'folder in folder' syndrome. If an addon you unzip to the correct location doesn't show up on your addons list, look inside the folder itself to be sure you see a .toc and not another folder.

Hope you find a solution.

OldHarry 08-28-09 06:44 AM


Originally Posted by zero-kill (Post 156400)
I don't mean to be pushy or insensitive, but you didn't buy a Mac for gaming. :rolleyes:

Not all of us have the financial resources to have the computer we would like to have. This hand me down imac replaced a seriously outdated, patched together, hodge podge of a set up with a 20g internal hard drive and was a serious step up from that. I did not buy a gaming system I was looking for something that would serve me for all around general purpose use. When I got this computer it's primary purpose was audio books and it does those very well.

OldHarry 08-28-09 06:48 AM


Originally Posted by jonathon (Post 156425)
this is an unfounded idea... I run a mac and have NO problems with any of the games I WANT to play... but that is besides the point of this thread.

As for the updaters not working. have you tried fresh installs of both the curse client and mmoui's? I run both and have not had any problems since the last core update was released for MMOUI's...

As far as unzipping and then moving them over. that is how I install most of my new addons (ones I am testing to see if I like them). and have not problems.

some things to try...

1 check software update on the clients to make sure they are all up to date
2 update OSX (run software updater and apply everything there)
3 tell us which addons are not "unzipping correctly" so that we may assist with them if possible.

I tried for a year to run questhelper and cartographer - both very unsuccessfully until I found wowmatrix. Questhelper was always breaking and then I found carbonite which is a wonderful add. I do have trouble getting it to install properly when it updates and usually have to do it about 4 times, all using the identical steps until it "takes". There just seems to be something about the way stuff it unzips things that doesn't always unzip everything.

tinyu 08-28-09 08:42 AM

you have 2 options either download them manually and seriously if your mac isnt that look like it sounds like your saying then you shouldnt be using that many mods anyway, options 2 write your own updater.

jonathon 08-28-09 10:47 AM

What OS are you using? tiger? leopard? panther?! I know cartographer as well as questhelper are packaged as folders inside of folders...

remember it goes [wow directory]/interface/addons/addon folder/addon stuff( the .TOC file should be at this level)

you can have folders inside the "addon stuff" portion, but there should at least be a .toc and .lua file, some also have a .xml file.

ravagernl 08-28-09 11:22 AM

I'm running OSx 10.5 and I can tell you Curse Client 3.0.8 works just fine. You sometimes get an error but you just have to press cancel on that to ignore the error. Installing/updating/deleting just works fine with it.

Also, there is the generic java manager Shirik has written before he began Minion. You can install AddOns in it by ID or by a list of favorites. It also does automatic backups before updating stuff.

Bluspacecow 08-30-09 10:50 AM

I'm running OS X 10.5.8 and personally don't see the need for an updater program.

I haven't used one to update any of my addons since December 2008.

I have all of the addons I use favorite-d on the 3 major sites (Curse,WowI and wowace). When one of my addons updates I get an email about it.

I update maybe every 2 or 3 weeks usually on a maintenance night and that's only because that's when I do my backup and clearing of old emails schedule.

But enough about that (too each to their own huh :) )

When installing addons I take note of one little rule the wow client follows when loading addons :

It will only look 1 folder deep when loading addons from wow folder/interface/addons.




In the examples above AddonA should load and show up in the addons screen.

AddonB meanwhile will not because the wow client can't find it's .toc header file.

Petrah 08-30-09 11:08 AM

I think the main issue here with a lot of people is not knowing how to properly open an archived file and place it where it needs to go. Often times due to that, people will prefer an updater rather than learn how to properly install an addon manually.

MikeB 08-30-09 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by OldHarry (Post 156471)
There just seems to be something about the way stuff it unzips things that doesn't always unzip everything.

Well there's your problem...

StuffIt is good for some things. Extracting ZIP files is not always one of them.

Mac OS X's built in ZIP functions work much better.

To give Archive Utility control of .zip files:

Right click on the .zip file, choose "Get Info". In the popup menu in the "Open with:" section of the Get Info window, choose Archive Utility then click "Change All..." then "Continue"

You should find things working out much better.

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