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Haleth 09-25-10 07:58 AM

Replacing Blizz textures with empty ones

For a while I've been trying to replace the default Blizzard textures in the Interface folder with 'empty' textures - textures with the same size, but simply completely transparent, so the end result appears without any visible textures at all. Then, I'd simply add a custom frame in lua with a background and boom, restyled the Blizz frames.

Thing is though, I'm not good with Photoshop and Gimp. No matter what I do, when I make the textures fully transparent, they always appear in solid green ingame. I think I'm doing something wrong with the format, but I've no clue.

Can anyone help me out here?

Ailae 09-25-10 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by Wowwiki
Images that have non-power of two dimensions will show up as solid green textures.

Have you checked the sizes?

Haleth 09-25-10 08:48 AM

I have. No luck. :(

grom 09-25-10 09:03 AM

something to do with the alpha channel of the texture file?

don't know much about it, but remember something alike for transparent gifs

Xinhuan 09-25-10 09:32 AM

The texture must be saved in 32-bit format (i.e must have a alpha channel, full RGBA). The minimum width and height is 16 and the maximum is 1024 and both must be powers of 2, they don't have to be equal. The TGA texture can be saved with or without RLE (run-length encoding).

Haleth 09-25-10 10:37 AM

Alright - I'll pay attention to that. Thanks :)

sacrife 09-25-10 11:48 AM

If your going to to do what I think you're doing, I am more than willing to help. I know my way around photoshop, and as the others said the alpha channels or bit is the problem.

Haleth 09-25-10 01:09 PM

That'd be great. Currently the way it looks it's going to take a very long time - the only tool I have to convert blp files often crashes and is horribly outdated, then GIMP is incredibly slow on my Mac as well.

If a set of fully transparent textures could be maintained, it'd benefit a lot of people, as it would make skinning default windows very easy.

Seerah 09-25-10 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by Xinhuan (Post 207260)
The minimum width and height is 16

Nah, the minimum is 8. Maybe even 4. I've never tried 2, though.

Xinhuan 09-25-10 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Haleth (Post 207277)
That'd be great. Currently the way it looks it's going to take a very long time - the only tool I have to convert blp files often crashes and is horribly outdated, then GIMP is incredibly slow on my Mac as well.

If a set of fully transparent textures could be maintained, it'd benefit a lot of people, as it would make skinning default windows very easy.

Wait - why do you need to convert BLP files? WoW can use TGA files directly, no need to convert.

Haleth 09-25-10 02:05 PM



That makes things so much easier. I always thought the Interface folders needed blp files.

grom 09-25-10 03:48 PM

1 Attachment(s)
this is a transparent 8*8 .blp zipped. just copy and rename it to the textures you want to hide

e: initial wording was misleading

sacrife 09-25-10 07:30 PM

WoW can use .tga but if you want to replace the default textures from Interface/x you need to use .blp.

I have proper .blp converters which work fine if needed.

Xinhuan 09-25-10 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by sacrife (Post 207308)
WoW can use .tga but if you want to replace the default textures from Interface/x you need to use .blp.

That's true, I forgot the replacing part (lol)

d87 09-25-10 10:58 PM

Why don't just use :SetVertexColor(1,1,1,0) ?

Seerah 09-26-10 12:15 AM

That takes up memory (and time).

Haleth 09-26-10 06:13 AM


Originally Posted by grom (Post 207295)
this is a transparent 8*8 .blp zipped. just copy and rename it to the textures you want to hide

e: initial wording was misleading

I love you.


WIP of course, it will take a while to replace all the right textures. But, it works!

nim12 02-20-16 01:22 AM

hey is this still even possible to do ?

Seerah 02-20-16 01:22 PM

Of course.

nim12 02-20-16 01:38 PM

i guess im not understanding on how to do it?

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