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Xrystal 04-20-18 08:01 AM

Missing Frames, Events and Functions in Battle For Azeroth
Granted this is from a quick nUI test, but I had got it working for Legion Beta, so assume these were changed in Battle For Azeroth. nUI on Login resulted in 33 unique error messages, some were these events, others what appeared to be Blizzard functions and the rest nUI functions.

>Attempt to register unknown event "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED"
>Attempt to register unknown event "UNIT_AURA_STATE"
>Attempt to register unknown event "UNIT_SPELLCAST_SPELLMISS"
>Attempt to register unknown event "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED"
>Attempt to register unknown event "UNIT_COMBO_POINTS"
>Attempt to register unknown event "UNIT_PVP_UPDATE"
>Attempt to register unknown event "RUNE_TYPE_UPDATE"
>Attempt to register unknown event "UPDATE_WORLD_STATES"

Functions (assumed Blizzard Functions not nUI) :
>attempt to index global 'BattlefieldMinimap' (a nil value)
>attempt to call upvalue 'GetPlayerMapPosition' (a nil value)

Frames (assumed Blizzard Frames not nUI) :
>Couldn't find inherited node: SecureFrame

This is an event that flagged up as missing when testing my mage portals addon
>Attempt to register unknown event "PARTY_CONVERTED_TO_RAID"

These came up while logging in with Titan Panel ( and its built in modules activated ) so I could test my Alt ILevel Addon
>Attempt to register unknown event "MINIMAP_ZONE_CHANGED"
>Attempt to register unknown event "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED" ---- Same as above
>attempt to index global 'WorldStateAlwaysUpFrame' (a nil value)

And my Alt ILevel addon came up with this one
>Attempt to register unknown event "PLAYER_AVG_ITEM_LEVEL_READY"

bsmorgan 04-20-18 08:54 AM

Add events that can't be registered for:
  • SPELL_NAME_UPDATE (although this one never fired in a released version)

Fizzlemizz 04-20-18 03:48 PM

It looks like they've taken the rank returns out of functions like UnitBuff, UnitDebuff, UnitCastingInfo, UnitChannelInfo.

Aftermathhqt 04-20-18 04:57 PM

  • GetPetActionInfo -- 1 arg removed
  • PET_BAR_HIDE -- Removed?

Zensunim 04-20-18 08:15 PM

COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED seems to be returning nothing back.

Looks like you have to use CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo() instead.

Fizzlemizz 04-20-18 10:49 PM

More information

Voxxel 04-21-18 06:01 AM

Does anyone know what's the BfA replacement for "QuestLogQuests_GetTitleButton" function?

VincentSDSH 04-21-18 10:25 AM

Are the documentation .lua files up to date? I ask because they document several functions that, when called, don't seem to exist.

And anyone know of an up-to-date Removed/Name_Changed/Similar API comparison? The map/location related ones are killing me atm.

Xrystal 04-21-18 02:07 PM


Originally Posted by VincentSDSH (Post 327632)
Are the documentation .lua files up to date? I ask because they document several functions that, when called, don't seem to exist.

And anyone know of an up-to-date Removed/Name_Changed/Similar API comparison? The map/location related ones are killing me atm.

I think Ellypse's wow-ui-source files on github have been updated 2 days ago, coinciding with the last update.

And the link Fizzlemizz posted has some additional notes on what they have found to be changed.

Comparing the same files between versions will hopefully highlight event and function name changes.

Xrystal 04-21-18 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Voxxel (Post 327622)
Does anyone know what's the BfA replacement for "QuestLogQuests_GetTitleButton" function?

It appears they changed how the Quest Buttons are created. There is now the following function that looks to be the nearest to what the old one did and more.


function QuestLogQuests_AddQuestButton(prevButton, questLogIndex, poiTable, title, level, suggestedGroup, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete, frequency, questID, startEvent, displayQuestID, isOnMap, hasLocalPOI, isTask, isBounty, isStory, isHidden, isScaling, layoutIndex)
It takes up lines 488 to 660 and looks to be what you have to use now ..

Here is a portion of the Legion QuestMapFrame.lua file that has the function you are talking about.


        if (not headerCollapsed) then
                local totalHeight = 8;
                titleIndex = titleIndex + 1;
                button = QuestLogQuests_GetTitleButton(titleIndex);
                button.questID = questID;
                ....... A ton of lines setting the button up ....
                prevButton = button;

And this is the same part in the BfA version of the same file.


if (not headerCollapsed or C_CampaignInfo.IsCampaignQuest(questID)) then
        local layoutKey = "Other";
        if (C_CampaignInfo.IsCampaignQuest(questID)) then
                layoutKey = "Campaign";
        prevButton = QuestLogQuests_AddQuestButton(prevButton, questLogIndex, poiTable, title, level,
      suggestedGroup, isHeader, isCollapsed, isComplete, frequency, questID, startEvent, displayQuestID,
      isOnMap, hasLocalPOI, isTask, isBounty, isStory, isHidden, isScaling,

p3lim 04-22-18 11:54 AM

oUF will have a PR dedicated to the expansion, containing unitframe-related changes:

Voxxel 04-22-18 03:40 PM

Thank you, Xrystal!

Ellypse 04-24-18 04:05 AM

Thank you Fizzlemizz and Xrystal for linking to my observations and my GitHub :D

Please note that I have also started updating the API changes article on Wowpedia with the things I am able to test and confirm in-game. If you can, please consider participating in this article to gather all the changes.

thomasjohnshannon 04-24-18 02:12 PM

Blue post with changes went up today.

JDoubleU00 04-24-18 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by thomasjohnshannon (Post 327686)
Blue post with changes went up today.

Wow (no pun intended), would it be easier to list what isn't changing?

Nevcairiel 04-24-18 05:03 PM

The changes are really not that bad. Most come down to removing the spell rank from all sorts of places and in some cases also going away from spell name in favor of spellID. All of those are relatively easy to fix.

The Map is the area which really breaks a lot, though.

Vrul 04-24-18 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Nevcairiel (Post 327688)
in some cases also going away from spell name in favor of spellID

Does anyone know if you can /cast a spell with a spellID instead of a spellName with Beta?

Also, could anyone tell me if IsHarmfulSpell and IsHelpfulSpell take spellID again or still just spellName?

Xrystal 04-24-18 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by Vrul (Post 327691)
Does anyone know if you can /cast a spell with a spellID instead of a spellName with Beta?

Also, could anyone tell me if IsHarmfulSpell and IsHelpfulSpell take spellID again or still just spellName?

Looks like you still have to use SpellName to get access to that information at the moment. Just tested it.

What is interesting is that the following code block

    GameTooltip:AddLine(IsHarmfulSpell(spellName) or "Helpful",1.0,1.0,1.0)
    GameTooltip:AddLine(IsHelpfulSpell(spellName) or "Harmful",1.0,1.0,1.0)

Resulted in Helpful in all cases except for the spells I didn't know/have in my spellbook, or were party specific spells - AKA Portals. Those returned both settings.

sezz 04-25-18 08:33 AM

RegisterUnitEvent seems bugged, simple test code:

Lua Code:
  1. /run local f = CreateFrame("Frame");f:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_POWER_BAR_HIDE", "player");print(f:IsEventRegistered("UNIT_POWER_BAR_HIDE"));

IsEventRegistered return values on Live: true player
IsEventRegistered return values on Beta (26491): true

I don't know if it has been like this in the previous builds aswell, just stumbled upon it when updating some addons.

Rilgamon 04-25-18 09:25 AM

Is an invite required? I just installed beta and logged in.

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