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Cairenn 05-25-09 02:00 AM

Update: 25 May
For info, in the last week and a half, Shirik has flown from his University in Florida to Washington State to take up his Internship position for the summer and started it. The place he is staying at still doesn't have internet access in place yet, so everything he's done has been via his crackberry. When he headed out there, he expected to have proper internet access when he arrived. Discovering he didn't hasn't helped any.

Sorry for the continued delay, all.

Kimmik 05-25-09 02:36 AM

It is ok... release it when you are ready to. Considering that this is a free updater that you all are busting your proverbial balls over we can wait.

I know I do not even have the first clue when it comes to this mod stuff. I am a great tester... but ask me to code something and you will get a very blond stare. LOL

For all my fellow mod junkies... lets stop asking when... and just be patient. I know it is hard... sorta like a child waiting for xmas to come... I know I check the site every chance I get.... But asking when and the like just adds pressure to the team. But they want to release a beta quality product. Beta's have bugs yes but they are closer to release and as many have said... Many people go... oh this is ****ty.... (forgetting that it is a Beta) and then tell their friends etc...

*huggles all the mod devs* Thanks for making my gaming easier.... thanks for your time.... and now I will go back to lurking... and waiting... and drooling... *grins*

MadCow 05-25-09 04:29 AM

I just noticed my local McDonalds now has Wi-Fi, check the ones in your area ;)

But whatever the case. No big hurry. measure twice cut once.

Zyonin 05-25-09 04:57 AM

Ah, don't we just looovvveeee waiting on the local cable/telephone company to drag their lazy posteriors over to get the install taken care of? They will be real glad to take our money but reluctant to acutally provide the service.

Bomyne 05-25-09 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Lykofos (Post 138271)
Ah, don't we just looovvveeee waiting on the local cable/telephone company to drag their lazy posteriors over to get the install taken care of? They will be real glad to take our money but reluctant to acutally provide the service.

And here I was thinking it was just Aussie telephone companies doing that... :P

Mordreade 05-25-09 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Lykofos (Post 138271)
Ah, don't we just looovvveeee waiting on WoWUI to drag their lazy posteriors over to get the install taken care of? They will be real glad to take our money but reluctant to acutally provide the service.

Why are you waiting on this guy to get around to this if he has other priority's?
I cant envision your addon updater being so revolutionary that this kind of wait should be tolerated. I say tolerated, because you continually tell him that "it's ok, you understand, it's no big deal, whenever your ready" when all he keeps saying is how he has to do this and that, but will get to the addon when he can.

Truthfully, what you SHOULD have done, was work with WoWMatrix instead of killing it. They had the better updater period. All they needed was guidance from the affected sites to make everyone happy. But instead we are left waiting and wonting (Curse's updater sucks ass. period).

Rip me if you want, talk down to me cause you think i don't know all the ins and outs here, even try to win me over with more rhetoric. I will keep manually downloading the addons i use (all 187), and useing adblock and a couple other little tools, so you don't get a single penny from me.
You are right, thats petty and rather obstinate of me, but, customers get that way when you don't listen to them.

Zyonin 05-25-09 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mordreade (Post 138292)
Why are you waiting on this guy to get around to this if he has other priority's?
I cant envision your addon updater being so revolutionary that this kind of wait should be tolerated. I say tolerated, because you continually tell him that "it's ok, you understand, it's no big deal, whenever your ready" when all he keeps saying is how he has to do this and that, but will get to the addon when he can.

Truthfully, what you SHOULD have done, was work with WoWMatrix instead of killing it. They had the better updater period. All they needed was guidance from the affected sites to make everyone happy. But instead we are left waiting and wonting (Curse's updater sucks ass. period).

Rip me if you want, talk down to me cause you think i don't know all the ins and outs here, even try to win me over with more rhetoric. I will keep manually downloading the addons i use (all 187), and useing adblock and a couple other little tools, so you don't get a single penny from me.
You are right, thats petty and rather obstinate of me, but, customers get that way when you don't listen to them.

Umm, did you just hang a big FLAME ME sign on yourself? You are not a paying customer of WoWI. I am not going to go all of the details on the why WoWI blocked WM other than to say, go read the stickied threads. I have got better things to do than to argue with a brick wall.

I personally am not waiting on Minion to be released into Beta testing. I have my AddOn update method, it works nicely. Plus I do let WoWI (and Zam) get a few pennies to help support the site by allow some adverts to be seen.

tinyu 05-25-09 08:08 AM


Originally Posted by Mordreade (Post 138292)
Why are you waiting on this guy to get around to this if he has other priority's?
I cant envision your addon updater being so revolutionary that this kind of wait should be tolerated. I say tolerated, because you continually tell him that "it's ok, you understand, it's no big deal, whenever your ready" when all he keeps saying is how he has to do this and that, but will get to the addon when he can.

Truthfully, what you SHOULD have done, was work with WoWMatrix instead of killing it. They had the better updater period. All they needed was guidance from the affected sites to make everyone happy. But instead we are left waiting and wonting (Curse's updater sucks ass. period).

Rip me if you want, talk down to me cause you think i don't know all the ins and outs here, even try to win me over with more rhetoric. I will keep manually downloading the addons i use (all 187), and useing adblock and a couple other little tools, so you don't get a single penny from me.
You are right, thats petty and rather obstinate of me, but, customers get that way when you don't listen to them.

customers pay leeches dont.

thumpabash 05-25-09 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by Mordreade (Post 138292)
Truthfully, what you SHOULD have done, was work with WoWMatrix instead of killing it. They had the better updater period. All they needed was guidance from the affected sites to make everyone happy. But instead we are left waiting and wonting (Curse's updater sucks ass. period).

Dude, you have not read anything around here?
There have been a ton of posts how WM would not respond to any communications from WOWI... and your still bitter?
I rarely post but... the singular obstinacy of some people seems to know no bounds!

ScytheBlade1 05-25-09 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by Mordreade (Post 138292)
Truthfully, what you SHOULD have done, was work with WoWMatrix instead of killing it. They had the better updater period. All they needed was guidance from the affected sites to make everyone happy

People who think that WoWI, Curse, and WoWUI (?) were apparently too inept to understand the advantages that WM brought make me laugh.

They fully understood what WM did, why it was around and what killing it off would do. They don't need "guidance" on "how to create an addon updater program" as they perfectly capable of creating one of their own.

But that doesn't mean that their priorities match yours, sorry.

Cladhaire 05-25-09 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Mordreade (Post 138292)
Why are you waiting on this guy to get around to this if he has other priority's?
I cant envision your addon updater being so revolutionary that this kind of wait should be tolerated. I say tolerated, because you continually tell him that "it's ok, you understand, it's no big deal, whenever your ready" when all he keeps saying is how he has to do this and that, but will get to the addon when he can.

Who else is going to do it? You do realize that WowInterface has a staff of 1 (one) programmer, one full time programmer and the rest of us are volunteer moderators. In addition to moderating, working, and living his life Shirik has taken time to write the addon updater and he's done a great job working out a framework that is extensible while still providing a good update experience.

The alternative is no addon updater, and since that's the process you use you are welcome to continue using it.


Truthfully, what you SHOULD have done, was work with WoWMatrix instead of killing it. They had the better updater period. All they needed was guidance from the affected sites to make everyone happy. But instead we are left waiting and wonting (Curse's updater sucks ass. period).
And WowMatrix should have contacted WowInterface to come to some sort of an arrangement. I am a moderator on this site and have been for over two years. In that time WowMatrix did not reach any of the site staff through the following means:
  • Email to Dolby, Cairenn or any other moderator
  • Site suggestion forums
  • Contact Us button at the bottom of the page
  • Private Messages

I am NOT saying that they did not attempt to contact us, but the burden was on them. If they didn't get through they should have tried one of the absurdly simple ways to reach us. Users do it on a daily basis, I fail to see how this would be difficult for the developers of a really successful updater application.

How are we supposed to work with them when there is no way to contact them directly, and they were in the process of ethically grey activity. Again, the burden is not on our site.


Rip me if you want, talk down to me cause you think i don't know all the ins and outs here, even try to win me over with more rhetoric.
I will do none of the sort, thank you very much. I can tell that you're a user who had a great updater application and you're pissed off that it stopped working. You are well within your right, 100%, absolutely. However that does not give you a right to be rude on the forums, especially towards the volunteer staff of this site.


I will keep manually downloading the addons i use (all 187), and useing adblock and a couple other little tools, so you don't get a single penny from me. You are right, thats petty and rather obstinate of me, but, customers get that way when you don't listen to them.
I agree, this is petty and obstinate but I understand that you are a user who is upset. It's very easy to put all of the blame for this situation on Curse and WowInterface because they triggered the "problem" as far as you see it; you had an addon updater that stopped working due to their actions. However you should know that many of the authors of those 187 addons you use, would have taken legal action or changed their licensing to stop WowMatrix either way.

The fact of the matter is, as an addon author I get to support the sites that host my addons for free by restricting my distribution. The services that are provided to me by WowInterface and Curse are very important to me, and do not come without a cost. I therefore choose to make my addons solely available at those two sites. When WowMatrix pulls my addons from the site without displaying the site's ads and replacing them with their own, I get upset.

We're all entitled to our opinion, what we are not entitled to do is to be rude to each other when there are relevant constructive ways to speak to each other.

Please keep it civil, everyone.

Falter 05-25-09 09:06 AM

Personally, I'm pretty irate sitting around here paying nothing while I wait on something that I still won't pay directly for!

I mean, I've given this guy NO motivation, monetary or otherwise, to get the lead out and provide me with a product. So why isn't this keeping him up at night until he finishes it?

Doesn't his internship understand he has non-paying customers who are mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore? Obviously, the company he is interning for has corporate values as skewed as his own.

I just can't fathom what this country is coming to when non-paying customers are treated this way! It worries me, it really does.

I will take my lack of support elsewhere! You'll rue the day you lost the revenue I wasn't providing you in the first place. You'll miss the three dollars a month I wasn't paying you! You'll never see me not click another donate button! You're going to regret not having me around to leech service and then complain about it!

That's me, pretending to be mordreade. How did I do? I tried to keep it civil, but it IS an impersonation.

From one customer to another, mordreade, you're opinion seems totally selfish and you seem to be unable to see the other side of the situation. I think your post was mean-spirited and you deserve to get a little flamed, even asked to leave.

tinyu 05-25-09 09:11 AM

he probably is part of the WM dev team and has just come here to flame someone for breaking his toy.... awww.

Cladhaire 05-25-09 09:17 AM

Guys.. what did I say. Keep it civil. I may have been quoting his post so I could respond to individual points.. but please refrain from posting unless you have something constructive to say.

KiwiiDawn 05-25-09 09:35 AM

-----> Going back to the topic

As for MDee the charge $3+ something every 15 min. I know cuz my hubby a programmer and a few times he has had to use the silly MDee wifi. :eek:

---- > Rant
And I say life come first then wow! WOW is not his job it's he's hobby.

Yhor 05-25-09 09:42 AM

Good luck Shirik, hope you get settled in and can find a good routine. It's nice to see most everyone backing you in your time of chaos. All of the mods from WoWI are appreciated for what what they do, for free, and everyone knows (or should know) that you couldn't make it possible without 'a real life'. Hope you enjoy your new home in rainy land. :)

Kofetek 05-25-09 09:48 AM

TYT Shirik, we'll wait :) Those who won't will go away eventually :P

LittleWhiteDove 05-25-09 10:35 AM

Shirk - Take your time. Settle into you new home. Settle into your new job. Have a life.
When those things are done spend a bit of time on Minion. We will be waiting when it is ready. People will not remember that it was late, but they will certainly remember if it does not work right.

A little side note - I wonder if I am the only one that noticed the misquoted quote:


Originally Posted by Lykofos (Post 138271)
Ah, don't we just looovvveeee waiting on the local cable/telephone company to drag their lazy posteriors over to get the install taken care of? They will be real glad to take our money but reluctant to acutally provide the service.

and now the "quote" as posted by Mordreade Ah, don't we just looovvveeee waiting on WoWUI to drag their lazy posteriors over to get the install taken care of? They will be real glad to take our money but reluctant to acutally provide the service.

That not being the reason for my post I shall refrain from commenting on it.

RemelioGemweaver 05-25-09 10:56 AM

As for free wi-fi I've always had pretty good luck at IHOP but that seems to be regional as to if it has it or not...

I can just tether my laptop to my phone via bluetooth now so I don't worry about it so much :)

:banana: :)

Looking forward to this program... manually updating addons is stupid. I'm just thankful for the RSS feed for your favorites so that I don't have to go check all of them manually. I've pretty much stopped using any addons that I can't find on here or on wowmatrix. (I.E. hosted only on curse - do not approve of their business practices)

Yhor 05-25-09 11:13 AM

WiFi scares me. Hell, I can't even bring myself to use texting on my phone. I've been using a 'disposable' phone for 3+ years now, after my last provider put my phone number in the snake pit of telemarketers and phishers (aka "partners").

Is wifi secure enough to use a computer with personal info on it?

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