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emoxxxkid 10-13-14 10:46 AM

I don't see a post about it so I thought I'd just ask. Any word on Carbonite for WOD? I know the pre-patch is coming tomorrow and Carbonite is a life saver! I know the quest database won't work immediately cause everything needs to get cataloged or whatever first, but is there plans to keep Carbonite alive? The map is the biggest thing for me with setting waypoints and stuff.

Rythal 10-13-14 11:41 AM

I'm working on it now, but it most likely won't be ready by tomorrow.

Insanekanifer 10-13-14 12:16 PM

I made an account just to post this. Is there a donation box or way we can contribute to getting this addon working? Its what makes my wow experience happy :x and I want to donate to the cause!

emoxxxkid 10-13-14 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 297691)
I'm working on it now, but it most likely won't be ready by tomorrow.

It's all good. I just appreciate you keeping this great project alive! Seriously my favorite addon of them all that I run so thank you!!

Rythal 10-13-14 12:21 PM

Yes, one is on the download page for it.

As an update on the addon itself, the one thing I was fearing is of course the one thing that has happened. I'm going to need to tear apart the mapping system because up until now maps all had unique names and it was by names that Carbonite tracked stuff in most cases. The few exceptions before now were instances so they had no impact, now we actually have zones with the same name so everything in the way it worked is no longer viable.

Insanekanifer 10-13-14 12:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 297697)
Yes, one is on the download page for it.

As an update on the addon itself, the one thing I was fearing is of course the one thing that has happened. I'm going to need to tear apart the mapping system because up until now maps all had unique names and it was by names that Carbonite tracked stuff in most cases. The few exceptions before now were instances so they had no impact, now we actually have zones with the same name so everything in the way it worked is no longer viable.

I just want to make sure the money goes to you and the team, not someone who doesn't deserve it haha :)

Insanekanifer 10-13-14 12:28 PM

Donated! Cheers. Thanks for making the updates that you can! :)

Rythal 10-13-14 11:55 PM

I'll stick to this thread instead of making a new one...

A short explanation of what's being worked on currently:

The old Carbonite had 2 Zone tables. One followed blizzards zoneID's (4 = Durotar, 9 = Mulgore etc etc),
and One used it's own numbering system (1000 - 1999 was Eastern Kingdoms, 2000 - 2999 was Kalimdor, 3000-3999 was Outlands etc etc)

The entire mapping system relied on and was using the 1000,2000 system while guides locations quest tracking etc was using the zoneID system. The two were tied together strictly by the zone name. So during the table initialization, it looked at zone 1001 saw Durotar was it's name and created links between 1001 and 4 in various tables.

With the new continent coming, that entire system no longer works, as it can't tell Burning Crusade Shadowmoon Valley from WoD Shadowmoon Valley. So I am working on converting the 1000,2000 system over to zoneID's.

This is also leading to some problems on it's own, as things like Battlegrounds were placed in 9000-9999 and through out the entire mapping system it would check if you were in a battleground by seeing if carbonites internal ID was 9001 etc, so I need to find new ways to check for instances or battlegrounds.

All of this is compounded by the fact work keeps dragging me from home so I don't have access to work on it. (3 weeks in wisconsin, then 2 weeks in ohio, the rest of this week in toronto) So the working version for WoD won't be anytime soon, hopefully i'll have it going before WoD launches but even that remains to be seen.

For those who can't wait until it's done, it was a pleasure. For those who can wait, don't fret, it's not abandoned and will be fixed to work before too long.

LarryGatlin 10-14-14 06:58 AM

RL comes first, Games 3rd. Keep up the good work. When it is completed, we know it will be Awesome!!

emoxxxkid 10-14-14 07:53 AM

Take your time! Exactly what Larry above said.... We all just really appreciate you taking the time to do this. I just started playing wow not too long ago and this has been my biggest asset in the game!

Catitude 10-14-14 04:26 PM

Real Life does trump Games
Thank you so much for your continued efforts.
I have contacted all of my framily & guildmates reminding them to please be patient :) the most recent converts tend to chomp at the bit ;) ...
We've ALL had to live without Carbonite at various stages when a new expansion comes out... for those of us who have been using it since it was a paid addon that is quite a few years lol
Life has been crazy busy for so many in recent years, it seems like people are having to work twice as much/ or twice as hard just to keep afloat & tempers are shorter, attitudes get crispy & players don't have as many hours to play. The one thing that I always yell is Thank you! when Carbonite is back up and running & Carbonite is still one of the 3 addons I would be completely unable to choose between.
I have spent hours in Skype talking friends through setting up Carbonite & helping them track down the ONE thing that was making them crazy(er)... whatever that one thing was. :D
Take your time, your Loyal fans will be here when it is ready & time away from Carbonite ALWAYS makes me appreciate it that much more.
Hugs & blessings & safe travels from a grey-haired Granny with lotsa crinkles :eek:

pitman9 10-14-14 06:44 PM

Thank you
Thanks for the heads up, Rythal.

cjyerger 10-14-14 10:08 PM

Thanks for keeping us up to date. love carbonite and will patiently wait for a working version as I have with each change through the years.

beastieboy442 10-15-14 05:46 AM

Thanks, Rythal ... Carbonite is my fav and can't wait for the updated version. Great addon ... great job!

flappybird 10-15-14 07:17 AM

Oh man! This is such good news. Idc how long it takes, I'm just glad to know it hasn't been abandoned. Keep up the great work. This is easily my favorite addon, and the one I've been using for the longest (YEARS).

Belzedar 10-15-14 07:39 AM

looking forward to the new addon when it gets here might take an "extended absence" until its ready :D

Melluna 10-15-14 08:21 AM

Ty for the update!
Patiently waiting for Carbonite to return! Love the addon just miss it atm :)

mpetrock 10-15-14 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 297724)
I'll stick to this thread instead of making a new one...

A short explanation of what's being worked on currently:

For those who can wait, don't fret, it's not abandoned and will be fixed to work before too long.

Thank you Rythal!!! I can wait for the best add on for WOW.

tango88 10-15-14 08:55 AM

Thanks Rythal! Glad to know that Carbonite is still being updated :banana:

pitman9 10-15-14 09:10 AM

I had forgotten how clunky WoW's native maps, quest info, etc was until having to use it for the last day. It just reminded me how thankful I am that Rythal is keeping Carbonite going.

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