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Malnayil 10-25-10 07:25 PM

Payed for Addons
I'm curious as to how Zygor, Dugis, and other in-game quest "guides" are getting away with charging for their addons, i was a subscriber of Carb long ago and would be more than happy to have this addon go to payed subscription again (updated alot more than it is now, and new cool features were common :P) not to mention the fact that these guys do amazing work.

Anyway, just want to say thanks, and sorry yall got screwed with that addon policy.

P.S. I know that the addon policy is old now, so dont bother flaming me about it. I happened across an add for zygor and seen they are still charging for theirs and claim they are 100% inside of blizz policys. I just cant for the life of me figure out why.

Jigain 10-25-10 10:59 PM

If I recall correctly, they claim it's perfectly within Blizzard's policies to give out the client (or "guide viewer") for free and then charge for downloading content (the actual guide material) for said client.

However, the way I see it, that is against point one in Blizzard's UI Add-On Development Policy:


1) Add-ons must be free of charge.
All add-ons must be distributed free of charge. Developers may not create "premium" versions of add-ons with additional for-pay features, charge money to download an add-on, charge for services related to the add-on, or otherwise require some form of monetary compensation to download or access an add-on.
Own emphasis.

Malnayil 10-25-10 11:15 PM

thats the way i seen it too, but they are there, and getting away with it.....

Foras 10-29-10 01:07 PM

There is a giant confusion in copywrite law (and software patent law for that matter). Derivative works can merge with original creative content. Messy stuff from an IP atorney's point of view.

One really good way to visualize it is by looking into the battles over "idiot's guide" sort of "creative content" v. the software providers who wanted to force licensing prior to publication (authorized version sort of thing).

As long as proper TM notice is provided, Bliz will have a devil of a time stopping the sale of creative content related to their products. On the other hand, they can likely stop the use of any addon with their products for any or no reason whatsoever. One way the zygors of the world could ice their position would be to make their "content" readable and useful outside its use through an addon. Let a third party give away an addon that reads the otherwise useful material into the game world. Think of eBook readers v. the text files. They are produced and sold by different entities.

All this and much, much more said, Bliz is the industry standard for leading with their face and taking actions which courts have slapped them for latter. They seem happy to violate obvious fair use or even privacy laws and just pay for it later in court. They are the last company I would taunt. Remember what they did in the Diablo days.

Interesting stuff. Do some poking on a wiki and check out and I will look for some cites to Bliz's actions in the past.

Disclaimer: I am a licensed IP attorney. I am not acting as anyone's attorney, representative or agent on this board. I am simply musing based on 30 years in the field. Everything I write here could be dead wrong. Do your own research and hire an attorney if necessary. I love the law.

Jigain 10-29-10 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Foras (Post 215054)

Copyright. ;)

But yeah, that reasoning does make sense.

eqsanctum 10-31-10 06:06 AM


Originally Posted by Jigain (Post 215063)
Copyright. ;)

But yeah, that reasoning does make sense.

Really? All that useful info and you proof read him? Shameful :(

Jigain 10-31-10 08:08 AM

Now now, I would've left it well enough alone if he hadn't claimed to be (yes, claimed; I haven't seen any proof of the contrary and so choose not to believe what the internet tells me) an attourney. An attourney that misspells "copyright", no less.

So sue me. :P

Foras 10-31-10 07:23 PM

How fast do you type Jigain? When you cap on a guy for a typo and totally ignore the content of the post you re-enforce (check that spelling) the notion that people working on add-ons are idiots.

Do your best to poke a hole in my content. 30 years in the game tells me can't.

Now a question for you Jigain, what did Bliz do that put them at the top of my "do not taunt" list? Well, to make it easier for you I could write "don't taunt," or maybe "DoN't tAunT mAn;))"

Reply to content with content or go back to your bedroom and login.

Seerah 10-31-10 07:27 PM

Hey - don't make me go link the forum rules/code of conduct.

Foras 10-31-10 10:57 PM

What did I post that was a violation?

Cairenn 10-31-10 11:13 PM

Her comment wasn't directed solely at you. It was a general reminder that we expect people to behave and that this thread is pushing it. What she's referring to, specifically, is:


1. Post with respect and courtesy. Debate is fine ... so long as when you disagree with someone, you respond in a civilized and constructive manner.

2. No libel. No defamation of character. Don't come here and slam/flame anyone/thing. Don't come here sounding off that Blizz sucks, EQ sucks, mod_author_01 sucks, etc and so on. None of that. You want to post things like that, take it elsewhere, there are enough other boards that cater to that type of thing. This isn't FlameVault. See 1.
from our Site Rules.

Foras 10-31-10 11:41 PM

Have you ever had someone slander your career? Question whether you are a fraud?

Trolls here, and elsewhere admittedly, slip by everyday by simply popping in with a "can't prove a negative" sort of attack.

I am disturbed that a paid supporter forum can't be filled with content.

"Why do you bother" is my wife's question. My answer was that I thought the people (kids to me by age) here are brilliant and offer great things. WoW is a better place because of them.

Next thing I know, someone --> without any effort what-so-ever to respond to content and ideas <-- slanders my guts out. No response from the moderators.

That was the short reply.


I once sat in a Berkeley Home-Brew Computer Club meeting. One night, Waz was slumped in the second row, Bill was ranting about IP and Steve was building friendships in the crowd. I was inspired. I finished my Ph.D. and then went to law school and pounded away on IP. Bill had a point, Steve got it, Waz was - gone somewhere.

I see the same potential in the people, again, kids to me now, around WoW. These people, you included, are the champions of the next generation. I would love to do something, anything, to see it all again.

Instead - I get slandered and run off by moderators (two different acts).

So far, no responses to the content of my post.

carboniteaddon 11-01-10 02:28 AM

We appreciate your feedback.

We put a lot of thought into Carbonite. One of the owners is a businessman and went to law school. We also hired a lawyer when starting the company. None of us are young. Haavok and I are both 43. I've been in the software business for 20 years and the other two longer than that. Blizzard did things for various reasons and so did we. Life is complicated and many of those complications won't be discussed in a public forum.

Jigain 11-01-10 02:32 AM

First of all, my intention was not to offend - if my reply came across as such, I do apologize.

Second, I'm sure you would agree that some manner of scepticism is required when using an information source (the internet) that can be accessed and edited by anyone. For example, if I claimed myself to be the king of Monaco, that wouldn't necessarily make it true and I doubt a whole lot of people would believe me. I didn't mean to say you aren't an attourney; I was merely stating that not everything claimed on the internet should be taken at face value. Maybe you are an attourney, maybe you are not - it is of little to no relevance to the discussion.

Thirdly, and once again with no intention to offend - if you take scepticism regarding information you offer at face value this hard, maybe it's time to back away from the computer slowly and think about where you're picking an argument over something so silly and - I dare say - justified.

And fourth as well as last, as you may notice from my first reply to you, I do agree that your reasoning is sound. I can't offer any more insight into your reasoning than that - I am not Blizzard, and I am not a lawyer. All I can say is that it makes sense. If you require more than that, this community might be ill equipped to respond properly.

Karquile 11-11-10 10:51 PM

Zygor's guide engine is a general purpose addon that reads and interprets in-game guide text files. That's the addon. There are no additional features of the addon itself that anybody pays for. What you pay for are the text files - the guide content, same as a book. if you take the trouble to learn the simple syntax, you can write your own guides, and I have.

By way of analogy, there are several different addons that will play mp3's and other music for you while you enjoy the game. You can use them to listen to Bruce Springsteen and Lady Gaga while you do ICC10. That does not mean that under Blizzard's rules, Bruce and Stefani are required to give away their albums. The music is auxiliary content, and so are Zygor's guide files.

ErocM 11-12-10 05:05 PM


My head hurts after reading this post...

metalmight 12-03-10 02:51 PM

The question is (and I think the original intent of the thread) can the Carbonite authors find a way to charge for their content while keeping the addon free. This may be something that the authors don't have time to consider at the present time. It would be interesting to see if it can be done though. The idea for recurring donations through paypal is a real possibility because the addon is free still but people can choose to donate on a recurring basis. This sounds like a good option to allow for compensation of the authors for their continual hard work.

Ocean 12-03-10 04:05 PM

I've donated and I plan on donating every three months or so as long as the addon is current. I love Carbonite. Sure, I'd like to see some things changed, but I figure if I donate, maybe that'll make it more likely that my suggestions might be considered. If not, I'll keep using it as it is. I agree with Bliz's policy, though. I think it's meant to keep people who can afford to pay from having an unfair advantage in game. Hopefully, donation is working for the Carbonite team. I know the economy sucks right now, and some people are just greedy little punks, but I'd hope those of us who are able to toss a few bucks their way now and then continue to do so. I'd hate to see this addon go away.

Archangel_Mike 12-05-10 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Jigain (Post 214138)
If I recall correctly, they claim it's perfectly within Blizzard's policies to give out the client (or "guide viewer") for free and then charge for downloading content (the actual guide material) for said client.

However, the way I see it, that is against point one in Blizzard's UI Add-On Development Policy:

Own emphasis.

It's illegal to buy controlled substances in the US too, but people do it all the time. Doesn't make it right, it's just how it is and how it's been since the beginning of civilization. I used to support Carbonite Addon by paying for it and, until their updates became further and further from patch release, I donated to it's development.

How you gonna stop me from giving some mo-fo some cash'ola?? It's MY cash!

PS: Thanks for the updates!

Jigain 12-06-10 03:51 AM


Originally Posted by Archangel_Mike (Post 221729)
It's illegal to buy controlled substances in the US too, but people do it all the time. Doesn't make it right, it's just how it is and how it's been since the beginning of civilization. I used to support Carbonite Addon by paying for it and, until their updates became further and further from patch release, I donated to it's development.

How you gonna stop me from giving some mo-fo some cash'ola?? It's MY cash!

PS: Thanks for the updates!

That's not really relevant, since Blizzard can (and frequently does) alter WoW code in order to prevent "bad" addons from working. I could accept the analogy, but only if the US government could at will alter the constitution and thus make controlled substances have no effect on people while within the borders of the US. Which would be pretty darn cool. ;)

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