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Random 09-18-05 12:20 AM

Random's UI Addons
I'll be using this thread for my addons that I release, this post will always have the most current versions.

Released addons
*Improves inspect function by increasing the
inspect range and adding addition info.

*Improves the item count function, displays #.#k
instead of * for item counts > 999.

*Allows scrolling the chat frame with the mousewheel.
*Adds timestamps to the chat text. This can be set per chat frame.
*Enables the use of right and left arrow keys for editing text you are entering into the chat window.
*Hides the scroll buttons and the chat menu bubble.
*Shift+ScrollDown will scroll to the bottom of the window.

EasyAuction (Ace'd)
*Remembers auction prices.
*Sets the default auction run time to 24 hours.


Stuff To Come
Regular updates here and there.

Right now I have no access to WoW, so I will depend on you all to test and report back to me. I could also you screen shots for each one.


InspectorAce 1.1 [9-18-05] - Added Keybindings
ChatScroll 1.4.5[10-17-05] - Fixed the Editbox and Buttonside problems, thanks to Tem for the buttonside fix!
AceCount 1.0 [9-18-05] - Initial Release
EasyAuction( Ace'd) 1.4 [10-26-05] - Lots of pwnage new stuff!

Random 09-18-05 10:46 AM

New InspectorAce with keybindings!

Added a description for what ChatScroll can do.

Rags 09-20-05 03:22 PM

sweet! was looking for something along these lines. I had chatscroll but it was horribly out of date and was looking for something new. The InspectorAce and AceCount are just icing on the cake.


Random 09-20-05 05:03 PM

ChatScroll is getting an update as soon as I figure this stupid bug out.

Atrophical 09-20-05 05:27 PM

I added ChatScroll to AUIv3, I really like it. :)

Random 09-21-05 01:25 PM

New ChatScroll, I can't veryify it's all working, but my testers did :)

Rags 09-21-05 03:13 PM

beauty, the bug was that button call right? Can't recall the exact verbage here at work.

Random 09-21-05 04:23 PM

Mmm, is there still a bug in 1.2? Or do you mean a bug in 1.1.1?

the bug where the buttons would sometime "unhide" was just fixed, new ver 1.2.1

Rags 09-21-05 06:27 PM

it was in 1.1.1

herm... I download the latest, and it still is version 1.1.1, not the 1.2.1 that's advertised.

Gazmik 09-21-05 10:52 PM

ChatScroll issues
1: I installed it (on top of Rowne's older, non-Ace-dependent ChatScroll, in case that matters) and got an error on login about a non-existent function (calling miniButton() on line 81). Typing "/scroll miniButton" to turn this option off fixes it.

2: All the non-standard options (hiding side buttons, relocating inputline, etc) were on by default, and it took some tracking things down to get my chat window back to normal. Perhaps only the scrollwheel-enabling behavior should be on by default, with additional options to be enabled as desired?

Random 09-22-05 01:01 PM

I'll look into the mini button thing, no one was getting it before you so Im not sure about that, maybe it was something about using Rowne's older version before...

Ok, for the defaults I will turn everytihng off, right now they are just set to my liking :)

Geza 09-23-05 02:14 PM

"got an error on login about a non-existent function (calling miniButton() on line 81). Typing "/scroll miniButton" to turn this option off fixes it."

Was using a cosmos version of chatscroll and am getting the same error message as Gazmik. Happens on load and stopped when I did /scroll minibutton.

Random 09-25-05 08:03 PM

New addon

EasyAuction (Ace'd)

Random 09-26-05 08:02 PM

Has anyone tested the Ace'd EasyAuction 1.2? Im sill waiting to see if there are any bugs with it.

ThornyJohn 09-30-05 03:51 PM

Getting miniButton error as well...
Here's the exact wording of the error others have mentioned and I myself am experiencing as well on ChatScroll v1.2.1:

Interface\AddOns\ChatScroll\ChatScroll.lua: 81: attempt to call method `miniButton' (a nil value)

There is no scroll-to-bottom functionality at all that I can see.

I am not using Rowne's old ChatScroll, nor am I using Cosmos. My basic UI is Gypsie, and I have a very few other mods, none of which do anything to the chat box(es).

Additionally, I have a couple of questions/suggestions for Random:
  • I'd recommend being more obvious about the mod requiring ACE to run. I myself came to it by a circuitous route from another web site and I only found out it required Ace when I started WoW and it didn't work. Only afterwards did I notice on the Add-Ons list that it said it had the ACE dependency. A simple one-line comment about it requiring ACE, perhaps with a link to download ACE, would be nice.
  • Is it possible to have a feature where the chat window border and name tag are made invisible, even on mouse-over? Ideally, this would be on a per-window basis and not afect all chat windows en masse.
  • Can the chat window background color be set to not change on a mouse-over?

Random 09-30-05 04:23 PM

Regarding the ChatScroll Error

Change line 81 from:

  if( self.GetOpt("miniButton") ) then self:miniButton() end

  if( self.GetOpt("miniButton") ) then self:ShowMini() end

Im currently still working on a new, more stable version of ChatScroll, Im hoping to fix it up and get rid of some uneeded stuff soon.

Random 10-04-05 03:46 PM

New version of ChatScroll, fixes the line 81 error and also makes it play nice with Visor and other addons that replace the EditBox texture!

ThornyJohn 10-04-05 05:02 PM

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...
ChatScroll v1.3 comes up with the following error at startup:

Interface\AddOns\ChatScroll\ChatScroll.lua: 117: attempt to index field `Cycle' (a function value)


Random 10-05-05 12:43 PM

Ok, I only have about an hour or so to be online today, but I will try to fix it.

Random 10-14-05 05:09 PM

Ok, I think I've got all of ChatScroll's problems worked out, list anything screwy you find here!

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