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Lily.Petal 11-15-11 01:43 PM

Freedom; so sweet.
Just broke up with my boyfriend after 2 years; got tired of him complaining about me playing games to much and he went on a rampage when I got Skyrim.

Makes me wonder who the woman in the relationship was ;D

BUT I can now play games to my hearts desires and start going achievement farming again woo and stop with these ridiculously long hiatus breaks.

In the wise words of my Erik Morris, "Time to kill some dragons!"

Vlad 11-15-11 02:51 PM

Sounds to me he should have done more to make room for activities you both could enjoy, to spice up the relationship enough so he didn't complain all the time. Well, no mater, welcome to Skyrim: guaranteed to ruin your grades for this years exams in december! :P

Lily.Petal 11-15-11 03:12 PM

I finished my entire semester's work couple weeks ago and turned it in for most of my classes :P So I got a lot of free time now. xD

As for him, he was the type that wanted to do something every day/night even though I had raids and such z.z I hate it when people get in the way of my pre determined game time ><


Originally Posted by Vladinator (Post 247331)
Sounds to me he should have done more to make room for activities you both could enjoy, to spice up the relationship enough so he didn't complain all the time. Well, no mater, welcome to Skyrim: guaranteed to ruin your grades for this years exams in december! :P

Nibelheim 11-15-11 03:14 PM

Sounds like a certain someone didn't fully appreciate what he had :)

Hopefully it all turns out for the best. Life can take us down very strange paths.

Lily.Petal 11-15-11 03:40 PM

Well it's not like I am upset or anything :3 It's been boring the past 3 or 4 months. Was looking for an excuse. How horrible of me.

It was funny when he tried to kick me out of the apartment that I pay rent/electric/water and everything else for though.

Thanks for the support though Nib, always got my back ;D


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 247333)
Sounds like a certain someone didn't fully appreciate what he had :)

Hopefully it all turns out for the best. Life can take us down very strange paths.

Ither 11-15-11 03:48 PM


Now I can chase you.

Let's raid together!


Cairenn 11-15-11 04:07 PM


Amazing how things change. How many people expect the roles to be reversed here?

I hope it's all good for you Lily. :)

Ither 11-15-11 05:35 PM


I wish I had made it to BC this year, but oh Ireland was so beautiful.

I had a similiar issue, my ex-wife, ended up cheating because of it. Our hobbies drifted significantly apart. I was more involved in video gaming, conventions (BC/ComicCon, etc), flying, and others. She was more of the "Let's go to bar every night."

It happens. I've been happily divorced since 2006 and like Lily, I enjoy gaming.

Although, I'm pretty pissed off that I deleted all my toons. Even more pissed off that Blizz couldn't help me.

Lily.Petal 11-15-11 06:37 PM

D: *hides behind Cair*

Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 247336)
Now I can chase you.

Let's raid together!


The last two days have been great, thanks for the concern Cair. It was a good run. I'm relaxing a lot more, no more nagging about what's for dinner and him crying that I won't stop playing Skyrim and have private time (lol). I found it ironic the roles are reversed like you said xD

It was time~

Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 247337)

Amazing how things change. How many people expect the roles to be reversed here?

I hope it's all good for you Lily. :)

I'm going to try my best to get to BlizCon next year, still got my vanessa vancleef outfit in my closet that I've been dying to wear.

Cheating sucks, should of brought her to the conventions THEN went to bars.
Also, GMs cant give them back to you?

You really didn't have to delete your toons, just move to a different server and don't touch your old ones or make an entire new account.


Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 247339)

I wish I had made it to BC this year, but oh Ireland was so beautiful.

I had a similiar issue, my ex-wife, ended up cheating because of it. Our hobbies drifted significantly apart. I was more involved in video gaming, conventions (BC/ComicCon, etc), flying, and others. She was more of the "Let's go to bar every night."

It happens. I've been happily divorced since 2006 and like Lily, I enjoy gaming.

Although, I'm pretty pissed off that I deleted all my toons. Even more pissed off that Blizz couldn't help me.

Kendian 11-15-11 07:10 PM

Best wishes, lady; even when it's not the best relationship, ending something you've invested 2 yrs of your life in, is never comfortable~
I've been going kind of bonkers, have no played World of UIcraft in over a month, been busy and now Skyrim, AC:Revelations, Saints Row the Third, and, in 5 days, Zelda >.< Guess I just need to ghet motivated, lol, my UI needs work~

Sorry to drift off subject, lady, I hope you're well, and everything is O.K.~

Ither 11-15-11 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 247340)
I'm going to try my best to get to BlizCon next year, still got my vanessa vancleef outfit in my closet that I've been dying to wear.

Considering that's like my favorite outfit of the entire line; you just made me chuckle!

Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 247340)
Also, GMs cant give them back to you?

I got them back, but I lost all my gear. They weren't able to restore the gear so I ended up with naked 85's.

Wasn't worth it.

Nibelheim 11-15-11 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 247343)
so I ended up with naked 85's.

Wasn't worth it.

Reminds me of my trip to a retirement village.


Ither 11-15-11 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 247345)
Reminds me of my trip to a retirement village.



I feel pretty depressed over it.

Each toon was seriously packed for raiding--I could have taken any one of them into Firelands. I just didn't do it.

Since then, I haven't been on. I played maybe 5 hours with that little belf and then quit.

Lily.Petal 11-15-11 07:43 PM

The only thing I've noticed so far is that my bed is huge, that and I can roll around on it again~

I haven't played wow in awhile either, waiting really on the next patch and hoping to Raptor Jesus that monks are fun. DRAENEI MONK GO! Hoove Kick to the face /waggle.

Everything's alright, thanks for the concern. Going out in a little bit on a brotherxsister date to watch Immortals and dinner to celebrate. (My brother hated the guy)


Originally Posted by Kendian (Post 247342)
Best wishes, lady; even when it's not the best relationship, ending something you've invested 2 yrs of your life in, is never comfortable~
I've been going kind of bonkers, have no played World of UIcraft in over a month, been busy and now Skyrim, AC:Revelations, Saints Row the Third, and, in 5 days, Zelda >.< Guess I just need to ghet motivated, lol, my UI needs work~

Sorry to drift off subject, lady, I hope you're well, and everything is O.K.~

*eyes bleed at the thought*

Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 247345)
Reminds me of my trip to a retirement village.


That's pretty much all my toons are at, everyone of them is at full t11 besides my hunter (smxy PvP belf).


Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 247346)

I feel pretty depressed over it.

Each toon was seriously packed for raiding--I could have taken any one of them into Firelands. I just didn't do it.

Since then, I haven't been on. I played maybe 5 hours with that little belf and then quit.

Also, is it just me or did the "quote" bubbles get a new look to them?

Ither 11-15-11 08:16 PM

The boobles have a new look; but they throw me off a tad.

Ketho 11-15-11 08:26 PM

Wowhead apparently also has the new quote/code bubbles

Just wondering, does it maybe have anything to do with ZAM?

Nibelheim 11-15-11 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 247348)
The boobles have a new look; but they throw me off a tad.

I totally read that wrong.

Ither 11-15-11 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Nibelheim (Post 247350)
I totally read that wrong.


I figured you would.

I get my German and English words mixed up and they end up coming out jibber. That one was, well, quite odd, I suppose.

Lily.Petal 11-15-11 11:47 PM

Was wondering if this was a new form of sexual harassment or something at first D:

Originally Posted by TheGeek (Post 247351)

I figured you would.

I get my German and English words mixed up and they end up coming out jibber. That one was, well, quite odd, I suppose.

Nibelheim 11-15-11 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 247355)
Was wondering if this was a new form of sexual harassment or something at first D:

*gives you a hug*

*discretely makes sure everything is normal*

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