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Cirk 01-26-06 07:58 PM

Cirk's Blessings
Blessings is a paladin specific blessings management and casting addon.

Current version
Blessings is currently version 2.2.1.

Download page

Known bugs
None when running with the default client.

-- Cirk of Doomhammer

Solarin 01-31-06 01:44 AM

I personally love this mod. It is quite helpful in groups and takes alot of the menial work out of being a paladin and let's you focus on more important things. If I would permitted to make a suggestion, however. Do you think it is possible to allow the creation of a hotkey to cast the blessings instead of using the button in the menu? If this is already

Once again thanks for the awesome mod. Keep up the good work!

Cirk 01-31-06 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Solarin
Do you think it is possible to allow the creation of a hotkey to cast the blessings instead of using the button in the menu? If this is already

Solarin, there is a key binding for Blessings in the key-bindings menu (Main menu -> Key Bindings). Just scroll down until you find the entry for Blessings!

-- Cirk

Tylius 02-22-06 02:13 PM

I've tried a lot of other blessing mods, but they're mostly... just bad ^_- So I gave up on them

I remembered your other good mods and tried this, it's awesome =D

Tylius 02-22-06 02:52 PM

Except for one issue now <.<
It's casting my seal of righteousness instead of my blessing for some reason

Edit: Now it cancels my devotion aura when I use the keybinding... =(

Cirk 02-22-06 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Tylius
Except for one issue now <.<
It's casting my seal of righteousness instead of my blessing for some reason

Edit: Now it cancels my devotion aura when I use the keybinding... =(

Hey Tylius, thanks for the feedback. Casting seal of righteousness and cancelling your devotion aura are not bugs I've heard of before! All I can guess is that either you have some other addon that is interfering with Blessings' actions here (intercepting the key bindings or otherwise), or that the normal matching of spell IDs with spells in the spellbook is being interfered with somehow. The latter could be simply because you have gained new spells from the trainer (from levelling up or adding a new talent), and haven't logged out and in again yet, which may cause Blessings to get confused about which spells it is supposed to be casting. Logging out and in again should fix that. Alternatively if you have an addon that hooks into the spellbook somehow, it may cause problems there.

(Blessings doesn't handle gaining new spells yet without logging out and in again, or reloading the UI - will add that soon).

-- Cirk

Tylius 02-22-06 07:32 PM

That, is probably it then =D
I was having one issue after training, relogging later on fixed it, then I trained again shortly and had more problems, and then after relogging later it was fixed.

Guess that explains it, thanks :)

Cirk 02-26-06 09:50 AM

I've just uploaded Blessing v1.9.2:
  • Various bug fixes and robustness tweaks to cover conditions where the class and other information relating to players was not being recorded properly due to the player not having fully loaded for paladin's client when they joined the raid.
  • Bug fix for when the paladin levels up, trains, or otherwise changes the contents of their spellbook (thanks for pointing that out Tylius).
  • Updated interface number to correctly match patch 1.9.

Let me know if you have any problems with it :D

-- Cirk

bandis 03-01-06 11:38 AM

would it be possible to show a timer how long the blessings last in an movable window? not only the message on the screen before it runs out

Cirk 03-01-06 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by bandis
would it be possible to show a timer how long the blessings last in an movable window? not only the message on the screen before it runs out

Usually you should be able to see how long your buffs have left on them by looking at your own buff, where you can either mouse-over it to check, or enable Blizzard's default option for showing the time remaining (or use an addon with better formatting, such as Telo's BuffTimers).

Granted, if you have a mixture of greater and normal blessings it can be a bit confusing about when the one you aren't self-buffed with will expire :)

In the next version of Blessings, I was planning on having the Blessings mini-map icon flash slowly when blessings were expiring, and for some time after they had expired (maybe with an informative mouse-over tooltip) to help remind paladins who tend to miss the warning messages and don't check their own buffs very often. I may incorporate a "time-remaining" thing (as you suggest) into the tooltip there when I do that.

-- Cirk

katana 03-02-06 03:30 PM

With the default install, I can never get anyone to be blessed... "Blessing sequence finished" as soon as I hit the button or use the shortcut.

A simple question popped in my mind... is the addon known to be working with a french version of WoW ? :)

It really looks well designed, exactly what I'm looking for, but I can't use it as far as I understand it. Tips ? Suggestions ? I can provide you with the french strings for blessings, classes, etc if you want ;)

Cirk 03-03-06 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by katana
A simple question popped in my mind... is the addon known to be working with a french version of WoW ? :)

It really looks well designed, exactly what I'm looking for, but I can't use it as far as I understand it. Tips ? Suggestions ? I can provide you with the french strings for blessings, classes, etc if you want ;)

Hi Katana, thanks for posting, and yes that is exactly the problem - Blessings can't understand french yet (I never was that good at it myself :))

Anyway, the good news is that the code is designed to allow for simple replacement of all the text strings, etc., for localization purposes. All the localization is effectively contained in the tables and strings defined near the top of the Blessings.lua file, specifically:

BLESSINGS_TEXT (table of strings, contains the spell names as commented in there)
BLESSINGS_COMMANDS (table of strings and response messages)
BLESSINGS_HELP (table of slash command help strings)

Obviously the most important for getting it working on a non-english client are the spell names at the top of the BLESSINGS_TEXT table. Those, and any other help/translations would be greatly appreciated - feel free to post what you find here.

-- Cirk

PS: I assume that the texture names stay the same across clients, anyone able to confirm that?

katana 03-03-06 10:37 AM

Great, just having the possibility to provide the translation is exactly what I was looking for. I'll work on those asap and I'll post them here.

Thanks for the great work !

katana 03-03-06 12:12 PM

Okay, I couldn't wait, so here is the full french translation for your addon. Feel free to integrate it ;)

I have tested it without a group, but it seems to be working correctly. If I make other fixes I'll post them again.

link to the file

Cirk 03-03-06 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by katana
Okay, I couldn't wait, so here is the full french translation for your addon. Feel free to integrate it ;)
I have tested it without a group, but it seems to be working correctly. If I make other fixes I'll post them again.
link to the file

Yay Katana :D. I can't the link to work though :(

Farook 03-03-06 09:43 PM

@ Cirk

Thanks for your answer here.

Well, I finished translation into german almost. There are just a few lines missing,
for which I still need to find out in what connection they are ment. I'm gonna test
my so far translation on sunday in our weekly BWL-raid. I hope that no problems
will occure there.

Just another short question:
Am I right in thinking that translation has to be done until the point "Local defines" ???

Cirk 03-04-06 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Farook
Just another short question:
Am I right in thinking that translation has to be done until the point "Local defines" ???

Yes. See my above reply to Katana about which strings and tables are the ones to localize.

Once I get some localized data, I'll split the parameters out into a "localization.lua" file to make it easier for future localization work.

Feel free to post here if you have any questions about what the text strings are used for, etc.

If you are doing and testing the localization changes yourself, note also that you will need to convert all the strings to utf-8 format (which many editors will do for you) for them to be properly recognized by WoW. See this page here for an explanation.

-- Cirk

katana 03-04-06 04:34 AM


Originally Posted by Cirk
Yay Katana :D. I can't the link to work though :(

Oops, forgot to create the subdomain... *slap* it is fixed now, sorry ;)

Cirk 03-04-06 05:43 PM

Thanks Katana! I've grabbed the file and have started tweaking the file structures to include the appropriate localization automatically for the next version of Blessings.

Let me know how your testing goes...

-- Cirk

katana 03-04-06 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Cirk
Thanks Katana! I've grabbed the file and have started tweaking the file structures to include the appropriate localization automatically for the next version of Blessings.

Great, I can't wait ;)


Originally Posted by Cirk
Let me know how your testing goes...

Sure. I've already checked the addon behaviour for basic blessings, and the looks of the addon & options dialogs, everything seemed okay. If I see anything wrong I'll post the fixes.

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