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patrick51 11-05-12 04:34 AM

Carbonite replacement
Need to know if there is a good questing adon out there. Carbonite as it stands and in the for see able future is not going to function properly. The decision to do the maps first was basicly it for me. I do not need the maps fixed they work fine. I have many alts to level and once they are leveled i disable the questing addons becouse they are not needed. So by the time this adon is possibly working i will not need it any more

tinyu 11-05-12 07:11 AM

both maps and quests NEED to be upgraded sorry that Rythal chose the the smaller job first and if you can't wait until Rythal is done then perhaps you should goback to using the default quest UI which tbh is a damn side easier than when I first started playing WoW.

And if you can find something near as good as Carbonite even as it stands then good on ya.

patrick51 11-05-12 08:33 AM


Originally Posted by tinyu (Post 268372)
both maps and quests NEED to be upgraded sorry that Rythal chose the the smaller job first and if you can't wait until Rythal is done then perhaps you should goback to using the default quest UI which tbh is a damn side easier than when I first started playing WoW.

And if you can find something near as good as Carbonite even as it stands then good on ya.

And acualy no the maps don't if you left the program whole there is only some recodeing work and it would be fine.A addon that does not acualy point to the quests is kinda useless. All of the dailies point basicly to were they start not to were the quests acualy are. And acualy updating the quest data base would have been easier then anything else and it has to be updated anyway. My honest opion is not will not ever be fixed. basicly it took 2 months to decide to do the maps after he made the point to ask us what we wanted. Who honestly cares if it uses 80 percent less memory? it uses almost nothing now

optimus deadpool 11-05-12 09:03 AM

I am actually of the opinion you have no idea what you are talking about. Carbonite is a bloated mess as it is, Rythal is working to make the footprint smaller, and if he feels starting with maps makes it easier, so be it. As far as questing goes, I still use Carbonite for quest tracking and have had no problems save for breadcrumb quests, which is just a quick WoWhead look up and plot point away. I can see now you are complaining just to complain, and have no actual idea of what you are saying.

patrick51 11-05-12 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by optimus deadpool (Post 268377)
I am actually of the opinion you have no idea what you are talking about. Carbonite is a bloated mess as it is, Rythal is working to make the footprint smaller, and if he feels starting with maps makes it easier, so be it. As far as questing goes, I still use Carbonite for quest tracking and have had no problems save for breadcrumb quests, which is just a quick WoWhead look up and plot point away. I can see now you are complaining just to complain, and have no actual idea of what you are saying.

Actually i do know what im talking about . I wrote my entire UI my self. Yes it has extra code in it but do you even think that there will be a actual working version of the add-on within the next 6 months. I don't for the simple fact 1) there are interface changes on PTR for the next patch 2) 3 months after that patch there is another patch and so on. I would be surprised if there is ever a working version of the modular version. unless he decides to make this a full time job.

No im angry becouse he took the Time to ask us what we wanted and then ****ing ignored us. If you have no intention of doing what you are asking then don't ask. That there is the biggest problem.

There are many quests that do not even work. Most of the shado pan quest point to the area you got the quest not were the quest is actually completed. They only sort of work after you cross the bridge and then it just lumps them in a big pile.

Darkelf 11-05-12 10:28 AM

there's always questhelper lite lol

Rythal 11-05-12 10:39 AM

If you think repairing / adding quests is easier then you really don't know anything about Carbonite and how it works. Hell just opening the quest database locks up most programs I try to open it in because they can't handle a string that long.

I don't have the fancy programs the old developers had that would datamine the information from the dbc files then autogenerate the strings / code. I don't have the intimate knowledge of the addon that lets me say ok so to add a new mailbox to the zone I modify here, here and here. I'm doing the best I can, and if I wasn't you wouldn't have anything at all right now.

Yes development is going slowly, these things don't happen overnight and that's why I keep the old carbonite up to date as much as possible, and I've tried to make it rely on updates as little as possible for the future ... it's not perfect but it works, and i've been using it myself for several characters both in leveling and in my dailies.

The maps overhaul i'm working on, is not just what you see... i'm working on overhauling the entire thing... right now the information is built from 5 arrays spread across 3 files, that's excessive and unnecessary.. why do I need the same area to be known as 643 in one spot, 213 in another, 6021 in a third each one returning different information... so i'm consolidating it all... and when that's done, if I decide to give up on WoW the next person to take over has one place to look and one thing to add.

patrick51 11-05-12 11:46 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 268380)
If you think repairing / adding quests is easier then you really don't know anything about Carbonite and how it works. Hell just opening the quest database locks up most programs I try to open it in because they can't handle a string that long.

I don't have the fancy programs the old developers had that would datamine the information from the dbc files then autogenerate the strings / code. I don't have the intimate knowledge of the addon that lets me say ok so to add a new mailbox to the zone I modify here, here and here. I'm doing the best I can, and if I wasn't you wouldn't have anything at all right now.

Yes development is going slowly, these things don't happen overnight and that's why I keep the old carbonite up to date as much as possible, and I've tried to make it rely on updates as little as possible for the future ... it's not perfect but it works, and i've been using it myself for several characters both in leveling and in my dailies.

The maps overhaul i'm working on, is not just what you see... i'm working on overhauling the entire thing... right now the information is built from 5 arrays spread across 3 files, that's excessive and unnecessary.. why do I need the same area to be known as 643 in one spot, 213 in another, 6021 in a third each one returning different information... so i'm consolidating it all... and when that's done, if I decide to give up on WoW the next person to take over has one place to look and one thing to add.

If you don't want pissed off people then do not ask them what they want then slap them in the face by telling them i wasted you time by voting.

Slickedit opens it with no problem. and the code is perfectly normal. it looks like any data base you open in a text editor.I have acualy looked at the quest data base and it not that bad. It took me a little bit to figure out the dividers for the quests. but other then that its just not orginized that well. I had already edited it so it line by line instead of a mess. Im a little OCD

does this look familar?
Nx.Quests={[15]={"4Sharptalon's Claw%:6####",nil,"#$( 9?@?",},
[21]={"8Jitters' Growling Gut#74##?#",nil,nil,},
[23]={"<Bounty on Garrick Padfoot#(%####",nil,nil,},
[27]={"1A Rogue's Deal#($####",nil,nil,},
[29]={"5The Killing Fields#2+####",nil,nil,},
[31]={"<The Scrimshank Redemption#SJ##?#",nil,nil,},
[33]={"8Riverpaw Gnoll Bounty$-*####","#%M -?"#%M -?"#MVæ$Vħ$VŨ(Uʩ'UΪ$Tϫ$SЬ$Rѭ(S֫&T٫&Sܬ$Sݫ$Sު%S৤Tᥤ",},
[35]={"7The People's Militia#/,##0#",nil,nil,},
[37]={"7The People's Militia#1,##1#",nil,nil,},
[39]={"7The People's Militia#4,####",nil,nil,},
[43]={"6Give Gerard a Drink#$$####",nil,nil,},
[45]={"6Uldaman Reagent Run#MI####",nil,nil,},
[47]={"9Brotherhood of Thieves#'%####",nil,nil,},
[51]={"3Blackrock Menace#85##6#",nil,nil,},
[55]={"5Goretusk Liver Pie#/,####",nil,nil,},
[57]={"2Ursangous's Paw%;6####",nil,"#&( 9?A?",},
[59]={"3Shadumbra's Head%;6####",nil,"#'( 4?6b,},
[61]={"2Simmer Down Now%<:####","#&( 9?A?","#&( 9?A?","#(??&$??($?,$~?.$~?0'~?/$?-$??,$","#(??%%",},
[63]={"4A Lesson to Learn##3##@$",nil,nil,},
[65]={"4A Lesson to Learn##3##?$",nil,nil,},
[67]={"4Trial of the Lake##3##A$",nil,nil,},
[69]={"4Trial of the Lake##3#$V$",nil,nil,},
[71]={"8Trial of the Sea Lion##3##B$",nil,nil,},
[73]={"/Aquatic Form##3###$",nil,nil,},
[75]={"7Rise of the Silithid#SJ####",nil,nil,},
[79]={"5An Unwelcome Guest#;5####",nil,nil,},
[81]={"3Further Concerns$-*##H#","#(M 61@ۢ,"#)M D?C?",},
[83]={"0Westfall Stew#-,####",nil,nil,},
[85]={"7Find the Lost Guards$-*##P#","#)M D?C?","#*M C㾧",},
[87]={"0Westfall Stew#0,####",nil,nil,},

crazzzzi 11-05-12 03:07 PM

instead of jumping down Rythal's throat, maybe you could offer to help? you ovbiously have a good knowledge of programming

Rythal 11-05-12 03:23 PM

Yes I know what the quest db looks like, but I have only a small clue what any of it means or how to turn the new quests into data it would recognize.

It's the main reason I am so against bytecode and want to remove it from carbonite completly.

nightshade68 11-05-12 05:42 PM

Just wanted to say good job Rythal! Keep on truckin'. Don't let the dinks get you down. They complain like they're paying you something for the work you're doing. I'm just happy you took on this addon. It's always been a part of my WoW game. It's always been the first and foremost addon I've checked for updates after a Blizzard update. I'm glad you're willing to decode it and re-code it in a better, more modular, way. Thanks!

Nimhfree 11-05-12 08:34 PM

patrick51, if you can parse the quest information such that you can get the blob information for each of the quests please let me know what the algorithm is. then perhaps I can create an addon for Grail that has that information and let those interested decide whether Grail can be used for quest information.

Shulkman 11-05-12 08:49 PM

Rythal, keep doing a great job. I'm a happy guy knowing that in the future the kinks will be worked out, the quests will all be updated, and that when the next expansion comes out, there won't be so much work to do. I can't believe that one of the old programmers would have the gall to come back and complain about the addon. They abandoned it and it's only through your dedication and hard work that the thing is as functional as it is. Patrick, you have no right to complain. Just move on.

tinyu 11-05-12 10:20 PM

lets not forget that if the original authors did a better job coding and maintaining Carbonite then we wouldn't be in this position in the first place.

patrick51 11-06-12 02:29 AM


Originally Posted by Nimhfree (Post 268422)
patrick51, if you can parse the quest information such that you can get the blob information for each of the quests please let me know what the algorithm is. then perhaps I can create an addon for Grail that has that information and let those interested decide whether Grail can be used for quest information.

I will see what i can do.

I am a retired programer. My eyes are not what they use to be so i decided it was time to retire and im a perfectionist with OCD i let it get the better of me some time.

I will see if i can atleast orginize the quest data base and add the new quests. since i am adding them for my wife. I will also try to add rem statments to the code so its more understandable.

also this might help you under stand the code a little better

Nimhfree 11-06-12 06:43 AM

patrick51, I think you misunderstand some of my position. I maintain the Grail quest database addon. I already have the MoP quests in it and how most of them relate to each other. However, Carbonite seems to have data in it that has blobs that are areas of interest for the quests. Grail does not have this. If the future of Carbonite were to use Grail as its backend database (which no one has decided yet to do as far as I know), it would probably need to have this data, unless the future moves to using the Blizzard built-in quest tracking blob information. I have no time to look at Carbonite and decipher what information is in its internal quest database. I was under the impression you may already know that. Basically, if someone has this information and can share it with me I will parse the Carbonite quest database and attempt to make Grail have the information Carbonite has that it does not.

patrick51 11-06-12 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Nimhfree (Post 268438)
patrick51, I think you misunderstand some of my position. I maintain the Grail quest database addon. I already have the MoP quests in it and how most of them relate to each other. However, Carbonite seems to have data in it that has blobs that are areas of interest for the quests. Grail does not have this. If the future of Carbonite were to use Grail as its backend database (which no one has decided yet to do as far as I know), it would probably need to have this data, unless the future moves to using the Blizzard built-in quest tracking blob information. I have no time to look at Carbonite and decipher what information is in its internal quest database. I was under the impression you may already know that. Basically, if someone has this information and can share it with me I will parse the Carbonite quest database and attempt to make Grail have the information Carbonite has that it does not.

The first line was for you. I was tired and responding to multiple people.

Miltonx 11-07-12 10:10 AM

Your The Best
Rythal keep up the good work your doing with Carbonite. Ignore the complainers if it wasnt for you this addon would be dead.

Jaillyn 11-07-12 10:36 AM

The maps don't work fine right now. I don't know what dreamland you're living in. Any time I enter a dungeon or go into a cave, the map goes insane and doesn't know what it wants to tell me.

All I've seen you do is try to give Rythal a hard time when he's the one that stepped up to the plate to work on the addon when it seemed to be a sinking ship of disaster. He was entrusted with the reins of the addon and he is doing what he can. What more can you ask of someone? To do more than they are capable of doing? That's just silly.

The fact he didn't do this months ago isn't something he can even control. If he's doing things his way it's because he feels his way is the correct way. You've not even seen the results of his work yet and you've been on his case in multiple threads so far saying he can't do it.

How about you let him try to prove his worth and then make a judgement call.

Or, maybe, you search WoWInterface for a differen't questing mod and don't keep posting about how people should use that instead. Everyone is capable of finding a different mod if they want one.

Personally, I'm willing to wait and see Carbonite head in this new direction and see what happens. Rythal has my full support and I hope things work out. (Keep at it, man. Don't let this discouragement get to you.)

mjumnito 11-07-12 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Jaillyn (Post 268505)
The maps don't work fine right now. I don't know what dreamland you're living in. Any time I enter a dungeon or go into a cave, the map goes insane and doesn't know what it wants to tell me.
Personally, I'm willing to wait and see Carbonite head in this new direction and see what happens. Rythal has my full support and I hope things work out. (Keep at it, man. Don't let this discouragement get to you.)

Couldn't have said it better myself.

@patrick51 rather than trying to beat down on the one person who stepped up when it was needed hows about offering a hand in moving things forward? Something about bee's and honey come to mind here. Besides all that, you would look like less of a dick to the supporters. Find a solution to the problem and not be a part of the problem. and since you said

I am a retired programer. My eyes are not what they use to be so i decided it was time to retire and im a perfectionist with OCD i let it get the better of me some time.
one would assume that you know that fixing somebody elses code takes time and can be a real pain in the ass to put it bluntly.

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