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Aluria 06-15-11 10:33 AM

I'm speechless over the reaction and hate :(
Hi ppl

as said in the title im speachless at the reaction and hate i encountered today in a random dungeon group. So I have to tell you and ask whats ure opinion on this.

So i am a Tank, geared in 359s and 353s, i have everything for valor points so i dont really need something from heroics. But i like the Satchel of Exotic Mysteries (still hoping for a usefull loot ^^) and i enjoy tanking. So i decided to start collecting some damagegear. But i know ppl complain if u just roll on dd gear as tank so i made a little macro telling every1 a friendly hello, who i am, where im from (ingame ofc :P) and remind every1 that i roll on dd gear, not tank and i post this upon entering an instance.

So i queued for a Random Zandalarian, got into ZG & saw 2 Dks in my Group. So i posted my macro. they all responded with "hi" and so on and even lol'ed at my macro. Keep in mind we didnt even buff the group so far.. There was no complain at all on my intents (= rolling on dd gear) so i figured it was ok. we cleared all the way to the raptor boss, the melee wirst dropped, i won and suddenly i was flamed not only by one of the DKs but also by a druid who was not even on the same server than the dk.. so i told them that i informed them about this but still they kept on bitching.. and all left the group..

I seriously dont get this.. I specifically told them that i roll on tank gear, i told them not infight but at the very start of the dungeon and noone complained.. Why the hate than? I would have passed if one of them told me he's not okay with it, no problem there on my side... but they didnt say anything so my conclusion was: It's okay for me..

What are your thoughts on this topic? Cant a tank roll on dd gear if he clearly states this and noone said sth? In my opinion i did nothing wrong and i'm a bit hurt i have to admit by all this raging hattred :(

<3 Aluria

P.S.: Excuse my bad grammer andso, i'm no native speaker

MidgetMage55 06-15-11 10:49 AM

As far as I see it your macro is simply stating your intent. Since you are willing to comply with people if they do not agree its even going as far as asking. If they choose not to take you seriously that is not your fault.

If you want to be more clear put in something like speak now or your silence will be taken as acceptance.

This isn't the first time I have seen something like this. I've grouped with people before where similar requests are made at the beginning. Most people don't reply or laugh. Then someone almost always pitches a fit when it happens. Or they simply rage quit over not getting the gear they wanted.

I say keep doing your thing. If people cant be bothered to take you seriously and say they disagree before hand then that is their problem.

Ither 06-15-11 10:51 AM

I wouldn't sweat it.

I do it all the time and could care less; they complain there are not enough tanks available so if I'm tanking to please them I'm also rolling on what I need.

I'm in the same boat as you. I've pretty much got my entire ret set done and I'm working on a holy set (for no reason). I also like the satchel and the only thing I got useful was the giant rat (love that little booger).

Marthisdil 06-15-11 11:36 AM

Make a macro that says the following:

"I don't need any tank gear, so I will be rolling NEED on all Plate DPS-type gear. If you are not OK with this, please leave the group now and enjoy your wait back in the queue."

And be done with it. If people complain, keep cruising, refer them to the statement at the start, and be done with it.

tinyu 06-15-11 11:41 AM

tbh honest you should have looked at their gear first if they were in blues then you should have let them take the gear.

the general rule of thumb is if your want to roll on gear for a Off Spec thats a Greed role Main Spec is Need.

and in regards to your grammer OP its fine if read ALOT worse.

Vranx 06-15-11 12:00 PM

Since you were in a pug I agree with Marthisdil. Let them wait in the queue if they don't like it. I would agree with Tinyu if you were in a guild group.

Moxie 06-15-11 12:01 PM

I wouldn't worry about it.

You stated your intent to roll on DPS gear as a tank and if they wanted you to abide by any caveats then it was their problem that they didn't say so. Noone is entitled to gear, and if you hadn't rolled I'm sure the DKs would've still whined amongst themselves about who deserved it more.

Jzar 06-15-11 12:32 PM

For the record, I agree with you OP, and don't think you did anything wrong.

However, I'd like to play Devil's advocate for a moment. If I were in a dungeon which I could earn big gear upgrades from, and the tank said he was going to be rolling against me, I might not know how to respond. I might get all upset and respond in anger, "Don't you dare!" but I'd worry about making everyone mad at me and just not enjoying the sense of camaraderie and teamwork in the dungeon, and having a miserable time.

If I can keep my indignation in check, I might come up with "Please don't," but I'd feel guilty trying to be all polite about telling the tank not to roll on the gear for the dungeon he already queued up for and can't get out of without the same penalty that I would suffer if I immediately ditched out on one.

Or maybe I'd just say to myself that the tank had better not win any rolls on my gear, and trust luck to enforce my will. When the tank wins a piece, this way of thinking would probably make me bitter and upset and feel a little betrayed and probably regret not working up the courage to contest the right to roll against me earlier.

The point is, they may not want you to roll against them, but not be sure how to tell you that they don't want you to.

The last scenario I proposed is kind of what I imagine your DKs went through, and I think it's pretty understandable and human. Just forgive them, and hope they take it as a learning experience. We all know we have to cooperate with others to get loot in this game -- that's the whole premise behind the dungeon finder. However, communication is also critical to success, and it's obviously a skill that they need to work on.

Vlad 06-15-11 12:53 PM

I personally look for the rolls, if no one needs I need it for my offspec and I tell the group. If there is someone that needs I check them out, if they too need for offspec I need too, if not and I see they need it more than me then I pass it to be the nice guy.

Still I wouldn't really react the way you did it, you informed them at the start it should have been enough. Only suggestion is not use words like "dd gear" say "dps gear" or "damage gear" -me being old school we said "dps" so "dd" is new for me, I don't like! :(

Petrah 06-15-11 02:41 PM

This is nothing personal against you, it's merely my feeling on the matter. Pretty please, don't take it personally.

I never roll need on offspec unless I ask after the item has dropped. If no one in group needs it for their main spect, then I'll roll need. While this way may take longer it is the best course of action, it is fair for everyone involved, and no one gets angry.

If I had been in a situation like you described I would have taken that person seriously when they stated they were needing on offspec gear, and I would have tried to discuss the matter first offering for them to roll need if no one else needed it for their main spec. If that person didn't want to compromise, then a vote kick would certainly ensue.

Unkn 06-15-11 06:02 PM

I agree with how Petrah does it. I've got a druid main atm, which means I can generally use all leather drops. I'm main spec Resto though so I generally wait to see what everyone rolls if I want a piece for offspec.

I know you put a macro up when you entered but its possible not everyone saw it. I'd suggest you add something to it that gets them to respond to it. A question or something. So you know that everyone in the group saw it, if you are worried about it.

Sorry you had a bad experience though. We all get crappy LFGs occasionally, least you aren't a dps thats sitting there for 30+ mins waiting on a group. Its easy for you to queue and go. Remember there are other players on the other side of those toons - alot of people tend to forget that - and they are playing their game just like you. :)

Marthisdil 06-15-11 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by Unkn (Post 239444)
I agree with how Petrah does it. I've got a druid main atm, which means I can generally use all leather drops. I'm main spec Resto though so I generally wait to see what everyone rolls if I want a piece for offspec.

I know you put a macro up when you entered but its possible not everyone saw it. I'd suggest you add something to it that gets them to respond to it. A question or something. So you know that everyone in the group saw it, if you are worried about it.

Sorry you had a bad experience though. We all get crappy LFGs occasionally, least you aren't a dps thats sitting there for 30+ mins waiting on a group. Its easy for you to queue and go. Remember there are other players on the other side of those toons - alot of people tend to forget that - and they are playing their game just like you. :)

Unkn - there's a lot more people that are **** know the the group until X boss is dead, if their item didn't drop, leave the group and requeue...healers do it quite frequently.

Cairenn 06-15-11 08:40 PM

To use one of my most common expressions (courtesy my daughter):

People suck. Persons are frequently okay, but people suck.

Arkive 06-15-11 09:46 PM

My opinion is if you want to roll need on offspec gear then you should run as that spec. As the tank you're basically holding them hostage by threatening to leave if they don't comply. I understand that you feel you clearly stated you were going to roll but I suspect something was lost in translation if the entire group was PO'd after it occured.

MidgetMage55 06-16-11 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Arkive (Post 239452)
My opinion is if you want to roll need on offspec gear then you should run as that spec. As the tank you're basically holding them hostage by threatening to leave if they don't comply. I understand that you feel you clearly stated you were going to roll but I suspect something was lost in translation if the entire group was PO'd after it occured.

I'm not entirely sure that is the case. I have personally witnessed the OP's situation more than once. I've even been on the receiving end a time or 2. When I have been on the other side of the coin (someone needing for an item that is not their main spec but said as much before we start) I have no trouble asking them not to. If they insist I simply bow out and re-queue.

I'm finding more and more these days that people only seem capable of laughing or raging and not using simple reasoning to talk about a situation. Most times, to avoid someone raging or dropping to force a re-queue. My feeling on this is simple. If you state your intent and no one says one way or another they accept the situation.

Many points of view on this one. None are truly correct. The only respectable course is to be reasonable and talk to your group before hand. Even go as far as to ask if anyone has an issue. Decide from there.

Lily.Petal 06-16-11 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 239451)
To use one of my most common expressions (courtesy my daughter):

People suck. Persons are frequently okay, but people suck.

I like your daughter!

Cairenn 06-16-11 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by Lily.Petal (Post 239457)
I like your daughter!

I'm kind of fond of her myself. ;)

Lily.Petal 06-16-11 01:01 AM


Originally Posted by Cairenn (Post 239458)
I'm kind of fond of her myself. ;)

How old? ;D

Just teasin'~

haylie 06-16-11 04:05 AM

Eh I stopped caring about the people in randoms right around the time I finished my second random instance. The game is so depersonalized and this kind of stuff happens so often that it's not even worth battling an eyelash to. If I were the OP I would have just shrugged and be happy with my new drop. If I were one of the other group members I'd get better at reading comprehension.

Nibelheim 06-16-11 04:08 AM


Originally Posted by haylie (Post 239461)
If I were one of the other group members I'd get better at reading comprehension.

Wth is reading compensation? :confused:


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