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Led ++ 10-26-10 12:09 PM

Religion and modern society.
Now to make a more serious topic on wowint. "WHUT? SERIOUS? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo (more darth vader ooooo)". Well, don't like the topic? Sod off then. :banana:

The basic question is, do you guys (and girls) think we need religion in our modern society? Is religion the base of our morality as a human being?

The reason I'm bringing this up is because well ... past few days I've been youtubing a lot of Dawkins, Hitchens etc. Saw Bill Maher's move 'Religilous' (brilliant btw). And I've always been fascinated by religion and the discussions about god. I'm an atheist myself tho I don't necessarily hate people that believe in god. If it's what comforts them than I guess it's fine for them. I do dislike religion as an institution of power. Be it something like the Roman Catholic Church or Scientology or whatever. I'm against feeding religion with the spoon into the mouth of children. It's funny when it's about Santa Claws or the Eastern Bunny, but it's not funny when it's about a space god that's supposed to be all powerful, all good etc.

I feel that religion and government should be two divided by law. I live in Belgium and our state and church are actually separated .. to a certain point.

Anyway, I'd love to see how the wowint community thinks about this.

(sorry, no pizza vote ;))

Haleth 10-26-10 12:13 PM

In my personal view, most religions exist only to fill the gap in minds of humans, to put them at ease; people want to be assured that there is someone higher than them, a higher purpose; people also don't want to believe that when they die, they actually die.

I believe that it is partially based upon a fear, and partially upon simply wanting comfort in this often cruel world.

Myself, I base my morals on my own common sense, because I know I can trust it most of the time. I don't want to harm anyone, I can't even stand seeing someone in pain, the humanity in me just instantly wants to help and comfort them.

'Common sense' differs around the world though, and it's very hard to find a solid base for morals and law. Which is why people often base themselves on religion. Which is in my opinion, the easy way out.

Wimpface 10-26-10 12:20 PM

Voted no. Haleth puts a lot of my thoughts into his own post, and I base my no on his points.

I don't think religion is needed, but religion helps a lot of people through life and is such not a bad thing to have. Until people take it one step further and declare wars based on their religions. But that's not religion itself, that's the people who misuse religion.

Originally Posted by That youtube video most people have seen.
Guns don't kill people, I kill people.

That's really all I had to add to the subject, since Haleth took the words out of my mouth. :)

Ferous 10-26-10 01:03 PM

I don't want to pick either

Please add that as an option to the poll >.> I don't care if society has religion. You should be able to believe what you want to believe. :)

Ither 10-26-10 01:04 PM

I'm agnostic-- enough said.

Ferous 10-26-10 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by StormCalai (Post 214308)
I'm agnostic-- enough said.

me too. :P

Led ++ 10-26-10 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Ferous (Post 214305)
I don't want to pick either

Please add that as an option to the poll >.> I don't care if society has religion. You should be able to believe what you want to believe. :)

Yes you should be able to believe what you want, I didn't say anything else.

But this question is about if it is necessary in a modern society. For example, I don't see Americans having a president in hte next couple of years that isn't religious.

I for one don't think religion should have any effect on a society. If anything, it would be bad for the society.

So either you think that religion is needed in society, or you don't. Simple as that. Yes or no. :)

Led ++ 10-26-10 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by StormCalai (Post 214308)
I'm agnostic-- enough said.

To a certain point we're all agnostic, I mean no one can be 100% sure about the existence of god. No one can be 100% sure if there is no god either.

Dawkins made up 7 catogories. Where 1 would be the absolute believe that god exists, and 7 being the absolute believe that god does not exist. He puts himself at 6 (or 6,9) because scientifically you can't be sure of either. However with the information you have you can be pretty sure.

But still as an agnostic, do you find that religion should be somewhere in your society. And if so, why?

Ither 10-26-10 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Led ++ (Post 214310)
So either you think that religion is needed in society, or you don't. Simple as that. Yes or no. :)

This still isn't the answer you're looking for-- I believe that society should not dwell on yes or no for religion. I believe the people are free to do what they want and worship the devil, the God, the bunnies, the unicorns, the three-titted mother with whale children, whatever. It's when society instructs their beliefs on the people that I laugh and say "You douche bag!". Example-- churches saying you won't be saved unless you sit in my house and pay my tides. Hmmm, I say "screw your tides" I'm going to Disney World!

I served in the Military, and I fought several years in Iraq chasing Al-Qaeda. To watch humanity believe in a supreme-being that in my opinion is a folk-lore; astounds me. When I was watching my friends get shot and killed, I wasn't praying to the latex wrapper for courage. I was remembering who I was and what I was capable of, and reacting. Just as I got shot several times in the back and watched the enemy barrel down on me, I didn't pray for the Easter bunny (who doesn't exist by the way) to rescue me; I remembered the soldiers beside me who would give their lives for me.

My point-- live, breath, believe, in what ever makes you sleep at night. But, don't put it on the society that their lives are less fortunate than yours because you think bed bugs are the way to 12 virgins in cocktail heaven.

This is what all religion has taught people-- Muslim, Christianity, Catholic, etc.

"You will never have a happy and fulfilling life unless you give yourself up upon whomever"

This is my thought on religion;


Originally Posted by Led ++ (Post 214312)
To a certain point we're all agnostic, I mean no one can be 100% sure about the existence of god. No one can be 100% sure if there is no god either.

From myself personally-- I don't believe in it.

Almost to the point I can look you in the eye and say "God doesn't exist, sorry but you're house just happen to get plowed by that Tornado. Better luck next time".

Opthimus 10-26-10 01:32 PM

"" I do not very much care to speak of anything as 'unknowable'.
What I am sure about is that there are many topics about which I know nothing; and which, so far as I can see, are out of reach of my faculties. But whether these things are knowable by anyone else is exactly one of those matters which are beyond my knowledge, though I may have a tolerably strong opinion as to the probablilities of the case. ""

Agnostic here. Until proved, religion (As i think of it) is a case for people to get power or for the not so lucky, a way to get comfort.

Ither 10-26-10 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by Opthimus (Post 214314)
Until proved, religion is a case for people to get power or for the not so lucky, a way to get comfort.

"Society knows not of own self-responsibility, but to put-forth their poor choices upon mankind."

Led ++ 10-26-10 01:43 PM

@Stormcalai: It sounds way more that you're an atheist instead of agnostic imo.

But again, I'm not saying or tryign to imply that people can't believe what they want. I'm merely asking if you think that a religion should be the ones leading your country, or influencing the people that lead your country. Of course everyone has the right to debate and say what they want about every discussion.

Perhaps a better question is. Can you have a morally successful country without religion. Cause it seems a lot of people think our morale comes from religion. The Ten Commandments etc. Thus a man that believes is a morally better man.

Is it right that major religions are funded by the government (thus the people)?

Do we still have (if we ever had that is) a need for religion (not just believing or faith), organised religion, in a modern day society. Or could we be better off if we leave religion for what it is.

Ither 10-26-10 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Led ++ (Post 214318)
@Stormcalai: It sounds way more that you're an atheist instead of agnostic imo.

Burn -- you just made my black list. LOL. Call me an Atheist, I may just have to poop on your lawn now. I may tell you to your face it doesn't exist, but that's simply because religion is religion; useless subject.

On to your question-- There are far too many people in this world who live off the fantasy of religion. It would be comical to see an individual stand up there and say "For God and Country, well God is no longer in the house". I could see catastrophic destruction of all things.

Ferous 10-26-10 01:51 PM

Maybe us Mormons do believe in crazy stories that make absolutely no sense, and maybe Joseph Smith did make it all up. But I have a great life and a great family, and I have the Book of Mormon to thank for that. The truth is, I don’t care if Joseph Smith made it all up, because what the Church teaches now is loving your family, being nice and helping people. And even though people in this town might think that’s stupid, I still choose to believe in it. All I ever did was try to be your friend, Stan, but you're so high and mighty you couldn't look past my religion and just be my friend back. You've got a lot of growing up to do, buddy. Suck my balls.

edit - religion debate doesn't belong on the wow forums

Led ++ 10-26-10 02:03 PM


Burn -- you just made my black list. LOL. Call me an Atheist, I may just have to poop on your lawn now. I may tell you to your face it doesn't exist, but that's simply because religion is religion; useless subject.
Wuuut? =(

Out of your reactions I just find that you don't believe in the existence of a god.

I would love it if the next president of the USA didn't swear on the almighty god. I would rather have him swear his oath on the benefit of all the people in his country.

Ither 10-26-10 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Led ++ (Post 214324)
Wuuut? =(

Out of your reactions I just find that you don't believe in the existence of a god.

I would love it if the next president of the USA didn't swear on the almighty god. I would rather have him swear his oath on the benefit of all the people in his country.

LOL-- I'm kidding, you are still my favorite here!

It would definitely be interesting to see the turn of events if one was to swear on their oath and not on a being not proven.

I think the basis of this is that simply put-- man relies on something non-existent to facilitate their position.

voodoodad 10-26-10 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Ferous (Post 214321)

religion debate doesn't belong on the wow forums


This can't go anywhere but bad, horrible, awful places. I'm not taking one "side" or the other, I'm saying this is WAY the wrong place for debates over religion.

Led ++ 10-26-10 02:13 PM

Yes they do, certainly people with a lot of power like a president. Cause he swears it in the name of god. And you don't question god, hell it's even forbidden by that same god. So you don't question god, and people don't question you. It gives you power if 60% of your country believes in the stories of the talking snake etc.

But it's 2010 (in most regions ;)). We should be able to make a society based on our own intelligence and morale. We don't need to have the voice of a god in our head telling us what is right and what is not, what we should do and what we should not, who we should kill and who we shouldn't.

I mean, get to the point where you know you don't know everything. Doubt is natural and it's good. Everyone does good and bad, that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Good and bad in nature doesn't even exist. Good is what helps us as an individual or group, bad is what negative for us as a negative or group.

Haleth 10-26-10 02:13 PM

I don't think religion debates are bad in themselves, they can happen without any trouble.

Imo the WoWI community is for the majority sensible enough not to argue over religion.

Led ++ 10-26-10 02:17 PM


edit - religion debate doesn't belong on the wow forums
It's in chit-chat. Like I said, if you don't want to debate it. Just ignore it. :)

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