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unlimit 03-23-10 11:25 AM

Impossible DUI (work in progress)

This is the beta to Impossible DUI, if you have any suggestions, or criticism, please leave them in the comments.

Impossible Dynamic User Interface

To be played at 1280x1024 at the lowest set UI Scale through video options. For this to properly work, select your DUI to impossible where you will see your username_server (for example, unlimit_demonsoul) in the top left of your screen.


Regarding Portraits

Portraits will only be visible for your Player, Target, Party, Arena, and Boss frames.

However, these units will only actually display a portrait if they are at Max Health AND Max Power, unless you are a warrior, a druid in bear form, or a death knight, to which it is inverse and actually if you are at Zero Power.

Desktops Included:
  • Solo
  • Party
  • Raid
  • PVP
  • Arena
Windows Included:
  • Player
  • Target
  • Target of Target
  • Focus
  • Party
  • PVE 25 Man Raid
  • PVP 40 Man Raid
  • Viewport
  • ActionBars
  • Buffs
  • Debuffs
  • Chat Frame
  • Omniscience Live Window
  • Threat Meter
  • Damage Meter
  • Experience Bar
  • Reputation Bar

For this to work correctly, you need to edit the amount of lines the Omniscience Live window shows at once, as the set amount does not save, we can fix this by using the guide below:

Open <parent-to-this-folder>\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\RDX\Omniscience\LiveWindow.lua

Replace line 13

local olw_lines, olw_width = 20, 346;

local olw_lines, olw_width = 12, 346;
Replace line 178

olw_lines = RDXU.omniLW; if not olw_lines then olw_lines = 20; end

olw_lines = RDXU.omniLW; if not olw_lines then olw_lines = 12; end

unlimit 04-12-10 07:03 PM

Beta DUI uploaded!

da_real_mobeater 05-17-10 10:27 PM

Possible .. In impossible DUI? :)
Any way you could make it a bit easier to make it work with different resolutions? say the more popular wide screen ones? 1440x900, 1920x1200, 1680x1050, etc...

Would be nice if possible, I would try to figure it all out, save the fact I drive truck for a living and have about 1-2 hours every other night or so to play, and I would like to use this DUI, cept I unfortunately am plagued with those reso's on my laptop :(

Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
80 Paladin - Cho'Gall

unlimit 05-18-10 12:19 AM

Hey Rawx,

Thank's for using my DUI! I'm actually releasing a new version soon with 20% more awesome included, and I'd be happy to take a look at some other resolution options.

However, this might not be for a while as I'm kind of busy, like a couple of weeks at least.

My advice to you is, when I release my new DUI, to not use the Desktops, and to manually move the windows you want open yourself, and to create your own desktops.

This really isn't too hard, and once it's released I'll try to write a short guide if you're not already familiar with what I'm referring too.

Best of luck!

da_real_mobeater 05-19-10 12:09 AM

impossible ... Not so much :)
Thanks Unlimit,

I messed with it a bit, and got it working in all resolutions I use :) forgot how simple it was to adjust desktops in RDX, I am just coming back to it!

It is a very well put together DUI, I am enjoying it quite a bit!

Side note, took me a while when I first installed it to get it to work, as it was not enabled in my addon list. Just a thought, in your next release, you may want to go with the standard naming convention, as it were.

Some thing like "OOBE Impossible DUI" LOL, I was looking for OOBE when trying to find it, and it was way up top with informant lol.

This is just a thought, not a request :) it is your addon and do it your way bro! cuz it Rawx :P (couldn't resist LOL)

Thanks again,

unlimit 05-20-10 12:28 AM

I updated it just now, and it look's a lot better.

One of the main changes is that, your Player, Target, Party, Boss, and Arena frames will all be portrait when at MaxHealth AND MaxPower.

derfel 05-21-10 07:36 AM

hello unlimit.

Thank you very much for your time and effort in creating this cool UI.

i do have a couple of questions. While i will admit, this is my first go-around with OpenRDX, i am enjoying the format so far. At first, i was encountering some issues with certain aspects of the UI not staying where i placed them. I re-read all of your postings, and some others and have successfully created a nice 1680x1050 friendly layout.

Question 1: I am having difficulty having / creating / displaying the shaman's totem bar. are there any recommendaitons for this?

Question 2: I liked the Omniessence Live window, however where i had to activate each frame individually to match my screen resolution, i can't seem to find this one. Any help or suggestions?

I do enjoy this platform very much, and so far i have noticed a significantly reduced usage in my game memory since using it. It's a little tricky, and i am still learning to work with it, but so far these questions, primarily the Shaman totems, have been my biggest sticking point.

Thanks again.

unlimit 05-21-10 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by derfel (Post 188734)
Question 2: I liked the Omniessence Live window, however where i had to activate each frame individually to match my screen resolution, i can't seem to find this one. Any help or suggestions?

Hi! Thank's for using my DUI, I really appreciate the praise. I didn't expect a lot of people to use it compared to the last version. x.x But it went from 30 downloads to 150 in just a couple of hours. <.<

I'm not too sure what you are looking to do with the Omni window, are you looking to move it, change the size, etc.

Would you care to elaborate?

unlimit 05-21-10 01:46 PM

Oh, and I just uploaded 0.1.1 to fix a few bugs, make things a little nicer, include my own damage meters, and add "Desktop" to the FeatureData package, I somehow completely forgot about that.

Shikimaru 05-21-10 03:23 PM

new to rdx
where exactly do i put your files to access them i cant even get rdx to access the oobe

unlimit 05-21-10 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Shikimaru (Post 188789)
where exactly do i put your files to access them i cant even get rdx to access the oobe

The OOBE file should be in your addons folder, the same directory that any other addon you use would be in.

It should be named "OOBE Impossible DUI" in your addon list on your Character Screen before you log in, it may not be enabled so you might want to check just in case.

derfel 05-21-10 04:49 PM

My questions regarding the omniessence live window was after i switched from using one of your desktops to creating one of my own, i couldn't locate the window in the packages to re-open and use it.

but i think with the fact that i am going over every window and frame and tweaking it out to my specific liking, i probably would end up dropping that window alltogether, as i run a dual chat configuration and that window would end up getting in my way or tossed out alltogether.

thank you for a reply, and you have inspired me, using a few pieces of your impossible DUI and my own preferences from other mods to re-hash my own derfel UI. Expect further collaboration from me. Awesome job and keep up the nice work sir. :banana:

contramundi 05-22-10 05:31 AM


i read above posts but i can't figure out the answer to my problem:

i'm a complete newbie to RDX and installed your package + core + mediapack

all show up in the addon window in the char select screen, however, from what i read in the RDX beginners guide, there should be a window popping up asking if i want to install your UI.

this doesn't happen, neither can i find it when i browse the different windows from RDX.

any solution to this?

unlimit 05-22-10 06:57 AM

I just fixed this, there was an error in the last TOC file I updated, I tried to change the OOBE version but realize that it should be set to 1 by default for a reason.


tldr; Fixed now.

contramundi 05-22-10 07:23 AM

woot, it works now.

just one more question,

how can i do that with the unitframes like you have in the screenshots?

full 3d portrait with small bit of text?

this because i loved how the UF looked in the screenshot, but the only thing i'm seeing is the health/power bar and not the portrait.

unlimit 05-22-10 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by contramundi (Post 188886)
woot, it works now.

just one more question,

how can i do that with the unitframes like you have in the screenshots?

full 3d portrait with small bit of text?

this because i loved how the UF looked in the screenshot, but the only thing i'm seeing is the health/power bar and not the portrait.

Would you mind posting a screenshot?

You should only see a portrait for your player, target, party, arena, and boss frames if those units are at MaxHealth AND MaxPower (Unless you're a bear druid, warrior, and dk, where it is "IsZeroPower" instead, since the idea of actually HAVING rage or runic power is to assume you have activity.)

contramundi 05-22-10 11:27 AM

ok, that would explain it ^^

been tinkering with RDX on my DK so i only saw the big 3d portrait the moment i was looking into the UF code ^^

gonna look into RDX on my shammy or other characters then, i mean, i'm gonna use stuff from your UI and use it for my own desktops, coz i have a bigger screen than the res yours was made for. ;)

unlimit 05-22-10 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by contramundi (Post 188919)
ok, that would explain it ^^

been tinkering with RDX on my DK so i only saw the big 3d portrait the moment i was looking into the UF code ^^

gonna look into RDX on my shammy or other characters then, i mean, i'm gonna use stuff from your UI and use it for my own desktops, coz i have a bigger screen than the res yours was made for. ;)

Awesome, best of luck to your UI! =p

I'm actually going to release the frames individually as well as the DUI, so it should be easier to get them at that point.

=) Glad to see people are really liking my unitframes.

derfel 05-23-10 05:34 AM

your unit frames breathe awesomeness. They remind me of the ones i fell in love with in Sewell UI, only much cleaner. :cool:

Dazzlok 05-24-10 07:17 AM

nice ui:) thx man!!:) btw how make it works correctly in 1920x1080?

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