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Aur0r4 12-29-22 03:21 AM

BigWigs timers wrong position after reloadui
Hello everyone,

I'm having an issue with BigWigs in combination with LittleWigs (tested within a dungeon) and an UIScaler-addon:

Outside the dungeon the position of my bars is OK but when I enter a dungeon while LittleWigs is enabled and then do a /reloadui my bigwigs timerbars are in the wrong position.
When I click in the coordinate box and re-apply the value by hitting enter the position is correct again.

I think it has something to do with a simple addon that I'm using to scale the UI.

I don't think it is a BigWigs/LitteWigs issue because its not doing that thing when I've disabled my scaler addon. Also it is weird that it is only happening inside dungeons (and raids).

Maybe someone has an idea what is going on here - sadly my Lua/WoW Api skills are very bad...

This is the code I am using for UI scale, maybe someone has an idea if it is possible to fix it somehow:

Lua Code:
  1. local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
  2. f:RegisterEvent("PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD")
  3. f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event)
  4.     UIParent:SetScale(0.5333333333333333)
  5.     f:UnregisterAllEvents()
  6. end)

I would be extremely grateful for any help 🙂

Btw: I have tested scaling without the addon and just with

/run UIParent:SetScale(0.5333333333333333)
but I got the same issue then.

Outside dungeon, positions OK:

Inside dungeons, positions wrong (only normal timerbars on the left side, since the other one are on its default position):

And another thing: I did not have this probleme before 10.0 but I was using another scaler addon then, but it was not working in Dragonflight so I did the switch. Old addon was


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