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Rhamses 07-03-09 01:16 PM

Icon texture instead of box
I am working on an addon that gices a warning to drain souls. I am pulling some different code together.

I have
function ExecuteWarning_OnLoad()
ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame:SetAttribute('type', 'spell')
ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame:SetAttribute('spell', "Drain Soul")
getglobal(ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame:GetName().."_Text"):SetText( "Loaded!" );.

This allows me to take the previous text warning and turn it into a button that can be clicked to drain soul.

I have found the physical dimension in the XML file.

If I wanted to have a Soul Shard icon instead of the box, how do I change the texture? If it is a root path and you do not know it you can write the first part Interface/*** and I will hunt it out.

When I try to change the texture in xml or lua I just get errors. 8 (


Xrystal 07-03-09 01:39 PM

If you find the spellID/itemID from wowhead for the soul shard item and then use GetItemInfo to get the information you will be able to get the icon file used for that item.

This means that 6265 is the itemID so using the following command will grab the icon path for you to use as a texture file name.

itemName, itemLink, itemRarity, itemLevel, itemMinLevel, itemType, itemSubType, itemStackCount,
itemEquipLoc, itemTexture = GetItemInfo(itemID)

To make things easier because you may not need the other info you can just do this.

itemTexture = select(10,GetItemInfo(itemID))

This will select the 10th item in the return list from that function.

Rhamses 07-03-09 04:46 PM

Oh wow, thanks! You all are doing a great job teaching a man to fish :banana:


Xrystal 07-03-09 04:56 PM

Rofl, it taught me well a few months back when I was learning :D

My first addon was written in March and it took me a while to figure it out :D

Rhamses 07-03-09 05:25 PM

oops, that fish got away.

I may have put the code in the wrong place. I do not get an errorr, but I am unable to change the frame from a simple box. In the lua code I have

if (UnitName("target") == nil) then
ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame:SetAttribute('itemTexture' , 'select(10,GetItemInfo(6265))')
numShards = GetItemCount("Soul Shard");

ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame:SetBackdropColor( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
getglobal(ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame:GetName().."_Text"):SetText( numShards .." / ".. maxShards );

I have tried to place the same command ('Item...) in the on load and it does not change either. My guess is that the XML file called "secure handler is over-riding the lua? In the xml I find

- <Frame name="ExecuteWarning_secureFrames" hidden="true" virtual="true" inherits="SecureActionButtonTemplate" parent="UIParent">
- <Size>
<AbsDimension x="80" y="30" />
- <Backdrop bgFile="Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background" edgeFile="Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border" tile="true">
- <BackgroundInsets>
<AbsInset left="4" right="4" top="4" bottom="4" />
- <TileSize>
<AbsValue val="16" />
- <EdgeSize>
<AbsValue val="16" />

As well as
- <Button name="ExecuteWarning_BuffFrame" hidden="true" inherits="ExecuteWarning_secureFrames" enableMouse="true" movable="true">

Rhamses 07-03-09 06:24 PM

wow, my head is really spinning now. Maybe, I should toss out this "secure Frame" file and try to rewrite what I think it is doing in the lua files I have played with. Learning one language is hard enough without bouncing back and forth


Xrystal 07-03-09 06:48 PM

Hmm, not sure there. Not touched xml files since day 1 of playing with addons. All my addons are pure lua now but I do recall having problems getting the secure action buttons working properly so maybe looking at how I did the lua side from the portal addon may help you figure out the difference.

Rhamses 07-03-09 07:13 PM

Will Do.

I have torn out the code that does not work or I would not use from Demonomicon. I have it so it automatically tries Fel Domination rather than left clicking alt, type stuff. I have fixed Execute Warning1.0 and modified it. I do not need to know 24.23% and changed some of the colors. I have also supplemented with a shard management tool to delete shards above 28. Eventually, I will make it a variable for the player, but I do not know how, yet and my bag is only a 28'er.

A couple of weeks ago, I made some cheezy aura monitoring. Like, playing,
"Needs Food Badly"
from the old Guantlet game when food buff is missing and

Mmmmmm Beer by homer simpson without flask 8 )


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