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TheWhiteFang 01-01-14 09:51 PM

oUF_Phanx Questions
Hi! First of all I would like to say it's a really nice addon that I've enjoyed. Right now I'm starting to tweak it a bit to my own personal style.

So I'm sitting here, looking through the forum for answers but there are still some questions I can't solve.

1) On my Warlock (Destruction) I get the Burning Embers on the top of the frame. I would like to have the Embers below the mana bar.

I found a segment in a BurningEmbers.lua file where is stood:

frame.BorderTextures.TOPLEFT:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", BurningEmbers, -offset, offset)
                frame.BorderTextures.TOPRIGHT:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", BurningEmbers, offset, offset)

I tried to change TOPLEFT to BOTTOMLEFT but it didn't work.

Any ideas how I can get the bar below instead of on top?

2) The cast bar under my own portait. I was wondering how you can make it show the spell name, like the target cast bar has.

I'm trying to learn how to work with .lua files, but I'm new so any help is welcome

Phanx 01-02-14 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by TheWhiteFang (Post 289038)
On my Warlock (Destruction) I get the Burning Embers on the top of the frame. I would like to have the Embers below the mana bar.

The lines you changed don't control where the embers are, they just make the border expand to go around the embers as well as the rest of the frame. You will need to change them, but you'll also need to change the actual position lines.

Parts in orange are what you need to add/change.


local function Frame_SetBorderSize(frame, size, offset)
        if BurningEmbers:IsShown() then
                local _, offset = frame:GetBorderSize()
                frame.BorderTextures.BOTTOMLEFT:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", BurningEmbers, -offset, -offset)
                frame.BorderTextures.BOTTOMRIGHT:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", BurningEmbers, offset, -offset)


ns.CreateBurningEmbers = function(frame)
        if BurningEmbers then
                return BurningEmbers
        BurningEmbers:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", frame, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, 1)
        BurningEmbers:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", frame, "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 1)


Originally Posted by TheWhiteFang (Post 289038)
The cast bar under my own portait. I was wondering how you can make it show the spell name, like the target cast bar has.

In Frames.lua:

                        Castbar.Time:SetPoint("RIGHT", Castbar, "RIGHT", -4, 0)
(uconfig.width or 1) > 0.75 then
                        Castbar.Text = ns.CreateFontString(Castbar, 16, "LEFT")
                        Castbar.Text:SetPoint("LEFT", Castbar, "LEFT", 4, 0)

TheWhiteFang 01-02-14 01:46 PM

Thanks, it worked out great! :D

TheWhiteFang 01-02-14 02:39 PM

Really grateful for the help, I even learned a few things :p

I got a few questions that I can't seem to fix even though I tried a bit before posting.
I will try and explain this as good as I can.

1)How do I make my and the targets healthbars lose the health bar as I lose hp?

But without the health defecit, I would like to have the current hp value like it is at the moment.

2)Also, how can I change the health numbers to a white color instead of class color? I know it shouldn't be hard to go in a file and just change the "Health_Color" or something like that, but I just can't seem to find it :(

3) I was thinking about trinket procs. I know I can use an addon to keep track of the procs, but the buffs/debuffs above the frames are one of the things I love so much about this addon. I was wondering if it's possible to make it so that I can see my trinket procs appear over my player frame without me having to hold in shift?

Thanks again and keep up the awesome work :banana::D

Phanx 01-02-14 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by TheWhiteFang (Post 289078)
How do I make my and the targets healthbars lose the health bar as I lose hp? ... I would like to have the current hp value like it is at the moment.

I'm not sure what you mean. What you're describing is how it already works -- when you or your target loses health, the health bar depletes to match your or your target's current health (eg. if you have 10k total health, and you are missing 2.5k health, the health bar is 75% full because you have 75% of your health remaining) and the text displays the amount of health you or your target has left.

If you're seeing something else, double-check any other changes you've made to see if you broke something. If you don't already have BugSack or Swatter installed and enabled, go fix that ASAP. Working with WoW addon code without a competent error display is like assmebling a jigsaw puzzle in a lightless room -- theoretically possible, but far more difficult than it needs to be.


Originally Posted by TheWhiteFang (Post 289078)
How can I change the health numbers to a white color instead of class color? I know it shouldn't be hard to go in a file and just change the "Health_Color" or something like that, but I just can't seem to find it :(

In Functions.lua, there is a function named PostHupdateHealth. If you want the health to always be white, change all of the lines inside that function that look like this:


bar.value:SetformattedText("|cff%02x%02x%02x%s|r", color[1] * 255, color[2] * 255, color[3] * 255, <something here>)
to just:


bar.value:SetFormattedText(|cffffffff%s|r", <something here>)
... and then remove all the lines that define/modify the "color" variable, since you're not using it.


Originally Posted by TheWhiteFang (Post 289078)
I was wondering if it's possible to make it so that I can see my trinket procs appear over my player frame without me having to hold in shift?

Yes, and you don't even need to modify any code. Open the options panel (type "/pouf" or browse to it in the standard Interface Options frame), go to the Auras panel, and type in the spell IDs for the spells you want to add, and set them to show only on the player frame.

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