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Tweeker 10-02-10 11:51 AM

addon updater
I use two addon updaters currently, MMOI Minion and curse client.

Once in a blue moon MMOI Minion finds an addon that curse client doesn't but since i use over 300 addons and been playing wow with addon updaters for 5 years, I have been using both clients to get my updates.
Recently curse released a version that will not connect and you can not go back to older versions.

So i am looking for an alternative.

(can we pass right by the part where people would advise me of things like firewall, proxy, anti-virus, ipconfig /flushdns and other things i have tried and know very much about)

orionshock 10-04-10 02:09 AM

what version of curse client?

Petrah 10-04-10 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tweeker (Post 207892)
Recently curse released a version that will not connect

This is not true. I use it and it connects just fine. I just checked and was able to update ChocolateBar with it. ;)


Originally Posted by Tweeker (Post 207892)
and you can not go back to older versions.

Also not true. You can download v3.

Aarokh 10-04-10 06:36 PM

if you know so very much about all this stuff, why don't you trace down the problem yourself with a protocol analyzer and check where the connection fails?

On Linux my first stop would be Wireshark for example.

kaialani 10-04-10 08:02 PM

I wont touch the curse client because its cursed on 64 bit windows 7. I cant install it so use the updater from here. I just can't be bothered if the authors can't either.

kaialani 10-04-10 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by Aarokh (Post 208083)
if you know so very much about all this stuff, why don't you trace down the problem yourself with a protocol analyzer and check where the connection fails?

On Linux my first stop would be Wireshark for example.

The curse client is very well known to have so many bugs in windows 7 64 that the authors dont seem able to or care about actually updating it. There are hundreds if not thousands of requests daily for them to fix this problem, but it falls on deaf ears. I mean why use .netframework in the first place? Seriously its a drain and its not needed or wanted. One day someone over there will say oh yeah .netcrapwork we need to change it, until then they can keep it..soon it wont be working at all, apart from 3 or 4 people :)

brotherhobbes 10-04-10 08:22 PM

i have win7 64 bit and the curse client works fine on it

Thortok2000 10-04-10 10:10 PM

I use curse just fine on Win7 64 bit, no problems whatsoever. Have no idea what people are talking about there.

Looking into WoWI's one because I just noticed they have one now and some addons simply aren't on curse.

Tweeker 10-05-10 06:50 AM

Thanks for all your input, i was able to find a way back site that still had V3 and have hacked my registry to not force autoupdates.

Would be thrilled when they fix the new version(s) to run correctly on win7 64b.

Once again, many thanks

Bomyne 10-05-10 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Tweeker (Post 208120)
Thanks for all your input, i was able to find a way back site that still had V3 and have hacked my registry to not force autoupdates.

Would be thrilled when they fix the new version(s) to run correctly on win7 64b.

Once again, many thanks

They do work correctly on Windows 7 64 bit. I use Curse on Windows 7 and it's working perfectly.

A little too perfectly... *eyes curse* Are you up to something? :D

Petrah 10-05-10 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by Tweeker (Post 208120)
i was able to find a way back site that still had V3

Why would you need a way back site? The link to download v3 is right under the link to download v4.

Tweeker 10-05-10 09:27 AM

I found out the issue. and here was my fix

Try this;

Go to the Control Panel and open up Internet Options.
Click on the Connections tab.
Click the button called "LAN Settings"
Uncheck all of the options on that screen.
Then try again.

If that does not work, go back in and check the box to "Automatically Detect Settings" and test once more.

This got things under 'my' control again and everything works.

d16174l4n63l 10-05-10 11:08 AM

I use WUU, it still works and is cross platform

Nobgul 10-05-10 01:07 PM

Deleted My Post.

Didn't wanna make the OP feel bad.

(can we pass right by the part where people would advise me of things like firewall, proxy, anti-virus, ipconfig /flushdns and other things i have tried and know very much about)....

Tweeker 10-05-10 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by nobgul (Post 208161)
Deleted My Post.

Didn't wanna make the OP feel bad.

(can we pass right by the part where people would advise me of things like firewall, proxy, anti-virus, ipconfig /flushdns and other things i have tried and know very much about)....

we didn't cover the virus part, since i dont have a proxy...
It got there somehow, still scanning to determine which caused it..

will report findings back when i can.

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