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Mortlach 05-22-07 09:55 PM

MacAceUpdater and findings
I'm examining this now, but there is a Mac Ace Updater found at

I'll post findings as I go thru my update procedure... and design my update procedure.

Folks, be patient. If this were 10 addons, it'd be minor, but Mazzle is an integrated whole.
Give Mazzle and his beta team time!

"Meanwhilst, ye all goo an' enjoy real life!" - Mortie

Xenophanes 05-23-07 12:49 AM

I just used MacAceUpdater to update a fresh Mazzle install after 2.1 (kept my existing WTF folder so I wouldn't have to reconfigure everything).

I also updated to the newest versions of KTM, BigWigs, and SWStats (make sure to update your Fubar_KTM too!).

I'm getting 0 errors, and it works like a charm.

Mortlach 05-24-07 05:40 PM

HOW TO: Make MazzleUI work on Mac (WoW 2.1)
Here's the process that worked for me on two Macs, Intel and G5.
(PC users, if you're reading this, use WoWAceUpdater or the java-based tool to update.)

Updating Ace Addons
- Get MacAceUpdater

- Back up your Addons folder
(One can start with a blank AddOns folder, but that wasn't needful for me.)

Using MacAceUpdater
- Install !!!StandAloneLibs only.
- Click Refresh List.
- Click Select Outdated Plugins (another term for AddOns).
- Install Selected PlugIns
I also installed SharedMedia and SharedMediaLib, in case of future dependancies. (These will be replacing Surfaces & SurfaceLib and they may be required soon. Do keep the Surface duo around whilst we wait for more updates.)
Note that TinyTip Extras reports an incorrect version, even after a manual update of it. This seems to be a cosmetic/reporting error. (I'll tell the author....)

You've now updated MazzleUI! All should be well, as it was on my wife's iMac G5.

However, some folks (often Intel-based users) seem to have WoW crash out after the character loading bar is full. Bongos Action Bar, a required support AddOn for Bongos, is the apparent trigger; it is not the proximate cause.

Thanks to Mazzle and Exceltica, this fix has allowed me to load and Mazzify all my chars.

The Mazzle/Exceltica Fix
- Open Interface/AddOns/Mazzifier/Mazzifier_Buttons.lua.
Around line 58, in the CompressBar() function, there is a line:
local shouldAdd = false

- Change that "false" to "true" and save the file.
local shouldAdd = true

(Mac users should use BBEdit or the free TextWrangler to open and save this file so the differences in PC/Mac line ending characters are preserved.)

(Note that one familiar with coding could simply comment out this entire function, per Mazzle. Since not everyone uses a tool that allows mass commenting out of a function, this inefficient fix still solves the problem for now and is easy for non-coders to apply.)

That's almost it.

Removing Bongos_ActionBar.lua from character's SavedVariables folders
You probably have old Bongos_ActionBar.lua files in each of your character folders. These must be deleted. Don't worry, they'll be remade properly for this temp fix.
The normal path on a Mac is
(PC users, the path will be nearly identical if you wish to try this. Follow it logically thru....)

After deleting them, login and Mazzify each character from scratch.

If you wish to update other non-Ace AddOns, as I did, hunt, gather and sauté! Remember that any grossly updated AddOn may not Mazzify properly due to changes in the updated AddOn. Your Mileage May Vary.....

Mazzle is undoubtedly hard at work, hopefully at real life first and his compilation second. :) Be patient -- this dwarf has learned that all good things come in time to those... who wait for gnomes. ;)

P.S. The bugsack reporting sound will be the original annoying one "fatality!". If it drives you crazy, you can change the sound played.

-- Mortie

Mazzlefizz 05-24-07 07:37 PM

I don't know about the Bongos2 part. I don't really think I would suggest that, though you clearly seem to have some problem on one of your machines. That's a huge departure that I don't think is warranted as a general suggestion. It seems like quite a few Mac people are posting that don't have those same problems.

Mortlach 05-24-07 08:02 PM

Psst, see post 3, edited 1 June 07
Post 3 in this thread is a current HOW TO for making MazzleUI work on crashing Macs.


Chynah 05-24-07 10:21 PM

Just want to confirm the crash on my Mac, after following the instructions above.

Updated all the Ace plugins via macaceupdater, as well as added SharedMedia and SharedMedialib

WoW crashed upon loading.

When I disabled Bongos, Bongos Action Bar, and Bongos Options, Mazzle loaded just fine.

Also loaded fine with Bongos2.

I am using an iMac G5 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.

Hope this helps, and thanks for an awesome product!!!

Edit: Looking at the configuration of the Bongos2 buttons, even though they're not laid out on the bottom panels, they are still in the same configuration/layout as the way Mazzle configures them. Just had to move em down, reduce the number of columns, and re-do the key bindings (not hard at all!).

arrwyndruid 05-24-07 10:59 PM

For some reason for only my shammie and my lock I crash. I disables Bongos and that stopped it from crashing. I installed Bongos2 and it works fine.

I really do not understand enough about the mod to know why it would only crash on the two toons and not the other charc I have.

Ironshield 05-25-07 11:51 AM

Count my MacBook Pro 15" Intel CoreDuo in as same. Everything works fine if I disable the bongos addons. works fine if I install Bongos2 and reconfig the bongos2.

*** HOWEVER *** Mazzle did nicely tell me in separate thread here that my conclusion that mazzle_bongos is the problem is wrong and that most likely it is a corruption of the bongos config file. So we should keep that in mind. The little gnome with pink hair has proven to be right on more occasions that I have !! = )

Not sure which is going to be more fun this weekend, playing WoW or tinkering with the code!!


Originally Posted by Mortlach
I agree and hopefully some Intel Mac users, esp on the 17" MBP (CoreDuo here), will post if they've had success and what differences in update methods they used.

(Edited post to make Bongos to Bongos2 an optional fix IF Bongos is crashing WoW.)

Intel Mac crash confirmation count
As of 25 May, we have 2 Intel Mac crash confirmations, focused on Bongos.


Mazzlefizz 05-25-07 01:40 PM

Mortlach has reported to me that the same exact setup causes a crash on Intel macs but works perfectly fine on the normal macs (PowerPC?), which explains why only some of you are having this problem.

Commish 05-25-07 06:20 PM

I have an intel based iMac.

I used the Mac Ace Updater, and updated all Ace addons. Everything works great on my main, a warrior, but when I try to use my lock or hunter WoW crashes (program closes, and there is only a WoW error message window). The crash occurs after the character loads (after blue progression bar goes all the way to the right, but before the screen switches to the WoW world). If I disable all addons, I can get those characters to load. I will try enabling only some addons at a time to see what happens. Can't do that now because I'm working. Shhh . . .

Mortlach 05-25-07 07:21 PM

Tested with clean Interface and WTF: crash
Based on the fact I started with a clean Interface and WTF folder, I suspect that it is not a bongos settings file corruption, unless we are having a Intel-Mac-only corruption due to updated libs.

Oddly enough, I've seen a this error thrown by the same WoW file in earlier beta testing, so I suspect a WoW scaling flakiness that is triggered by probably good lua code in Bongos. Were I not working this weekend, I'd fork Mazzle's Bongos and see if I can debug the error.

Bongos2 is working well for me, so I'd like to suggest that Bongos2's author and Mazzle might be able to pull their needs together into one trunk of Bongos2. (Man, that sounds easy, but is soooo non-trivial. Please don't frostbolt me in the groin, Maz!)


Ironshield 05-26-07 11:38 AM


Over in , Exceltica did an *outstanding* job of documenting his testing and it would appear to be pointing at a problem with empty button sets (lowbie toons) on the Intel Macs.

I think the three of us are hammering out the nitty gritty of repeatable failures and successes. Good for us all to be on the same page.

When this is all done - we all gonna have to swill some good 'warven ales!

Tristessa 05-27-07 05:25 AM

I play a lv. 65 Warrior on a 1.83GHz Intel Core Duo MacBook Pro, and the problems I have are with (1.) Cartographer, (2.) Autobar, (3.) ItemSync, and (4.) FuBar.

Cartographer wasn't showing the proper map and it was completely transparent when activated (documented elsewhere in this forum, obviously)

My bars weren't changing properly when I switched stances in combat and I initially thought Bongos was the culprit, but apparently it was Autobar--I switched it off and everything was okay. I see no problems whatsoever with Bongos.

ItemSync refuses to preview any loot I am rolling for (Need/Greed/Pass options looking weird).

FuBar won't register my right-mouse clicks, e.g. when I right-click on the ItemRack shortcut it won't show the drop-down menu.

Trying that MacAceUpdater now.

EDIT: Used the Updater as advised, and everything's working fine now. What's interesting is that the program crashed mid-way.

FlawlessCowboy 05-29-07 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
Mortlach has reported to me that the same exact setup causes a crash on Intel macs but works perfectly fine on the normal macs (PowerPC?), which explains why only some of you are having this problem.

This isn't entirely true. I use a standard PowerPC Mac and even after updating everything I still crash out when I have Bongos loaded. I've had to disable it for the time being, but that mod is definitely what's causing my crashes.

Mazzlefizz 05-29-07 12:50 PM


Originally Posted by FlawlessCowboy
This isn't entirely true. I use a standard PowerPC Mac and even after updating everything I still crash out when I have Bongos loaded. I've had to disable it for the time being, but that mod is definitely what's causing my crashes.

That was a very early report to me, which I may have misquoted. I don't know much about the differences in Mac models. You should check the other thread where they talk about more specific causes.

sdlotu 05-29-07 02:18 PM

I have been reading a couple of different threads about the Mac/Mazzle/Bongos issue, and I believe there is indeed an issue with empty button bars on low level toons.

Here is my experience. I have run Mazzle for a couple of months now with no issues on Intel and PPC Macs. When the 2.1 patch came out, all my toons above level 20 were able to log in successfully. There were other issues with them that seem to have been resolved by updating ACE.

However, neither of my two lower level toons, currently 19 and 13, will open the game window after the progress bar completes, using the default Mazzle with the ACE updates. I have manually removed and replaced all of the Bongos folders present in the MazzleUI with the 757 build, which allows both to load but leaves an ugly mess of bars and such on my screen. Restoring the folders to original condition restores the crash.

This is true on my low level toons whether I am on Intel or PPC.

Another potentially valuable data point is that my next higher level toon is level 25, which is working fine with Mazzle still. This indicates that there is a narrow range of levels where the problem goes away, and that the level 19 toon may fix itself after levelling just a bit more.

The only difference I can see between these two toons (level 25 and level 19) besides the obvious class and race differences, is that the 19 has several fewer talents and as a result, several fewer buttons activated on the bar.

So, my conclusion is that there is a problem with Bongos dealing with toons that have a number of buttons activated below a certain threshhold, or that there is a problem with empty button bars themselves, or a combination of both.

Presumably, this would happen on a new toon with no talents at all, but I haven't tested that yet.

Mortlach 05-29-07 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
Mortlach has reported to me that the same exact setup causes a crash on Intel macs but works perfectly fine on the normal macs (PowerPC?), which explains why only some of you are having this problem.

PowerPC based Macs haven't been made for around a year; all Macs are now Intel-based.

Before doing too much testing, Mac-users, do check the forum threads covering this. There's obviously a problem and it may well be with update methodology causing a library issue. We can build some test cases here on the forum to help Mazzle, since he doesn't own a Mac.

At least most of us can play, if not Mazzify, for now!

Mazzlefizz 05-29-07 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mortlach
PowerPC based Macs haven't been made for around a year; all Macs are now Intel-based.

Before doing too much testing, Mac-users, do check the forum threads covering this. There's obviously a problem and it may well be with update methodology causing a library issue. We can build some test cases here on the forum to help Mazzle, since he doesn't own a Mac.

At least most of us can play, if not Mazzify, for now!

There was a specific thread, where a mac user was able to get around their crashes by disabling the code I pointed him/her that did the bar compressions for characters missing skills. I think I referred you to that thread earlier Mortlach. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with update methodology or a library conflict.

sdlotu 05-29-07 08:54 PM

Following up on my previous post:

I created a new lvl 1 toon, BE Pal, and did nothing but run Mazzify.

Selected a Mazzlegasm, no raid or pvp config, Paladin button layout.

Ran once, but the process halted after reporting configuring SmartBuff. It normally takes only a few seconds to get the reload UI button on the Mazzle interface. I left it for over 3 minutes but saw no change.

Closed the Mazzifier using the upper right X box. Reloaded the UI. Reran Mazzle. Used same settings as above.

This time the configuration completed, and gave me the reload UI button. I clicked it, the UI reloaded, and the game crashed.

This result is consistent with my previous speculation that low level toons have a problem with empty bars, since it happens to a level 19, level 13, and level 1 toon but not to a level 25, 48 or 52 toon.

I don't know if that information is particularly informative, but there you are.

FlawlessCowboy 05-29-07 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz

That was a very early report to me, which I may have misquoted. I don't know much about the differences in Mac models. You should check the other thread where they talk about more specific causes.

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off as snippy or anything, but I have checked the other thread, and I'm pretty sure the problem is most of the toons I'm playing are quite low-level and therefore fall into the problem of empty button sets being the issue for a crash.

Unfortunately, I believe my one high-level character is still experiencing some problems, but I'll make sure to check one more time.

I appreciate all the hard work everyone is putting into things here, keep it up guys! :)

Edit: Just tested it on my Warlock (level 49) and it still crashed.

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