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Aldmehr 05-29-07 09:32 AM


Creating a new thread for discussion of this mod...

Anyone use it yet and have any comments?

Sajomatic 05-29-07 10:32 AM

Great Idea for a addon. Seems like this could replace Jim's cooldown. :D

On the topic of adding in spells for different classes, the only other addon that I could think of off the top of my head would be Click2Cast, that has dewdrop format to input spells. The code seems pretty straight forward, you might want to look into it to see a way to manually input spells and ranks.

Also I would request CyCircled support :D

Just my 2 cents :D

Aldmehr 05-30-07 04:29 AM

New version 0.5 is available.


Originally Posted by Sajomatic
On the topic of adding in spells for different classes, the only other addon that I could think of off the top of my head would be Click2Cast, that has dewdrop format to input spells. The code seems pretty straight forward, you might want to look into it to see a way to manually input spells and ranks.

Also I would request CyCircled support :D

Fancy config options are low on the list for now... unless somebody wants to donate the code. :)

CyCircled... Do I modify my addon to support this or does CyCircled add support for me? Either way, I'm not sure how compatible these are but am willing to add any prewritten code that does this...

At the moment, I have a lot of work to do for the other classes...

Astryl 05-30-07 02:22 PM

Hey, I've given this a try... Reminds me of my old addon, FeralSkills, in a way. :)

Overall, nice job, very extensible/customizable. I've had it for like 3 days now, but haven't really used it yet, as it was still on default settings (which are pretty bad, btw... Rake? wtf?). This morning I was able to customize it pretty good, but haven't had much chance to play with it. This evening, I'll be raiding and farming with it, so will probably have a good chance to test things out, then I'll post my watched skills and my special cases.

Astryl 05-30-07 02:39 PM

Actually, in case anyone else wants to try it, here's what I've got currently. I haven't raided with this, or farmed more than a few mobs, so no garuntees that it works right...

local watchSpells = {
{"Faerie Fire (Feral)"},
{"Mangle (Cat)", "Maul"},
{"Shred", "Mangle (Bear)"},
{"Ferocious Bite", "Rip", "Lacerate", "Swipe"},
{"Feral Charge", "Growl"},
{"Demoralizing Roar", "Prowl"}

if spellName == "Faerie Fire" then
if self:IsUnitDebuffUp("target", "Faerie Fire") then
failCode = 101
elseif spellName == "Faerie Fire (Feral)" then
if self:IsUnitDebuffUp("target", "Faerie Fire (Feral)") then
failCode = 102
elseif spellName == "Barkskin" then
if not InCombatLockdown() then
failCode = 103
elseif spellName == "War Stomp" then
if not InCombatLockdown() then
failCode = 104
elseif spellName == "Rake" then
if self:IsUnitDebuffUp("target", "Rake") then
failCode = 105
elseif spellName == "Cower" then
if (GetNumPartyMembers() == 0 and GetNumRaidMembers() == 0) or UnitIsPlayer("target") then
failCode = 106
elseif spellName == "Growl" then
if (GetNumPartyMembers() == 0 and GetNumRaidMembers() == 0) or UnitIsPlayer("target") then
failCode = 107
elseif spellName == "Mangle (Cat)" then
if (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 or GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) and self:IsUnitDebuffUp("target", "Mangle") then
failCode = 108
elseif spellName == "Maul" then
if UnitMana("player")<50 then
failCode = 109
elseif spellName == "Demoralizing Roar" then
if self:IsUnitDebuffUp("target", "Demoralizing Roar") or self:IsUnitDebuffUp("target", "Demoralizing Shout") or self:IsUnitDebuffUp("target", "Curse of Weakness") then
failCode = 110
elseif spellName == "Ferocious Bite" then
if GetComboPoints() < 4 then
failCode = 111
elseif spellName == "Rip" then
if GetComboPoints() < 4 then
failCode = 112
elseif spellName == "Lacerate" then
if (GetNumPartyMembers() == 0 and GetNumRaidMembers() == 0) then
failCode = 113
elseif spellName == "Swipe" then
if (GetNumPartyMembers() > 0 or GetNumRaidMembers() > 0) then
failCode = 113

Aldmehr 05-31-07 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Astryl
btw... Rake? wtf?

Why the rake hate?

For my 66 druid, mangle->rake does more damag per energy than mangle->mangle.
(Convince me otherwise?)

Of course mangle->shred is better, but generally only usable in a group.

Anyway, for the next version (0.6), rake will be in the default config, but only show ready if solo (and target is not undead).

Aldmehr 05-31-07 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Astryl
Actually, in case anyone else wants to try it, here's what I've got currently. I haven't raided with this, or farmed more than a few mobs, so no garuntees that it works right...

Thanks for the input.
I have made many updates to the (soon to be released) v0.6, including the default config and special cases. Hopefully they'll be more to your liking.

A couple of notes:
Because I have a hud that shows energy and combo points, I don't see the point in showing [bite, rip, shred, swipe] ready icons, so these won't be in the default config (which can be changed). However, I did add the combo points check in case those finishing moves are added to the config.

Similarly, mangle(cat) won't show up as ready for the same reasons... (unless the target doesn't have any mangle (cat or bear)). mangle(bear) will of course always show if ready.

I understand why you check Maul < 50 rage... but for now, I've set it to < 25 because I know some people prefer different tanking styles. I might make this configurable in the future.
(previously this was not checked at all, so it defaulted to behaving like <10).

fff and ff now check for each other before showing ready.

I added your changes for demo roar/shout/CoW... to all 3 classes thanks.

Also in 0.6,
There is now a lacerate/sunder counter/countdown.
Spells not ready just due to only GCD will be greyed out instead of gone.
Mouseover support added.
In general, I have tried to update the special cases to cover enough cases that they won't need to be manually modified. In the future I hope to supply a configuratoin options to "tweak" the specials cases where desired.
Lots of other minor changes I forget.

Aldmehr 06-02-07 11:00 PM

ok, I updated the mod to v0.60, which includes support for Druids, Mages, Warlocks, and Warriors.

These rule: Added de/buff stack counters/countdowns for Lacerate, Sunder Armor, and Lifebloom.

Grey on GCD is way better than before.

The new mouseover support is quite powerful, imo. But is turned off by default.

Aldmehr 06-05-07 02:24 PM

I'm getting close to pushing v0.7 out the door. Today or tomorrow...

I Added support for multiple config profiles and autoswitching (default is off) between config profiles "Default" (solo), "Group", and "Raid".
There are also a bunch of tweaks and bug fixes.

After v0.7, the development will slow down dramatically... mainly limited to bug fixes, default config/special cases tweaks, waiting on community feedback for class configs/cases, and the dreaded step of torturing someone to make a GUI to configure watchSpells.
I'll also try to get v0.7 into wowace SVN.

I am looking for feedback.... suggested changes... if anyone is using this mod that is. ;)
Last minute updates that could go into v0.7....

Aldmehr 06-13-07 10:59 AM

Updated to v0.71.

I'd like feedback if anyone is actually using this mod.


Aldmehr 06-19-07 12:01 PM

Updated to 0.72. Some nice updates and bug fixes.

Still looking for feedback. How is this addon working out for people?

I am personally loving it myself. I can hide all my action bars with key bindings and keep on top of things more efficiently.

Aldmehr 07-06-07 07:54 AM

0.74 is out with some bug fixes.

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