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Tucciim 06-18-07 09:22 AM

enemy cast bars (antagonist) and bigwigs ?
I don't know if i am just being blind ro what but it seems that i can't see any enemy cast bars during boss fights. this is especially bad during the shade fight in kara when i'm supposed to be kicking. it's to much of a pita to watch the top of the screen for the bigwig notices. does antagonist get disabled when bigwigs kicks in or am i just missing something.

enemy cast bars seems buggy at best at normal times anyways. it picks up all the red players casting but doesnt work that well on mobs. anyone else having that issue?

rasoft2000 06-18-07 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Tucciim
I don't know if i am just being blind ro what but it seems that i can't see any enemy cast bars during boss fights. this is especially bad during the shade fight in kara when i'm supposed to be kicking. it's to much of a pita to watch the top of the screen for the bigwig notices. does antagonist get disabled when bigwigs kicks in or am i just missing something.

enemy cast bars seems buggy at best at normal times anyways. it picks up all the red players casting but doesnt work that well on mobs. anyone else having that issue?

With mobs yes but I disabled the option self relevant and then I had no more problems tho I need to test it on bgs.

Tucciim 06-18-07 11:29 AM

if i just disable antagonist will it use the default enemy cast bar settings from bliz? I really need something more reliable for pve

rasoft2000 06-18-07 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by Tucciim
if i just disable antagonist will it use the default enemy cast bar settings from bliz? I really need something more reliable for pve

If you need something more reliable then disable antagonist and use Natur EnemyCastBar:

is a great addon if you configure it properly, maybe mazz uses it on next mazzleui patch?

Nynaeve 06-18-07 01:55 PM

Thee is an option that is very easy to see. Just it "v" or enable the nameplates in the interface options menu, then enable the enemy cast bars in the interface options menu. It puts it right over the person's head, along with their nameplates that you enable with "v."
That is what I use, and it has helped me a lot. One-shotted Shade is always nice too :P

Tucciim 06-18-07 02:21 PM

awesome! thanks a lot for the tips.

Mazzlefizz 06-18-07 04:48 PM

I, too, have seen this on Aran, Maulgar and a few other boss fights. And, I have reported this issue to the author of Antagonist a few months ago. He said he'd look into it, but I don't think there was ever a resolution or another response. I think it may be an issue of not detecting casts that are indicating by emotes, but I could be wrong on that. IIRC, I did see some casts on Aran, but not all of them.

If you are melee, I'd do what Nyn suggests for that fight. It's a little bit harder to use nameplates if you're a caster, b/c you can only see nameplates within a certain range.

As for NECB, it's definitely one of the most powerful timer add-ons out there, but it has everything and the kitchen sink in there. A good deal of which is redundant with other things in the UI. I'm always debating this one.

Arkive 06-18-07 06:35 PM

I noticed on the NECB page he mentions this:

* Some bosses require to have them targetted to trigger PvE CastBars (or to unlock other castbars) on engage.

The bosses he mentions don't include Shade or newer bosses, but he may not have played/tested them. Something to think about next time you're in there anyway. Have to say, I feel a little better now. I thought I was going crazy on Shade the other day after disabling self-relevant a while back and thinking I had fixed it.

Unrelated (and probably unwanted...heh) NECB gets a big thumbs up from me too. Better looking timers, solid all around, but yea, pretty hefty in size.

Zyonin 06-19-07 02:21 AM

I have been using Quartz (casting bar mod). Quartz comes with an enemy cast bar option as well as target debuff timers (and stack counts) and a focus cast bar. Very useful in conjunction with BigWigs in fights like Aran.

rasoft2000 06-19-07 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz
I, too, have seen this on Aran, Maulgar and a few other boss fights. And, I have reported this issue to the author of Antagonist a few months ago. He said he'd look into it, but I don't think there was ever a resolution or another response. I think it may be an issue of not detecting casts that are indicating by emotes, but I could be wrong on that. IIRC, I did see some casts on Aran, but not all of them.

If you are melee, I'd do what Nyn suggests for that fight. It's a little bit harder to use nameplates if you're a caster, b/c you can only see nameplates within a certain range.

As for NECB, it's definitely one of the most powerful timer add-ons out there, but it has everything and the kitchen sink in there. A good deal of which is redundant with other things in the UI. I'm always debating this one.

True you have to disable some things on NECB so you dont get redundant bars :) Im still using antagonist without problems yet after some tweaking.

Tucciim 06-19-07 08:00 AM

well since i use mazzles rogue build, it makes "v" my avoidance button so i'm not sure how to get the default stuff to show up now. I've gone into the esc- ui settings - and checked the boxes for nameplates and enemy cast bars but that didnt make any difference.

i remoed antagonist, installed natur an tested it out on some casting mobs. it wouldn't show the enemy cast bar either. at all. i fiddled with the settings but for pve there is either on or off, so not very confusing :). it was pretty nice for showing debuffs though. removed it, put antagonist back in and moved the bars around a little and adjusted the size. it was working for the world mobs but not sure if it will work for shade or not. be testing it this week.

if anyone can help me out with how to get the default bars to show up after having a remapped "v" that'd be great.

oh also! i moved the withchunt box from the very top to more in the middle of the screen and now when i log out and back in it resets the box to halfway off the right side of the screen. any ideas on this one?

Mazzlefizz 06-19-07 02:03 PM


Originally Posted by Tucciim
well since i use mazzles rogue build, it makes "v" my avoidance button so i'm not sure how to get the default stuff to show up now. I've gone into the esc- ui settings - and checked the boxes for nameplates and enemy cast bars but that didnt make any difference.

Turn on nameplates in NameToggleFu or rebind the toggle namplates binding. Make sure to read the faq on efficiency modes.


Originally Posted by Tucciim
oh also! i moved the withchunt box from the very top to more in the middle of the screen and now when i log out and back in it resets the box to halfway off the right side of the screen. any ideas on this one?

I think that's a function of the override I placed in it to make it easier for me to position the frame. You can delete WitchHunt.lua in "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\!!MazzleUI_Preloader\Mods" if you want to manually move that frame using its built-in mechanisms.

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