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zonzo 09-27-05 06:02 AM

Neijek's Compilation
Please feel free to ask questions / post comments here about Neijek's Compilation.

Fost Solclaim 10-14-05 08:15 AM

Hello, nice UI. But for the life of me I can't find out where/how to turn off auto attack everytime something agro's me. I learned to hit the panic button when sheeping adds so I wont hit it and unsheep my own mob.

zonzo 10-14-05 01:52 PM

Pretty easy fix, type /dy menu (i think) and under there you should have the settings your looking for :)

Edit --- Oh, and check to make sure that you dont have attack on assist turned on too under the ESC menu (i think its under user interface settings)

Fost Solclaim 10-16-05 01:47 AM

Thanks, that fixed the error.

hulke 10-27-05 10:58 PM

get DC'ed when i cast a heal spell
just DL your UI today and i love it but only thing is i get DC'ed from server when i cast a heal spell i am a druid. Thx for the UI i hope this is a easy fix.

zonzo 10-29-05 10:33 AM

wow , hul, not sure about that problem. I have 3 druids in guild running it and they are not having any problems with it. The only thing i would sugest is to do this first.

Go under your wow folder (should be under c:\programs\wow\

delete everything under the WTB folder
delete everything under your WTF (now, i would make a copy of this first, so if deleting this doesn ot work u can just bring it back, since the WTF folder is your saved settings).

Then delete everything under your interfact folder, and re-download my ui and re-unzip it in to your wow folder.

It should read at the end... wow/interfact/addons/a lot of folders.

try that out and let me know if you still have a problem.

Goblinmoon 11-19-05 05:16 PM

those da** party fields
Hey all, I know you've answered this before, but I can't seem to find how to turn off the old frame for party members, even get it after they've left. You said hit RA, and I do that but I don't see the stuff to click turn it off in the Raid section.

Is there a command I need to access it?

zonzo 11-22-05 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Goblinmoon
Hey all, I know you've answered this before, but I can't seem to find how to turn off the old frame for party members, even get it after they've left. You said hit RA, and I do that but I don't see the stuff to click turn it off in the Raid section.

Is there a command I need to access it?

Click on the RA button, then go to "option sets (or what ever its called). Then when the main Raid assist screen opens, go to "general options"... then to the right. check the top 2 check boxes. Hide party window in and out of raid =P .

Goblinmoon 11-27-05 09:45 AM

found but this...
Okay all, found my problem, turns out it was simply a matter of the CT buttons and the RA buttons overlapping. Once I moved them it was cool..

Another question though, not sure if its the interface or WoW. Been having a weird problem in that when I'm casting, mostly healing spells, when generally not in combat, I get disco'd. No idea why. I'm pretty sure it started at the same time as either the last patch or I installed the newest version of this interface.

Also, where again do I find the commands that affect the size of the party member boxes?

The disco thing is the worst though, has gotten me killed a few times.

Thanks though for a great interface! I really do recommend it to everyone!

zonzo 11-27-05 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by Goblinmoon
Okay all, found my problem, turns out it was simply a matter of the CT buttons and the RA buttons overlapping. Once I moved them it was cool..

Another question though, not sure if its the interface or WoW. Been having a weird problem in that when I'm casting, mostly healing spells, when generally not in combat, I get disco'd. No idea why. I'm pretty sure it started at the same time as either the last patch or I installed the newest version of this interface.

Also, where again do I find the commands that affect the size of the party member boxes?

The disco thing is the worst though, has gotten me killed a few times.

Thanks though for a great interface! I really do recommend it to everyone!

Hey gob,

I've personaly not run in to a problem with the disconecting thing, nither has any of the 20od people runnin this interface in my guild. I do rember there being something with the "selfcast" mod and a problem with some healing spells. If you already cleaned out your cache folder (WTB) and the saved variables file (WTF) (rember to back these up so you can restore them if it does not handle the problem) then i would sugest deleting the "selfcast" folder under your interface file and just living with out that mod :( ... but you should not need to and im sure if we do a good cleanup and re-insrall we can get it working perfectly.

As for the overlap problem, happy you figured that out, i did not think of mentioning it but WoW actualy has a problem with any interface mod over lapping or being "off the screen".

Goblinmoon 11-30-05 12:51 AM

Okay, just for clarification... I'm not a newbie, but didn't ever use mods till WoW... And didn't play as heavily as I am now...

when you say clean out my WTF and the WTB folder... do you mean delete them both before I install the interface? In the past I've only deleted the interface folder before a re-install... I'm the only one I know using your mod, but I do like it, and would like to keep using it.

I did at least disable the Self Cast to see if it would help and it doesn't. It's not an all the time thing, just random, can't seem to pin down any particular unifying reason.

zonzo 12-03-05 02:22 AM


Originally Posted by Goblinmoon
Okay, just for clarification... I'm not a newbie, but didn't ever use mods till WoW... And didn't play as heavily as I am now...

when you say clean out my WTF and the WTB folder... do you mean delete them both before I install the interface? In the past I've only deleted the interface folder before a re-install... I'm the only one I know using your mod, but I do like it, and would like to keep using it.

I did at least disable the Self Cast to see if it would help and it doesn't. It's not an all the time thing, just random, can't seem to pin down any particular unifying reason.

Oh i hope i did not offend some how. Basicaly open up both of the folders and delete everything thats in them (make sure to copy the contents some where else as a "backup"). This will make it so you need to re-setup the ui in game, but i also think this will handle you problem permantly. What happens is at times the "saved files" get corupted and cause problems like this. so cleaning them up helps out. let me know

zonzo 12-06-05 05:27 PM

LOST DATA IN 1.8.4 ???

no fear, read this for an explanation:

Goblinmoon 12-10-05 10:31 AM


I'm about ready to just reinstall the whole game. Okay, tried taking out the WDB and WTF folders, backing them up as suggesting... the WDB made for an unhappy me, as when I went back, my character was basically gone. was able to login, but all items/quests etc were gone. So put that folder back in and went in. So far so good.

Reset up the ui, and seemed ok, but had just finished a combat, was in a safe area to test, and lo and behold it did it again. So I'm pretty damn confused, and unless its one of WDB items that's causing it, I got no clue. I really do like your ui, and want to keep using it. Honestly not entirely sure your ui is the problem... might just delete and run wiht the default settings to test that out.

btw, I didn't take offense, but just wanted plain speak, so I couldn't misunderstand. :D

edit: Okay, newest experiment... deleted the entire interface, and played with just standard wow variations. No problems on the casting, and I played for several hours. I figure its got to be one of the add ons I guess, but no clue which then...

zonzo 12-10-05 09:13 PM

it's hard to say, i cant fix something with out getting it duplicated on my end so sorry this is taking a while to repair.

I think this has to do the selfcast, did you try just deleting that one mod out of your interface folder ?

also the WDB folder is a chache folder, you should be free to delete it when ever and how ever often you like, its just a temp backup of the stuff you see online, used so that it does not need to reload the item,spell, armomr pictures every time. If you have problems deleting this (not the folder but the files under it) then there might be something wrong with your wow installation. Try just removing the files, and make sure you leave a folder there.

also give a shot to playing with out selfcast and let me know.

Goblinmoon 12-15-05 12:47 AM

SAdly I think I'm going to give up...

I have no idea why I seem to be the only one... I tried all the things you just suggested and no good... It just doesn't make sense to me that it happens, but not in others.

Deleted Self cast, and the WDB folder, left folder itself.

Any other suggestions? Otherwise, much as I like your ui, its looking like I'll need to change. Can't afford to have priests that can't cast healing spells...

Blud 12-20-05 12:11 PM

I need some help ! When i had on screen text: Retrieving character info(?) i clicked on cancel and all my character disappeared !!! I dont think i have deleted them coz I cant create character coz it says name is unavaible (?). Sry for my grammar im still novice ( im from Poland :).Hope u understand me. Thanks in advice.

zonzo 12-27-05 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by Blud
I need some help ! When i had on screen text: Retrieving character info(?) i clicked on cancel and all my character disappeared !!! I dont think i have deleted them coz I cant create character coz it says name is unavaible (?). Sry for my grammar im still novice ( im from Poland :).Hope u understand me. Thanks in advice.

I'm sure you figued this one out blud, I've been out of town these last 2 weeks sorry i could not get back and help out quicker.

i-right-i 12-27-05 10:21 AM

For all that are getting the disconnect when casting a heal spell. Are you using the mod AF_Tooltip? If so, disable that mod and see if you still have the issue.

I ran into this a while back on my Pally, was quite annoying, but after about 30 mins, I was able to track my issue down to that mod.


zonzo 12-27-05 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by i-right-i
For all that are getting the disconnect when casting a heal spell. Are you using the mod AF_Tooltip? If so, disable that mod and see if you still have the issue.

I ran into this a while back on my Pally, was quite annoying, but after about 30 mins, I was able to track my issue down to that mod.


Could be, you need to make sure to turn on ALL the settings to show in AF_tooltip to make sure that the savedvariable is made corectly.. I had heard of some problems with the new alpha version of this mod so I'm using a older but stable version :)

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