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todd3835 03-11-09 01:16 PM

Button Cooldown?
On my old UI I had cooldowns for my warlock dots right on the button bars, I'm wondering if this is possible with this UI. I think it was bongos or domino's or something that did it. Thanks.


Doomlord 03-11-09 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by todd3835 (Post 119797)
On my old UI I had cooldowns for my warlock dots right on the button bars, I'm wondering if this is possible with this UI. I think it was bongos or domino's or something that did it. Thanks.


OmniCC did it.

spiel2001 03-11-09 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by todd3835 (Post 119797)
On my old UI I had cooldowns for my warlock dots right on the button bars, I'm wondering if this is possible with this UI. I think it was bongos or domino's or something that did it. Thanks.


I'm not sure I would call them cooldowns, aura timers maybe... in any event, in nUI they are their own bar in the HUD which is intended to keep your eye where the combat is. If you don't like the HUD health/power bars, you can just select the "Simple HUD" mode.

Doomlord 03-11-09 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by spiel2001 (Post 119806)
I'm not sure I would call them cooldowns, aura timers maybe... in any event, in nUI they are their own bar in the HUD which is intended to keep your eye where the combat is. If you don't like the HUD health/power bars, you can just select the "Simple HUD" mode.

He isn't talking about those lil icons indicating the DoTs on the target. He means the cooldowns on the icons placed on the actionbars. Again , OmniCC addon did it.

spiel2001 03-11-09 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Doomlord (Post 119808)
He isn't talking about those lil icons indicating the DoTs on the target. He means the cooldowns on the icons placed on the actionbars. Again , OmniCC addon did it.

None of the lock talents have cooldowns that I can recall ( I have a 73 lock ) and nUI's action bars already have cooldown counters -- so unless I'm missing something, he's asking if he can have timers for how much longer his afflictions are going to be on the target... which is what those buttons on the aura bar in the HUD are for.

Or am I mistaken on what is being asked for?

todd3835 03-11-09 02:45 PM

Ok, they aren't really cooldowns per say. What I had is very very similar to what is on the HUD. The buttons themselves had countdown timers to when the DOT would fade. As a warlock, some of the dot's ramp up in damage, so re-applying BEFORE they fade is a bad idea (Immolate is one, think CoA is another). What this did was outline the button in RED and counted down, when the target no-longer had the dot on it (or if you switched targets!) it would clear the red border on the button, and the countdown would dissapear. Call me lazy I guess, but I liked it.

@Doomlord: OmniCC does indeed put up the "cooldown" (alot of DOT's make you wait after casting before you can cast again). And this did help (again with timing spell casts), but wasn't exactly what I was looking for.

I believe that it was Domino's that provided this. Is it possible to use domino's with nUI? I know I'd have to manually setup my bars, but I'm wondering if they would sit "on top" of nUI's bars. I technically only really need one bar (dot's bar) to do this, but the option of having this built in, or friendly with domino's if that's the case, would be the only thing making me not like nUI......


todd3835 03-11-09 02:59 PM

Ok, I checked, and it is indeed Dominos. I can put it ontop of nUI's bars, but it would be nice if it just plain worked out of the box, or if there was a way to setup so that the bars in nUI could be disabled so that you can just plug in Dominos (or your choice of bars). Any thoughts?

todd3835 03-11-09 03:01 PM

There's a screen shot, showing what I'm looking for. It's the 2nd bar (1st is pet bat). If you blow it up, you can see the 3rd spell in has a number on it, that's the countdown on the dot itself.

Doomlord 03-11-09 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by todd3835 (Post 119824)

There's a screen shot, showing what I'm looking for. It's the 2nd bar (1st is pet bat). If you blow it up, you can see the 3rd spell in has a number on it, that's the countdown on the dot itself.

Oh now i get it ! You want some sort of indication on your action bars that that specific spell is currently active on the target right ? Yep, i often found myself not knowing what DoT was missing on my target. That's why i got PowA Classic :) Anything integrating nUI somehow with the more popular actionbar addons would be interesting.

spiritwulf 03-11-09 03:32 PM

Yes dominoes does have some nice features like that but nUI has its own as well. And i know scott has it planned in the future for some work with the action bars so maybe that is something that will end up incorporated.
As it stands now though you have your very own 'dot' bar with timers already built into the ui. see post #3. About the only negative thing i would have to say about it is that it seems to get covered up by other events sometimes such as when a cooldown is up.

spiel2001 03-11-09 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by todd3835 (Post 119823)
Ok, I checked, and it is indeed Dominos. I can put it ontop of nUI's bars, but it would be nice if it just plain worked out of the box, or if there was a way to setup so that the bars in nUI could be disabled so that you can just plug in Dominos (or your choice of bars). Any thoughts?



That is against everything nUI is about.


nUI will never support removing the built in features so you can use a different mod that does the same thing. I can see adding the DOT timers to the action buttons, but that becomes a problem with an action has both a DOT timer AND a cooldown... which one do you show? They both matter.

What's wrong with just using the DOT bar... that's what it is for and much easier to see... it's even sorted in order of spell that will expire next so you know exactly which spell you need to cast next and how long until you have to cast it without having to scan all of your action buttons constantly to see which timer is going to expire next, etc.

todd3835 03-11-09 05:01 PM

Well, as for cooldown / dot timer on a button, that's easy. You can do a red outline to indicate DOT application. The timer on the dot itself is the same or longer than the cooldown. In fact, all of the DOT's don't really have a cooldown per say, except haunt, and I believe it's either the same, or just slightly less than the time of the spell. Seed of corruption *may* be another exception. The way Dominos behaves is that it over-writes the cooldown timer of OmniCC.

The long and short of it is that nothing is perfect. Even if there was a red outline around the button to indicate the dot (or debuff) was applied, that would help GREATLY. Also, the size of the DOT's on the HUD would help alot too, but again, that's just one more thing to worry about. On a long fight (10/25 man bosses), I really don't have a rotation, so I completely rely on knowing which DOT's are up, and which are down. I can certainly use dominos, but looking for a solution "out of the box". I can also play around with the code, see if maybe I can make an addon. I've done a bit of LUA editing, and alot of TCL (linux) scripting, so it's just a matter of playing with it, and diving into your code to find what I need to do, and where to do it. I looked around for stand alone addons, and had no luck. So keep me posted on what your intentions are of any changes to the current bars, so I know what to try on my end =]


spiel2001 03-11-09 05:14 PM

I still go back to the question that isn't getting answered... you already have a bar dedicated specifically to showing you exactly which dots are on the target and how long before each of them expires... what is the benefit of repeating that information on the action bar? The DOT bar on the HUD requires zero scanning to see which DOTs are up, which ones are getting ready to expire, there's zero conflict with the cooldown timers, etc. Also, while lock DOTs (mostly) don't have cooldowns, the same is not true of other classes.


Originally Posted by todd3835 (Post 119839)
Well, as for cooldown / dot timer on a button, that's easy. You can do a red outline to indicate DOT application. The timer on the dot itself is the same or longer than the cooldown. In fact, all of the DOT's don't really have a cooldown per say, except haunt, and I believe it's either the same, or just slightly less than the time of the spell. Seed of corruption *may* be another exception. The way Dominos behaves is that it over-writes the cooldown timer of OmniCC.

The long and short of it is that nothing is perfect. Even if there was a red outline around the button to indicate the dot (or debuff) was applied, that would help GREATLY. Also, the size of the DOT's on the HUD would help alot too, but again, that's just one more thing to worry about. On a long fight (10/25 man bosses), I really don't have a rotation, so I completely rely on knowing which DOT's are up, and which are down. I can certainly use dominos, but looking for a solution "out of the box". I can also play around with the code, see if maybe I can make an addon. I've done a bit of LUA editing, and alot of TCL (linux) scripting, so it's just a matter of playing with it, and diving into your code to find what I need to do, and where to do it. I looked around for stand alone addons, and had no luck. So keep me posted on what your intentions are of any changes to the current bars, so I know what to try on my end =]


todd3835 03-11-09 06:04 PM

Scott: The dot timers on the hud are indeed nice. My problem is, during a regular 1 mob fight, it's fine, target dies before I need to reapply, except maybe haunt. In the heat of a boss fight, especially when there's adds involved, it can be difficult to look at my hud and know which ones I need to cast. They are also small, but that's another matter all together.

On a side note, I did find something that will play nice with nUI which kinda makes all this a moot point now. Between OmniCC for cooldowns, and DebuffCaster (located at Curse if anyone else is looking), I have back the fuctionality I craved =]

On a side note, I had tried nUI before, and wasn't satisfied, but when trying to reduce clutter, I came back for another look. I like what you've done, and donated, not realizing there was a pro/free version, and then I'm doing a 25 man VoA last night (woot for PVE *and* PVP lock pants dropping, and only 2 locks in the raid!) and I'm like wtf, there's only solo/group and 10man frames? Then before coming to post, realized that the pro version sitting in my email does the 15/20/25/40 man frames. So now I'm totally satisfied!


spiel2001 03-11-09 06:19 PM

I'm glad you were able to come up with a working solution and I will look into how I might be able to improve the action bars for dealing with DOTs and HOTs -- not sure how yet. And once the GUI layout tool is in place, increasing the size of the DOT bar will be easier.

If it matters any, as I noted before, I have a lock as well (I so love my lock) and I do plan on building a plugin for tracking our DOTs (and healy HOTs) on multiple targets, alerting which ones need recasting and such... just have to get this other core work done first.


Originally Posted by todd3835 (Post 119849)
Scott: The dot timers on the hud are indeed nice. My problem is, during a regular 1 mob fight, it's fine, target dies before I need to reapply, except maybe haunt. In the heat of a boss fight, especially when there's adds involved, it can be difficult to look at my hud and know which ones I need to cast. They are also small, but that's another matter all together.

On a side note, I did find something that will play nice with nUI which kinda makes all this a moot point now. Between OmniCC for cooldowns, and DebuffCaster (located at Curse if anyone else is looking), I have back the fuctionality I craved =]

On a side note, I had tried nUI before, and wasn't satisfied, but when trying to reduce clutter, I came back for another look. I like what you've done, and donated, not realizing there was a pro/free version, and then I'm doing a 25 man VoA last night (woot for PVE *and* PVP lock pants dropping, and only 2 locks in the raid!) and I'm like wtf, there's only solo/group and 10man frames? Then before coming to post, realized that the pro version sitting in my email does the 15/20/25/40 man frames. So now I'm totally satisfied!


todd3835 03-11-09 08:58 PM

Ok, this is weird, the timers on the buttons only work if I leave Dominos_Bufftimers in the addons directory. Dominos isn't installed, and Bufftimers is inactive, but it just being there, plus that other addon, makes it work. Very Very strange......

On a more personal note, I love your comment about OCD. I have OCD, and I about pissed myself when I read it =] Anyways, glad to see your actively working on it, and I'd love to see some intergrated hots/dots going on, thinking about playing a healer type =]


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