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ALZA 03-17-09 08:08 PM

Alza Ui
Welcome to the feedback thread of ALZA UI. Please feel free to post anything about it.

ShadesofNight 04-20-09 10:45 AM


first , this UI is great. I love it.
I downloaded it and installed successfully.

One question I got. How I can see my Partymembers? If some one joins my party I cant see their Life/mana/Buffs/Picture..

Can you explain me how to see my Party? Is there an addon ?

Hope you understand my english.


ALZA 04-21-09 05:51 AM

Hi and thanks for nice words =)

The party frames are spawned near bottomright corner of the screen, raid frames appear here too. When you join a raid (this includes entering arena or battleground) party hides and raid frames appear at same place.

P.S. Your english is nice ^_^

ShadesofNight 04-21-09 08:43 AM

Thanks for your help!
Now I Can see the frame in the right corner. Now I want so see the buffs from the party members.
Is there a possibilty to move the frame?

ALZA 04-23-09 04:38 AM

You can add buff display to party frames just like it's done with other frames, for example focus frame. Search for " --[[ Auras! ]]" comment in code and check the code starting with "if(unit=="focus") then" words. Same thing can be done with party frames, but you should write "if(not unit) then" and change some settings for auras. For more info about settings - check aura.lua file in \Interface\AddOns\oUF\elements folder.

To move party frames - simple change the point where to spawn it. All 4 partymember frames belong to one "header" frame, and its position is set in "--[[ Positions ]]" section of code. You should edit arguments for function "SetPoint":

party:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", UIParent, "BOTTOMRIGHT", -27, 27)
More info about this function -

Dravin 05-07-09 02:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
First off, this UI looks great is easy to set up and uses incredibly little memory.
Great job!

I have a problem though.
As you'll see in the screenshot, my Lightning Shield buff shows up not only on the regular buff bar, but also floating directly above the target bar. As you can see i've used the "/gn" command to try to find out what frame it is, but it shows up as WorldFrame, so I can't figure out how to get rid of it ^^ Help! Eek!

Edit: I was hitting some target dummies, and realised what it was. Actually quite handy! But now that I know what it is I want it to show up only in combat. Possilbe?

Dravin 05-08-09 03:41 AM

Oh and another thing. :P
I love your raid frames but I want them to show the following debuff types:
Curses, Poisons, Diseases.

Gnaf 05-24-09 10:05 AM

Love this interface :D

Just a question (or two ^^) ...
How to display my frame in party ou raid display ?

Like most healer i tend to focus my attention to party/raid frame to heal during a fight....
And... Get myself killed because don't see my life...

Is there a way to hilight dispellable debuff without activating buff/debuff frame ?

Is ther a way to change stance (warrior) without putting icon in bars ?

ALZA 05-25-09 07:57 AM


But now that I know what it is I want it to show up only in combat. Possilbe?
Yep, but only with "original" version of addon sFilter. You can find it here:


I love your raid frames but I want them to show the following debuff types:
Curses, Poisons, Diseases.
I'll try to add this in next update.


How to display my frame in party ou raid display ?
I'd advice to ask this question in oUF layout discussion thread since there are many experienced coders there:
My suggestion is to make PostUpdateHealth function, check if unit == "player" (or UnitName(unit) == UnitName("player")) and if that's true - do your stuff to make your frame look more attractive.


Is there a way to hilight dispellable debuff without activating buff/debuff frame ?
Working on it.


Is ther a way to change stance (warrior) without putting icon in bars ?
Yep, rActionBarStyler addon, file rActionBarStyler.lua, look for "settings" table in the beginning and change "disable" option for ["Shapeshift"] bar to 0.

Suikakuju 05-30-09 11:50 AM

Yeah great job with this compilation. But I´ve a problem with aMinimap.

kind a weird because the minimap takes the hole screen. I tryed diffrent scale option in aMinimap.lua but nothing. Changing resolution did nothing.

Could you help me? -.-

EDIT: done !

But how do i move the minimap?^^

ALZA 05-31-09 12:13 PM

You can move the minimap by editing aMinimap.lua files with any text editor, lines 6-10. More info about positions:
After you've done - save the .lua file and reload interface to see changes (/rl).

Suikakuju 06-01-09 05:43 AM

damn it I dont get it :(

have to try ´n error -.-

is there a way to make the map moveable ingame?

Kamna 06-09-09 10:44 AM

Allignment of the raid member names?
Hey Alza

Lovely UI. I'm having a wonderful time trying my hands at lua-editing. I've run into a problem though: I can't seem to figure out where I can edit the allignment of the name text of the raid members. Could you provide any help or clues?

wowtdf 06-23-09 11:37 AM

Ive used this UI on my 80 for quite a while now .

ive come to making an alt and just wondering how i can get the Xp bar up on the screen ?

Thanks Tom.

ravagernl 06-23-09 12:20 PM

You can mouseover the power bar from your character to display your xp :)

maxi155 01-20-10 02:31 PM

autoDisenchant on greens and blues

--[[ Disenchant on greens ]]
function aSettings:START_LOOT_ROLL(event, id)
    if(not aSettingsDB.AutoGreedOnGreen) then return end
    if(id and (select(4, GetLootRollItemInfo(id))==2) or (select(4, GetLootRollItemInfo(id))==3)) then
        RollOnLoot(id, 3)

Replace where "Greed on greens" was in aSettings.lua - it will auto auto disenchant roll on greens and blues. hf

wedgie 03-11-10 12:12 PM

is there a way to add hot/dot tracking like it does with maelstrom procs, missle procs etc., for the targeted mob on that same button scheme that is above your targets unit frame?

i notice it does it with riptide etc. but it doesnt do that with spells like corruption, haunt and unstable affliction.

any help would be appreciated. thanks

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