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Zeta 11-13-05 07:44 PM

Next Project Ideas.
Well, basically, I've gotten a few ideas running through my mind for the next song I'll make. However, before I start picking which ideas, I'd like a few more. So this is your opportunity to post suggestions for the next song.

Post away, no idea is stupid, as anything can be made into something else.

Cairenn 11-13-05 07:51 PM

How about turning something into some good raunchy blues?

Stormie 11-13-05 11:20 PM

I love baby Murlocs! ^^ I didn't make it to Blizzcon so make me a Baby Murloc Mix :cool: :p

Vorrt 11-14-05 02:01 PM

What something using the sounds the gnolls make? All that hyena like laughter could probably make some interesting music.

Macvec 11-15-05 01:54 PM

Maybe the sounds of characters getting hit/killed. I know my gnome makes a ridiculous squeaking sound when she gets hit.

Random 11-15-05 03:48 PM

I've always wanted to see somone make a song out of this...

I will share this. Last night a mage named Mashara posted a parody (that I'd seen before, I believe, but it's nice just the same). Alas, it was culled before its prime, but I had a response prepared. ;)

The original post:

Q u o t e:
Dear Mrs-I'm-Too-Good-To-Write-Or-Respond-To-My-Blizzard-Fans,
this'll be the last Post I ever write to your Tauren ass
It's been 2 minutes and still no response - I don't deserve it?
I know you saw my last thread;
I wrote the word "BLUE" in the title perfect
So this is my last post I'm sending you, I hope you click on it
I'm living with my mom right now, I turn 42 next Sunday
Hey Caydiem, I drank a fifth of vodka, you dare me to install EQ2?
You know that movie by the guild PALS FOR LIFE, "Leeroy Jenkins"
about that guy who coulda saved his party from dying
but didn't, then when the chums "stuck to the plan" they still wiped?
That's kinda how this is, you coulda rescued me from wiping
Now it's too late - I'm on a 1000 hour MC run without my item
and all I wanted was a blue response or an Unyielding maul
I hope you know I ripped ALL of my blizzard posters off the wall
I love you Caydiem, we coulda been together, think about it
You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you SCREAM about it
I hope your Blizzard co-workers are in anguish and you can't BREATHE without me
See Caydiem; *screaming*
Shut up Mom! I'm trying to type!
Hey Caydiem, that's my mom knocking on my door
but I didn't talk back to her, I listened, see I ain't like you
cause if she goes away I won't have to get a job and I can play too
Well, gotta go, Wow's almost done uninstalling now
Oh @#$%, I forgot, how am I supposed to to get my Obsidian Edged Blade back?

Caydiem's post:

Mashara, I meant to reply sooner, but I've just been busy.
You said you're running Molten Core, how is it farming Luci?
Look, I'm really sorry your armor lost its power.
I hope that this post makes it up to you; I'm writing at a later hour.
I'm sorry I didn't see your urgent thread, I must have missed you.
Don't think I did that act intentionally, just to "diss" you.
And what's this bit you said about installing a new MMO?
I hope you're simply joking friend, I don't want you to go.
You have some issues, Mash, so please, give me your feedback
To help the devs to separate the fiction from the straight facts.
And what's this bit about us meant to be together?
That sort of post'll make me skip your thread for another.
I really think you should post a bit more civilly.
Or maybe you should play a Rogue instead.
I hope you get to read this thread.
I just hope you can see it in time.
Before you cancel with us, I think that you'll be doing just fine
If you'd relax a little. I'm glad that I inspired you, but Mash
Why are you so mad? Try to understand that I do want you as a fan.
I just don't want you to do some crazy stunt.
I saw this one thread on the forum a couple weeks ago that made me sad.
Some Mage was mad and ninja'd this great epic knife
And laughed at all the Rogues, trained them, and ran for her life
And the GMs sent a tell but the person had already cancelled their account too
Come to think about it... her name was... it was you.

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