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us2006027321 08-04-09 04:36 PM

AddOn Replacement Time
So, as per the patch, the following AddOns aren't working properly:

1) Fubar
2) pMinimap
3) XPerl

These are some key mods in my custom UI!!

Does anyone know of any plans to update and/or fix them? Does anyone know of any suitable replacements that can boast the same features or better and are just as easy to use? (That "easy to use" bit is particularly important for an XPerl replacement. I'm a lazy scrub, and customizing XPerl is work to me. :p) Fubar is pretty self-explanatory as far as its features go, but I'll list what I liked so much about the other two to give you guys a feel for what kind of replacements would fit me well.

pMinimap - perfectly square, resizeable, armor damage in the border, built-in coords, built-in clock, zoomable with my m3 button

XPerl - 3d animated toon images, target displays spec if player character, target displays mob type if npc, lots of customization options for each individual panel, easy-to-navigate customization interface, requires nothing but itself for full functionality

Thank you guys in advance for pointing me the right direction and sharing your informobits with me. :D

Syxx 08-04-09 04:40 PM

  1. Fubar - I long ago dumped Fubar for Chocolate bar.
  2. pMinimap - I'm sure p3lim will get it updated when he can. Looks like he's already started from his updates.
  3. X-Perl - X-perl should be working fine. Make sure you have the latest (obviously)
Every major patch this happens to which I'm sure you're familiar. 3.2 has been official for about 2 hours, let's give the author's some time to update stuff eh? :p

But I replaced X-perl last night with Pitbull4. Some initial configuration but man Pitbull4 is nice! :D

tl;dr - Patience grasshopper!

RichM 08-04-09 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Syxx (Post 150790)

But I replaced X-perl last night with Pitbull4. Some initial configuration but man Pitbull4 is nice! :D

Care to spell out what you you like better about Pitbull4 over x-perl?

ravagernl 08-04-09 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by us2006027321 (Post 150787)
2) pMinimap


Originally posted by p3lim
I live in the EU so I don't have 3.2 yet, so I can't debug it :p
New version of all my addons tomorrow ofcourse!

If I am correct I remember P3lim living in sweden :D

Gsusnme 08-04-09 05:24 PM

I personally left X-Perl for AG_Unit Frames, then not long ago left AGU for PitBull4 (not PitBull3, PitBull4) it simplifies PitBulls old (3 and below) customization system so you no longer need a degree.
(Sarcasm, and my personal opinion, if anyone feels that the old one is easy, good for you.)

I like it a lot, and noticed a considerable drop in it's memory footprint from previous versions, if you're willing to experiment while waiting for X-Perl I highly recommend it.

As for FuBar I moved from that long ago for LDB. I use DockingStation myself and love it, it's a little more complicated than other LDB displays but I like to customize greatly.

Syxx 08-04-09 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by RichM (Post 150793)
Care to spell out what you you like better about Pitbull4 over x-perl?

Well it allows me to totally customize my unitframes. Every aspect which x-perl does not (and it's not really suppose to, that's X-perls point is to work out of the box).
X-perl is a great UI and I like it very much still and recommend it to my friends who play but don't care about indepth UI customization.
Pitbull4 also is probably the most easy of the Pitbull UFs to configure too. It's very nice.
Switching to it also cut my load times by about a 3rd too. :D


Originally Posted by Gsusnme (Post 150812)
... it simplifies PitBulls old (3 and below) customization system so you no longer need a degree.

Exactly, well said. :D The old pitbulls (1 and 2, never bothered with 3) had config menus that were ridiculously convoluted and many many panes deep in some cases.
oUF was a choice for a while but most of the decent layouts are stuck in Lua editing hell that for some reason many people love (I think so they don't have to write a Gui config for it. :p ) but I can't make head nor tails out of. To each their own for sure but Pitbull4 does it for me.

P.S. Goodbye cartographer, I loved you very much but you are now neglected and forgotten (And I hope you take Rock with you into hell). Hello Mapster/Tomtom! ;)

us2006027321 08-05-09 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by mrruben5 (Post 150799)
If I am correct I remember P3lim living in sweden :D

Thank you, Mr. Ruben for that crucial bit of information. I look forward to updates and will be watching for them. ^^

Originally Posted by Syxx (Post 150790)
X-perl should be working fine. Make sure you have the latest (obviously)

I have been hitting the "Update Now" button on Minion like a heroin fiend hits a needle, and it's still broken, but I'll keep an eye on it. XPerl's been my baby since I got it, and I'd love not to have to make a switch.

Originally Posted by Gsusnme (Post 150812)
I like it a lot, and noticed a considerable drop in it's memory footprint from previous versions, if you're willing to experiment while waiting for X-Perl I highly recommend it.


Originally Posted by Syxx (Post 150813)
Every aspect which x-perl does not (and it's not really suppose to, that's X-perls point is to work out of the box).
X-perl is a great UI and I like it very much still and recommend it to my friends who play but don't care about indepth UI customization.
Pitbull4 also is probably the most easy of the Pitbull UFs to configure too. It's very nice. Switching to it also cut my load times by about a 3rd too. :D

As I said, I'm a lazy scrub, and I think XPerl is work as it is. >< When I first started playing with frame mods, I tried a few (to include Pitbull), and XPerl was the only one that didn't require me to get into scripting to make it work the way I wanted it to. The last time I tried it, Pitbull was overkill, but if v4 is exponentially more simple than it was previously, it may replace XPerl. The only thing I wish I could do with XPerl that it doesn't do is free-float each individual player sub-frame in the party and raid frames. Otherwise, it's perfect, and I wouldn't trade it for the world... of Warcraft... (Bad joke; sorry. :p)

Originally Posted by Gsusnme (Post 150812)
As for FuBar I moved from that long ago for LDB. I use DockingStation myself and love it, it's a little more complicated than other LDB displays but I like to customize greatly.

If DockingStation will work as seemlessly and automatically with all my addons as FuBar did, I'll give it a try. One of my favorite things about FuBar was the fact that many addons come pre-coded to work with FuBar. Can I expect that kind of quick and dirty convenience out of DockingStation?

I may take up the recommendation for ChocolateBar as it would seem that it works as an easy and perfect replacement for FuBar. We'll see how that works out. ^^

Originally Posted by Syxx (Post 150813)
Goodbye cartographer, I loved you very much but you are now neglected and forgotten (And I hope you take Rock with you into hell). Hello Mapster/Tomtom! ;)

Yeah, a tear ran down my leg today when Cartographer didn't work. Are there any other map mods that will work as seemlessly with QuestHelper as Cart did? Will they be able to fade outer edges and be transparent like Cart was so I can keep an eye on my screen with it up?

Originally Posted by Syxx (Post 150790)
Patience grasshopper!

NO! I'm an impatient, American end user, and I want my awesomeness pre-packaged and spoon-fed to me NAO!

:p (Clearly, I jest.)

Zyonin 08-05-09 04:38 AM

OK, regarding DockingStation/ChocolateBar. They are both the same type of mod, a LibDataBroker (also known as "LDB" or just plain ol' "Broker") display. This means, they are a front end display for mods that use the LibDataBroker framework. Plug-ins for a Broker display can be "Launchers" or "Data Feeds". A launcher is simply that, a button to launch a config screen or drop down menu. A data feed displays data of some kind (such as DPS or your reputation with a given faction). Frequently a Broker plug-in functions as both a Launcher and a Data Feed.

The trend over the last year or so is away from FuBar/Titan only mods and toward Broker plug-ins, Why? Simple, for the author, they just have to write once and their mod can be displayed on any number of bars/bins/other types of displays. Broker mods are typically smaller in their footprint (both CPU and memory) as the libraries they use are smaller and generally more efficent. You will be suprised at the number of mods that have Broker feed/launchers baked into them. If the mod in question does not have a Broker feed/launcher baked in, then chances are that someone else has written a Broker feed/launcher for it.

Major mods that I know that have Broker support included Pitbull4, Skada, Omen, many of Tekkub's mods, BugSack, Dominos, Bartender4, TomTom plus many more. Other mods like Recount and Macaroon have Broker launchers/feeds written for them.

FuBar can display Broker mods with Broker2FuBar while Titan Panel has Broker support baked in. Broker displays can use most older FuBar mods with the mod FuBar2Broker.

The beautiful thing about LDB is you can use any display you want, even multiple displays. I personally use DockingStation for those Feeds that I want in view all the time and Carousel for Feeds/Launchers that I want access too, but I don't need displayed all the time.

Petrah 08-05-09 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by us2006027321 (Post 150787)
So, as per the patch, the following AddOns aren't working properly:

1) Fubar
2) pMinimap
3) XPerl

Fubar was updated several times today, and is working perfectly for me. XPerl, from what I understand, is being worked on at the moment and is on Ace (so prepare for bugs at the very least until it's updated version is released on Curse). Can't help you with the minimap one :(

Spookie455 08-05-09 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by Silenia (Post 151173)
Can't help you with the minimap one :(

EU realms will be down till 2pm GMT. So another two hours at least before the update.

Taryble 08-05-09 11:33 AM

funkydude's minimap addon, "BasicMiniMap", updated last night. I used it for a while, but it didn't have ENOUGH config options for me. *laugh* I dropped it in favor of pMinimap, but it does it's job well enough. Square minimap with coords, movable, lockable, scalable. Just not my preferred minimap addon. :)

Shamael 08-05-09 12:35 PM

It's a little more involved than pMinimap, but take a look at Chinchilla. Hasn't been updated recently, but still works perfectly well for me.

Bluspacecow 08-05-09 01:03 PM

I really should be sleeping. It's 7am in the morning of a day off and i've been answering forum posts about 3.2 all night. I'm sooo tired I'm starting to feel faint.

But then I saw a post from us-mr funny numbers man and just had to post ..


Minimap = Don't recall getting errors with Sexymap. Try the GetQuestDifficultyColor fix below

Xperl stopgap fixes :

Fixing issues with RockLib :

General :

Wowace list of addon changes (ie what to change to get em to work)

Replace all occurences of "GetDifficultyColor" with "GetQuestDifficultyColor" seems to be the biggest fix of the day. It's personally cleared about 12 lua errors i was getting :D

Now bed *thunk*


EDIT O_O wrong icon sorry


Cantankerous 08-05-09 02:57 PM

simpleMinimap has the configuration options I like, and seems to work fine.

Another vote for DockingStation (v. FuBar).

us2006027321 08-06-09 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Taryble (Post 151348)
funkydude's minimap addon, "BasicMiniMap", updated last night. I used it for a while, but it didn't have ENOUGH config options for me. *laugh* I dropped it in favor of pMinimap, but it does it's job well enough. Square minimap with coords, movable, lockable, scalable. Just not my preferred minimap addon. :)


Originally Posted by Shamael (Post 151375)
It's a little more involved than pMinimap, but take a look at Chinchilla. Hasn't been updated recently, but still works perfectly well for me.

For now, I think I'm just going to grin and bare it with pMinimap not working. Many of the mods that are out there just aren't doing what I'd like them to, and I'm finding that my lack of satisfaction about them is that they aren't pMinimap. Apparently, I'm hooked on it. >< I appreciate the help, and after I get my XPerl back, if pMinimap isn't an option, I'll start looking at other ones. For now, I don't have XPerl, so a minimap mod isn't really a necessity. When I do start looking, Chinchilla may be where I start, so thank you for a point in that direction. :D

Originally Posted by Bluspacecow (Post 151387)
Minimap = Don't recall getting errors with Sexymap.

OMG!!! That's one of the really awesome mods one of my buddies uses. Chinchilla just got bumped to second. :p

Originally Posted by Cantankerous (Post 151438)
Another vote for DockingStation (v. FuBar).

Actually, FuBar got back up and running, so we're all good to go on that front. If it was going to stay down, I'd likely have gone with DS, but ChocolateBar looked pretty groovy... Oh, well. It's moot at this point anyways. I'm going to stick with what I know. :rolleyes:

Originally Posted by Bluspacecow (Post 151387)
But then I saw a post from us-mr funny numbers man and just had to post...

Xperl stopgap fixes:

Replace all occurences of "GetDifficultyColor" with "GetQuestDifficultyColor" seems to be the biggest fix of the day. It's personally cleared about 12 lua errors i was getting :D

Thank you for taking some extra time on me, Blu. <3 I hope you rested well and dreamt of Kermit in ways that warrant that silly .gif!

You're my hero for pointing me the direction to a fix!! I'm going to go manipulate me some code. Thanks to you, I may be back to needing a minimap more quickly than I thought! :eek:

You get bananas! :banana::banana::banana:

pirplepig 08-06-09 04:49 AM

I use sexymap for my minimap and mapster for my main map. I no longer use fubar or broker mods and have just recently started trying to find a better unit frame mod.

us2006027321 08-06-09 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by pirplepig (Post 151745)
I use sexymap for my minimap and mapster for my main map. I no longer use fubar or broker mods and have just recently started trying to find a better unit frame mod.

If Cartographer isn't back on its feet within the week, I will give Mapster an earnest look.

pirplepig 08-06-09 04:58 AM


Originally Posted by us2006027321 (Post 151749)
If Cartographer isn't back on its feet within the week, I will give Mapster an earnest look.

I moved from cartographer to mapster when the dev started the google earth looking crap. It intergrates with every thing that cartographer does and is a little lighter.

us2006027321 08-06-09 05:27 AM


Originally Posted by pirplepig (Post 151752)
I moved from cartographer to mapster when the dev started the google earth looking crap. It intergrates with every thing that cartographer does and is a little lighter.

Will it fade out the unnecessary map portions and increase transparency for me so I can keep an eye on my screen with the world map up? If it does, Cart just got replaced.

EDIT: Looking at the mod page, I can see that I can at least fade the whole map. I can't, however, fade out the superfluous ocean bits. I'll wait for a Cartographer update. I wasn't using the GoogleAzeroth nonsense they were doing, and Cart was doing fine, so if they can update Cart2, I'll stick with that. If it doesn't happen, though, Mapster wins.

pirplepig 08-06-09 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by us2006027321 (Post 151759)
Will it fade out the unnecessary map portions and increase transparency for me so I can keep an eye on my screen with the world map up? If it does, Cart just got replaced.

I know it has a fading option but I'm not sure what you mean by unnecessary map portions.

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