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Klink777 02-03-10 03:34 PM

ICC problem
During the gunship battle and the princes fight, both ships and princes health bars show up on bottom middle of my screen.

Xrystal 02-03-10 04:28 PM

Hmm, if you can, could you attach a screenshot. From that description it sounds like they have somehow changed the vehicle bar so that nUI hasn't got complete control over it any more. That or the possibility that something is not working right somewhere.

Klink777 02-03-10 06:11 PM

ICC problem
The health bar of ship or prince listed on top will show where the time display is on nui. the other health bars are hidden below the screen view.

Xrystal 02-03-10 06:22 PM

Yeah, definitely sounds like the positioning of the bar as if nUI wasn't in control of it. But looking at the 3.3.2 patch notes it doesn't mention it being altered.

Have you noticed this before or was this the first time in there since using nUI ?

Have you tried in other vehicle based opportunities that aren't so time and man required .. such as the ice crown dailies to man the harpoons etc.

If its a mount problem then it should happen on all mount related instances. if it is an icc problem then it will only happen in that instance and thus, to be sure of it you may have to *shudder* test it without any addons to see if the problem reoccurs but by then the bar would be fine at the bottom rofl.

Klink777 02-03-10 07:45 PM

ICC problem
It has happened with mount dailies, but the problem is different. With mount dailies I will loose use of the bottom left action bar. If i do a nui rl, it fixes the problem.

Xrystal 02-03-10 09:33 PM

hmm, strange. I don't recall ever having that problem before. Have you tried /nui movers to see if somehow the vehicle frame has been moved to the wrong place ? Although, I did think it replaced your main action bar which is what is confusing and why I was asking for the screenshot.

If I get time tomorrow I'll jump on one of my 80s and try a couple of mounted dailies and see if things go wrong for me.

Seer 02-03-10 11:53 PM

Guess you mean the problem point nr 2 in this thread; ?

Those unit frames are anchored to the minimap by the looks of it, and well, since nUI is moving the minimap a bit so do those frames.

*waits for Xrystal to go "doh".

marioinfinity 02-04-10 07:24 AM

I've never seen any of the health bars be weird but in the gunship battle. I know that if your in 25man ICC, your ship health frame covers where your player frame is.

My suggestion is to ignore it and enable "health frames" in dbm >.>

Petrah 02-04-10 09:02 AM

Not sure if this is what the OP is talking about, but this is what I see on the Gunship in ICC. It's the bit partially covering my hunter's pet unit frame.

Xrystal 02-04-10 09:34 AM

Ah, sounds like a new frame they introduced.

Xrystal 02-04-10 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Seer (Post 177225)
Guess you mean the problem point nr 2 in this thread; ?

Those unit frames are anchored to the minimap by the looks of it, and well, since nUI is moving the minimap a bit so do those frames.

*waits for Xrystal to go "doh".

erm .. d'oh rofl ..

Petrah 02-04-10 09:50 AM

Sorry, I missed that. :( Also posted the screenie over there, too. :)

Xrystal 02-04-10 10:03 AM

Well, looked through all the unitframe type files in wowdiff and couldn't find anything new unitframe wise so unless they reparent the frame during certain encounters I can't think what's happening there. I'll run a quick test on the icecrown tournament dailies and see what happens there. I don't recall my mount's unit frame doing that but then it has been awhile.

Xrystal 02-04-10 10:16 AM

Well, the ice crown argent dailies mount's are treated as pets and are displaying accordingly. And same with the harpoon launchers. But looking again at that screen shot. could it possibly be something to do with the target ? A bit hard to see what is going on with just a segment screen shot. Hopefully it will be enough for Scott to figure it out though.

Petrah 02-04-10 12:30 PM

I believe the target for that unit frame is the boat (although I could be wrong.. was my first time in there). I didn't have anything targeted when I took that screenie. We weren't fighting anything at that moment (hard to remember as it was an off night for me.. kids arguing, trying to listen to instructions on vent, and on the phone with boyfriend at the same time lol).

spiel2001 02-04-10 01:52 PM

Yeah -- I think this is a new unit frame that was added, but I'll be damned if I have a clue what it is.

spiel2001 02-04-10 01:53 PM

If someone would, when you see that frame, put your mouse pointer over it and type the following command...
/script print( GetMouseFocus():GetName() );
and let me know what it says.

Petrah 02-04-10 01:57 PM

I'm tarded... we were fighting something cuz the focus has aggro.

marioinfinity 02-04-10 10:38 PM

Petrah - In 25man that frame sits over your player frame.. Annoying if your a healer :p

I'll ask a friend to do it tonite; he's doing icc with his guild and uses nui too (thx to me) .. since i did it without addons lol

marioinfinity 02-05-10 01:09 AM


is that ship name >.>

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