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tinyu 05-16-10 01:11 AM

nUI and PTR 3.3.5
get these on login to the PTR with the current live version of nUI+


Date: 2010-05-16 16:39:17
ID: 2
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ...youts\Default\InfoPanels\nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua line 406:
  attempt to index local 'bottom' (a nil value)
  [C]: ?
  ...youts\Default\InfoPanels\nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua:406: setEnabled()
  ...youts\Default\InfoPanels\nUI_InfoPanel_CombatLog.lua:204: initPanel()
  nUI\Integration\nUI_InfoPanel.lua:793: applyScale()
  nUI\Integration\nUI_InfoPanel.lua:908: applyOptions()
  nUI\Integration\nUI_InfoPanel.lua:937: applySkin()


Date: 2010-05-16 16:39:18
ID: 3
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\nUI\Integration\nUI_ChatFrame.lua line 357:
  attempt to index local 'bottom' (a nil value)
  [C]: ?
  nUI\Integration\nUI_ChatFrame.lua:357: applyScale()
  nUI\Integration\nUI_ChatFrame.lua:495: applyOptions()
  nUI\Integration\nUI_ChatFrame.lua:599: configFrame()

Xrystal 05-16-10 01:18 AM

ah you can get on PTR now ? I tried a few times before the weekend started with no luck .. will jump in there on Monday then :D

But yeah, the chat frame section will probably need changing due to the changes they've incorporated.

Yep. This is a portion of the FloatingChatFrame.xml file for 3.3.3 :


<ScrollingMessageFrame name="FloatingChatFrameTemplate" movable="true" enableMouse="false" resizable="true" inherits="ChatFrameTemplate" parent="UIParent" hidden="true" virtual="true">
                <Button name="$parentBottomButton">

And this is the same Template in 3.3.5 version of the same file :

<ScrollingMessageFrame name="FloatingChatFrameTemplate" movable="true" enableMouse="false" resizable="true" inherits="ChatFrameTemplate,FloatingBorderedFrame" parent="UIParent" hidden="true" clampedToScreen="true" dontSavePosition="true" virtual="true">
                <Frame name="$parentButtonFrame" inherits="FloatingBorderedFrame" parentKey="buttonFrame" alpha="0.2">
                                <Button name="$parentBottomButton" parentKey="bottomButton">

From memory of looking at the code it should be an easy enough change. I will need to do it to my char frame addons as well so I'll know for sure once I've fixed and tested those.

tinyu 05-16-10 01:39 AM

yeah im on there now :D

spiel2001 05-16-10 05:50 AM

I got it just long enough yesterday to download an update and haven't been able to log in since. I'm getting a "can't connect" message now.

tinyu 05-16-10 06:37 AM

yeah the PTR has been pretty buggy was in a ony group and after we killed her NO one got there loot >< good thing its only a PTR

Xrystal 05-20-10 03:48 PM

Well updated PTR files and tried to log in but still can't. I had this problem last time and could only log in a week before the patch hit live rofl. Just as well that I haven't got a job at the moment to fix the bugs I had after the last patch.

Seer 05-20-10 11:53 PM

Did you copy a new char to the test realm ? You can't log on any more unless you did that. (Previous ptr chars are bey bey)

Xrystal 05-21-10 04:47 AM

Yeah I tried that. I have no characters available to copy. The one attempt I made last week or so wouldn't let me copy either.

Petrah 05-21-10 08:41 AM

I had that issue the first time I tried to log into this testing phase of the PTR. I ended up clearing out anything pertaining to Blizz from my firewall and then trying to log in again. It let me right in and I haven't had anymore login issues since.

Xrystal 05-21-10 09:03 AM

Nope, didn't work for me .. Seems to think I have no battlenet account when I log into the test server.

Seer 05-21-10 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Xrystal (Post 188712)
Yeah I tried that. I have no characters available to copy. The one attempt I made last week or so wouldn't let me copy either.

Just being annoying, but also no pre made chars available ?

Maybe it thinks your account is inactive or something ridiculous like that..

Xrystal 05-21-10 11:15 AM

Rofl, tried copying a character again and voila... just like in game, complain a few times and it works rofl. Transferred 2 characters across.

And amazingly can log in now with both characters available rofl. Wonders will never cease rofl.

Xrystal 05-21-10 01:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Okay, finally got nUI working without errors. Not visually great but can't be helped.

local bottom = _G["ChatFrame"..i.."ButtonFrameBottomButton"];
local down = _G["ChatFrame"..i.."ButtonFrameDownButton"];
local up = _G["ChatFrame"..i.."ButtonFrameUpButton"];
local minimize = _G["ChatFrame"..i.."ButtonFrameMinimizeButton"];
local editBox = _G["ChatFrame"..i.."EditBox"];

The minimize button seems to be on the extra chat frames and allows the frame to be minimized similar to the objectives watch frame.

The editbox also seems to be floating between frames and named accordingly.

I also had to change the following around to get it to not error out.


local function onChatFrameEvent()

--        nUI_ProfileStart( ProfileCounter, "onChatFrameEvent", event );
        if event == "ADDON_LOADED" then

                if arg1 == "nUI" then
                        nUI:registerScalableFrame( frame );       
                        frame.texture = frame:CreateTexture();
                        frame.texture:SetAllPoints( nUI.chat_frame );

        frame:UnregisterEvent( "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" );

--                nUI_ChatFrame:configFrame();
--                frame.texture = frame:CreateTexture();
--                frame.texture:SetAllPoints( nUI.chat_frame );
--        nUI_ProfileStop();

I also had to add this check in before repositioning or it errored out with a not movable frame:

if cframe:IsMovable() then
        cframe:SetUserPlaced( true );

In light of ChatFrame1 and ChatFrame2 they seem to be docked hard coded as index 1 and 2.

FCF_DockFrame( ChatFrame1, 1);
FCF_DockFrame( ChatFrame2, 2);

And here's a pretty picture.

Xrystal 05-21-10 02:04 PM

3 Attachment(s)
And here's a non nUI screenshot or two highlighting other new features.

It looks like the minimize button is attached to frames that are undocked from the main chat frame.

Xrystal 05-22-10 11:43 AM

wowwiki have started posting up API changes they have found documented somewhere. These are I think more relevant to nUI but heres the link anyway :D

width, height = GetChatWindowSavedDimensions(chatFrameId)
point, xOfs, yOfs = GetChatWindowSavedPosition(chatFrameId)
SetChatWindowSavedDimensions(chatFrameId, width, height)
SetChatWindowSavedPosition(chatFrameId, point, xOfs, yOfs)

Elgatodefuego 05-22-10 11:50 AM

So just a quick question, when you guys play with the code for nUI do you use an IDE or just Notepad?

Xrystal 05-22-10 12:03 PM

I use Notepad++. I used to use my Visual Studio but Notepad++ is small enough to handle what I need it for.

Elgatodefuego 05-22-10 12:15 PM

Ah ok. Isn't there a LUA plugin for Visual Studio that allows support of Intellisense and all that?

I use VS 2010 (yes we upgraded early) at work and I've a license for my home computer (god I love my company). I've been thinking about tinkering more with the LUA code to really learn it (C#/ASP.Net developer) and would love to use a familiar interface if possible.

Xrystal 05-22-10 12:21 PM

I can't recall seeing one myself but there probably is somewhere around the place :D But yeah, I use 2008 ( upgraded before 2010 was out and while I had a credit card rofl ) so at least Im somewhat up to date rofl. I used it for the same reason but the intellisense that comes with the notepad++ posting on these forums somewhere helps me at least remember most of the functions without looking them up so nice practice at least.

This might eventually lead you to what you want though :D

spiel2001 05-22-10 12:43 PM

nUI is developed using WoW AddOn Studio which does work with Visual Studio. The distribution even includes the Project and Solution files that go with nUI.

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