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radrise 09-10-10 01:07 PM

mining dotd not showing up on vista
I am running Vista and since the last maint day I cannot see mining nodes on Vista... my other box on xp yes but not the there something I need to turn on or off?

jeffy162 09-10-10 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by radrise (Post 205734)
I am running Vista and since the last maint day I cannot see mining nodes on Vista... my other box on xp yes but not the there something I need to turn on or off?

Right click a non icon area of the minimized map, then click "Show", then "Show Mining Locations". Same basic procedure for herbalism.

oimmuk 09-10-10 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 205742)
Right click a non icon area of the minimized map, then click "Show", then "Show Mining Locations". Same basic procedure for herbalism.

I'm his Brother in law and we did this, it shows little squares where the nodes should be and if the mini-map distance is set right it shows the little icon for the node but as you get near the node it disappears and there is no blinking yellow dot on the mini-map. We have tried updating his video drivers but no luck there all other graphics work beautifully...<better than mine...I'm so jealous> but not this...on his XP machine everything works fine just the Vista...

We also have gone threw the process of making sure all settings are identical between the two machines but still this issue exists. :confused:

Jigain 09-10-10 04:41 PM


Originally Posted by Jigain (Post 150330)
This addon is wrong, I went to a spot marked on the map, but there was no mineral / herb there!
This is something that often comes up. The truth is, Carbonite doesn't know where the actual nodes are in the world. No addon does. All it does is show you where they can be. Not all icons marked "Plaguebloom" will have a Plaguebloom node there once you get there, but Carbonite shows all the known locations where the game can spawn them.

See, the game has a fixed place for all possible spawn points. When a herb spawns, one of those spawn points are chosen. A Plaguebloom can spawn on any of the Plaguebloom spawn points, but it will NEVER spawn on a Silverleaf spawn point.

As for knowing whether a herb or mining node has spawned, you'll have to travel there and see for yourself. Tedious, I know, but that's the only way you'll know. And that's what routing is for.

Also, make sure you're actually tracking minerals.

The simplest solutions are often the correct ones. ;)

jeffy162 09-11-10 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by oimmuk (Post 205744)
I'm his Brother in law and we did this, it shows little squares where the nodes should be and if the mini-map distance is set right it shows the little icon for the node but as you get near the node it disappears and there is no blinking yellow dot on the mini-map. We have tried updating his video drivers but no luck there all other graphics work beautifully...<better than mine...I'm so jealous> but not this...on his XP machine everything works fine just the Vista...

We also have gone threw the process of making sure all settings are identical between the two machines but still this issue exists. :confused:

If the node graphic disapears as you get closer, there is no active node currently at that spot. Carbonite, like any gathering addon, can only know possible node locations. IE: Someone found a node at coordinates "X:right, Y:here". That location is then saved in a database for a future possibility of having an active node at that location. Any node location, whether ore, gas cloud, herb, or fish pools, is at a fixed location on the map. However, spawn (refresh?) rates for those locations are random. There is no set time for a node to re-spawn at a given location after it has been harvested. I'm not sure a node even stays active until harvested, but, judgeing by my personal experience I would have to say no. I've seen fish pools and ore points disapear as I came to them, so......

The "blinking yellow dot on the mini-map" indicates an active node at that location, and will only be shown on the default Blizzard minimap, and (usually) you have to be within 80 yards of the active node for it to apear on the map in that fashion. The only way to see it on the Carbonite minimized map is to have the maps merged.

Also, please see This Post about how to adjust the distance to your node before Carbonite redirects you to the next node. (Thanks Jigain.)

oimmuk 09-12-10 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 205821)
If the node graphic disapears as you get closer, there is no active node currently at that spot. Carbonite, like any gathering addon, can only know possible node locations. IE: Someone found a node at coordinates "X:right, Y:here". That location is then saved in a database for a future possibility of having an active node at that location. Any node location, whether ore, gas cloud, herb, or fish pools, is at a fixed location on the map. However, spawn (refresh?) rates for those locations are random. There is no set time for a node to re-spawn at a given location after it has been harvested. I'm not sure a node even stays active until harvested, but, judgeing by my personal experience I would have to say no. I've seen fish pools and ore points disapear as I came to them, so......

The "blinking yellow dot on the mini-map" indicates an active node at that location, and will only be shown on the default Blizzard minimap, and (usually) you have to be within 80 yards of the active node for it to apear on the map in that fashion. The only way to see it on the Carbonite minimized map is to have the maps merged.

Also, please see This Post about how to adjust the distance to your node before Carbonite redirects you to the next node. (Thanks Jigain.)

Ok I understand what you are saying here...the trouble is this... He Dual boxes one on a Vista machine the other on XP I am watching over his shoulder and he is directly over a mining node we can actually see the node, his XP machine with identical settings to video and carbonite show the node blinking, however the vista machine does not show it at all on its mini-map... I am well familiar with the node may or may not be there concept and have worked with carbonite for some months now, I got him hooked on it. The problem showed up AFTER Tuesdays maintainance, I am just wondering if there is something that we need to do with the Vista machine to show what the XP machine shows. I am familiar with how to set the distance in Carbonite to node and most if not all the other settings I still get a circle magnifyier on my wifes machine but only see it on mine when I press the Alt key, but his settings show his mini-map identically just nodes show on the XP but not on the Vista. I personally do not feel that there is anything wrong with your coding and would not ever suggest such a thing as I am not at all versed in such matters. I, rather, think that Blizzard in their maintanance run this last Tuesday changed up something and the Vista machine does not like it thought obviously the Xp really could care less. Perhaps someone else is having this issue also on Vista and verify my observations.

Jigain 09-12-10 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by Jigain (Post 205746)
Also, make sure you're actually tracking minerals.

The simplest solutions are often the correct ones. ;)

(The message you have entered is too short. Please lengthen your message to at least 10 characters.)

jeffy162 09-12-10 01:15 PM

Well, all I can say is that I use Vista Home Premium 64bit, and have had no problems with it. My Carbonite still works correctly.

So, I'm with Jigain on this: Make sure you are tracking minerals on the Vista machine. Not with Carbonite only, but the Blizzard tracking system also. The "dots" won't show up on their minimap unless you are tracking something. And Blizzards maps are the only ones those "dots" will show up on.

oimmuk 09-12-10 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 205948)
Well, all I can say is that I use Vista Home Premium 64bit, and have had no problems with it. My Carbonite still works correctly.

So, I'm with Jigain on this: Make sure you are tracking minerals on the Vista machine. Not with Carbonite only, but the Blizzard tracking system also. The "dots" won't show up on their minimap unless you are tracking something. And Blizzards maps are the only ones those "dots" will show up on.

Well OK I guess I have come to the wrong location for help with this addon...Oh BTW I am not so dense as to not know how to look for mines I have been playing this game for now onto 6 years and I do know at the very least how to track items on the mini-map. I am glad you are not having trouble with your Vista machine and since you cannot replicate the problem we are having, I can understand how you could think I would pull a bone-head maneuver as to ask a question like this without first making sure I had things done right in the first place.

I will still however still enjoy this addon and continue to use it till something better comes along, though, I think someone would be hard pressed to improve upon it. Oh, another point you are dead wrong as to the last statement about Blizzard maps being the only ones those " dots" show up on they do show up on the carbonite mini-map. As of right now though I feel that you and the other poster here feel that I am either an imbecile or just plain stupid so I wont be bothering you anymore on this subject.

Thank you for you feeble efforts, and good day to you all.

Vis 09-12-10 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by oimmuk (Post 205958)
Oh BTW I am not so dense as to not know how to look for mines I have been playing this game for now onto 6 years and I do know at the very least how to track items on the mini-map. I am glad you are not having trouble with your Vista machine and since you cannot replicate the problem we are having, I can understand how you could think I would pull a bone-head maneuver as to ask a question like this without first making sure I had things done right in the first place.

I can't let this go. Sorry. They are both asking you if you have done a step to ensure that you may not have missed something. Up until your post now, you had never stated that you had made sure that you were tracking the correct item.

Now I can fully understand that they can see clearly over your shoulder from their respective computer desk's and ensure all these simple things without asking. Heaven forbid they ask....


I will still however still enjoy this addon and continue to use it till something better comes along, though, I think someone would be hard pressed to improve upon it. Oh, another point you are dead wrong as to the last statement about Blizzard maps being the only ones those " dots" show up on they do show up on the carbonite mini-map. As of right now though I feel that you and the other poster here feel that I am either an imbecile or just plain stupid so I wont be bothering you anymore on this subject.
The only way that Carbonite will show the actual flashing node representing the presence of a gatherable resource is if the Blizzard minimap is merged with Carbonite's. Un merge the maps and see what shows.


Thank you for you feeble efforts, and good day to you all.
Was there really a point to biting off the hands attempting to feed you? Yes, your issue is not resolved. I can understand that. The point is, they are attempting to assist in the best way they can. By offering suggestions, asking questions, and trying to get an overall view of whats happening. They're not at your PC. They cannot inspect everything for themselves. They must rely on asking questions, even ones you consider stupid. You may want to remember that when you ask for help.

To Jigain and Jeffy, keep up the good work as always volunteering your time to assist those that truly are asking for help.

MidgetMage55 09-12-10 03:37 PM

A little light reading:
Link to original post


So recently I've noticed a rather unsettling pattern. Quite a few users have been asking for help then either berating the person helping with things like:

Your an idiot. Stop assuming I don't know how to... (insert other colorful remarks here)
And in cases where some trouble shooting is required we get:

Oh I don't want to do that it sounds hard (or too much effort and so on). Can't you just tell me whats wrong?
So I figured I would re-post this as a reminder for all those seeking help.

Quoted from Cairren (sticked at the top of the interface help forums)

Before you post:

1. Did you check the faq to verify the proper way to install your UI?

2. Did you make sure that the files aren't in a sub-folder within your custom folder? See this graphical interpretation.

3. Is there any chance that you have 2 WoW directories?

ie C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft\Blah blah blah and C:\World of Warcraft\Blah blah blah, or anything like that?

If so, that may be the problem. Try putting your ui files in the other one.

As well, make use of the Search button, as it is entirely possible that your problem has already been encountered and solved.

If after all of that, you are still having problems, please remember these things, when posting your help request:

1. Be polite. Show respect for other people's time, when you ask them to help you. Don't beg or grovel or SHOUT IN CAPS or be similarly lame

2. Give a good subject to your thread. Its easier for some one to help you if you have a good subject instead of something like “helperz me nowz!!!?!1.”;

3. What is the name of the mod? Provide a link for it;

4. What steps did you take to install the mod? Post your install path;

5. Be as descriptive as you can. Just posting you cant get xyz mod to work will result in no responce to your help request. The more information you can provide the faster some one will be able to respond with a helpful answer. Describe what AddOns you have installed, what you did that caused the problem, exactly what happens;

6. list the things you've tried and what happened for each of them.
Please bear in mind that this isn't like taking your car to a mechanic. We as a community aren't at your computer with you. We are unable to help you if your aren't willing to help yourself (read as we cant do it for you we can only guide you). We don't know much if anything about you personally. Namely we don't know what your have tried. What your level of ability is with a computer and various other things.

So please keep in mind that if someone trying to help seems to be giving you overly basic instructions something that you may know and have tried it is because we don't know what you have done if you don't tell us. The devil is in the details so to speak. And for those that are not very skillful please let us know this. We can give detailed replies or link you to specific directions for certain operations.

Don't forget troubleshooting steps exist for a reason. They won't kill you. 20 minutes out of your play time is not the end of the world. If you honestly don't want to lose that time then I suggest avoiding addons as there is a time investment involved on occasion.

Also bear in mind we are doing this because we enjoy it. So please check the attitude at the door. Asking for help then being rude about the help you get is just a fast way to not get any more help. To those helping, please give the same courtesy.

Originally Posted by Praesagus View Post
If you think the original poster didn't read the faqs or didn't do enough research on their own, so be it. Feel free to point them at the faqs along with any suggestions or just don't respond but way too often I see somebody ask a question to only get berated/insulted and given no help whatsoever.
And when pointing people to those faqs I would suggest being diplomatic about it.

Politeness goes a long way.

Thank you for your time if you made it this far.

/wall of text off

If TL;DR is your style. Be descriptive. Trouble shooting generally covers all steps. If you don't tell us what you have done we have to start from the basic and work our way up.

We can't read minds and we can't assume on anything you have or haven't possibly tried. Troubleshooting has to start somewhere.

oimmuk 09-13-10 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Vis (Post 205961)
I can't let this go. Sorry. They are both asking you if you have done a step to ensure that you may not have missed something. Up until your post now, you had never stated that you had made sure that you were tracking the correct item.

Now I can fully understand that they can see clearly over your shoulder from their respective computer desk's and ensure all these simple things without asking. Heaven forbid they ask....

The only way that Carbonite will show the actual flashing node representing the presence of a gatherable resource is if the Blizzard minimap is merged with Carbonite's. Un merge the maps and see what shows.

Was there really a point to biting off the hands attempting to feed you? Yes, your issue is not resolved. I can understand that. The point is, they are attempting to assist in the best way they can. By offering suggestions, asking questions, and trying to get an overall view of whats happening. They're not at your PC. They cannot inspect everything for themselves. They must rely on asking questions, even ones you consider stupid. You may want to remember that when you ask for help.

To Jigain and Jeffy, keep up the good work as always volunteering your time to assist those that truly are asking for help.

Thank you for this post, you have truely opened my eyes and I do honestly feel shamed for my little outburst, frustration is after the number one of the three causes for anger, the other two being pain and fear. I do ernestly offer my heartfelt appologies to both Jigain and Jeffy and hope that they will, though I would not blame them if they felt indisposed to, forgive my rather childish outburst. I understand now their questions and yes I have followed the proceedures up to this point.:o


Originally Posted by MidgetMage55 (Post 205962)
A little light reading:
Link to original post

If TL;DR is your style. Be descriptive. Trouble shooting generally covers all steps. If you don't tell us what you have done we have to start from the basic and work our way up.

We can't read minds and we can't assume on anything you have or haven't possibly tried. Troubleshooting has to start somewhere.

I also want to thank you for your contribution here to help me see my error, though I do not understand the "TL;DR" term fully. I am really thankful for any feedback I can get to both help us get past this problem and move forward.

MidgetMage55 09-13-10 11:47 AM

TL;DR stands for, Too Long; Didn't Read.

Now for a random idea after re-reading the posts.

Since the OP is dual-boxing between machines i would suggest making a copy of the WTF folders on both machines. Renaming the old ones to preserve them (something like WTF.old will work) and essentially swapping the WTF folders between machines. To see if the issue is in the saved variables.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you move the copies someplace neutral. I recommend the desktop. Then rename the originals to back them up. Then migrate the copies to the other machines. If you accidentally overwrite the files you wont be able to get those settings back. When you are done testing you can simple remove the copied WTF folders and rename the wtf.old folders back to WTF.

If it is OS related the problem will remain on the vista machine. Otherwise it will jump to the XP machine. This method eliminates any possible overlooked settings differences in both addons. It also tests if the issue is in a corrupted saved variable. If there is a corruption it will jump machines.

Addons run in a sandboxed environment. Essentially WOW is the operating system that runs them and as a result the version of windows does not have an effect on them. Hence why there are not OS (including Mac) specific addons.

If you have any questions on this just let me know. I'll do what i can to help.

jeffy162 09-13-10 11:47 AM

No problem. Stuff happens.

The only 2 other things I can think of are these:

A while back there was a problem with the "dot" graphics, so maybe you could check and make sure they are there on your Vista machine. They will be located at: "Path to your WoW folder\Interface\AddOns\Carbonite\Gfx\Map". The two graphics are called "MMOIcons" and "MMOIconsG". I seem to remember that not having the graphics caused a "green box" to appear on Blizz's minimap, but if the maps are merged I'm not sure what effect that would have. It should only take a couple of seconds to check on it, so, maybe it's worth a look.

Once in-game, check the "blink rate" for the "dots". Open Carbonites' options to the "Map Minimap" page and check this line: "Minimap herb/ore dot glow delay (0 is off) 0.4". 0.4 Is the default setting. It's always possible that that setting may have been inadvertently changed, or something happened with the game to change it.

That's all I can think of, and I hope it helps you. I know how frustrating it can be to not have things working properly. Been there, done that. 8^)

Jigain 09-13-10 05:01 PM

The way I see it, if you don't see any yellow dots at all on your maps, despite tracking minerals... then the problem isn't Carbonite, but rather Blizzard. The yellow tracking dots are added by Blizzard's own code, on Blizzard's own map, in Blizzard's own game. And while Carbonite does add to it in the form of blinking dots rather than static ones, I don't think (note: think!) that Carbonite or any other addon can remove or prevent Blizzard coding.

Does other tracking (repair, reagent, low level quests) work as intended?

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