
WoWInterface (
-   oUF (Otravi Unit Frames) (
-   -   How to add Party frames to oUF? :) (

Aftermathhqt 10-07-10 09:37 AM

How to add Party frames to oUF? :)
Hello, does anyone know how to add party frames?


local function partylayout(self, unit) = menu
        self:SetScript('OnEnter', UnitFrame_OnEnter)
        self:SetScript('OnLeave', UnitFrame_OnLeave)
        self:SetAttribute('*type2', 'menu')
        self:SetAttribute('initial-height', 38)
        self:SetAttribute('initial-width', 42)
        CreateBorder(self, 11, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4)

        self:SetBackdrop({bgFile = [=[Interface\ChatFrame\ChatFrameBackground]=], insets = {top = -1.5, left = -1.5, bottom = -1.5, right = -1.5}})
        self:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8)



local party = oUF:SpawnHeader(nil, nil, 'party',
        'showParty', true,
        'xoffset', 12,
        'yOffset', -5,
        'point', 'LEFT',
        'maxColumns', 12,
        'unitsPerColumn', 5,
        'columnSpacing', 12,
        'columnAnchorPoint', 'TOP'
party:SetPoint('TOPLEFT', UIParent, 10, -8)


oUF:RegisterStyle('AftermathhParty', Partylayout)

Does it work this way?

Aftermathhqt 10-08-10 02:56 AM

Nvm, fixed it anyways :)

zork 10-08-10 05:41 AM

Why would you fix it and not post the result? This leaves eveyone looking into this clueless.

This is like:
"I need help..."
"Ok, I got it but I'm not telling you."

Petrah 10-08-10 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by Game92 (Post 208462)
Nvm, fixed it. Neener neener neener, not tellin how!

^^ Fixed ^^

neverg 10-08-10 04:58 PM

I've noticed he does that quite a lot on this threads. :rolleyes:

Probably he haven't grasped the concept of a forum. :) Your doubt might be the doubt of more people, if you put here the solution they won't have to look further, turning your question into valuable help. :)

Aftermathhqt 10-09-10 09:04 AM

Here is a pic :D sorry guys :p i normally post a pic :p

and here if you wanna peek in to the LUA :)

zork 10-09-10 04:09 PM

The earth just has moved.
A bit.

Luzzifus 10-10-10 01:42 AM


Originally Posted by zork (Post 208637)
The earth just has moved.
A bit.

Like it always does?^^

Dawn 10-10-10 08:33 AM

There's this movie, "The day the earth stood still".

So, no ... not always!!!1 :rolleyes:

Nobgul 10-10-10 08:39 AM

Are u gonna release your unit frames?

They would fit in you my UI nicely.

Aftermathhqt 10-15-10 09:06 AM

Yes i will, when i get 1.5 to work.. :/

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