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Elileantal 05-08-11 01:38 AM

More bars for the HUD
I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this exactly, or not.. but it seemed the most appropriate.

Prior to using nUI+, I enjoyed using IceHUD for its many customizable HUD features. Now that I am using nUI+ though I'd like to not need the extra add-on since nUI has it's own built-in HUD. But, one of the things I used IceHUD for, specifically, was the Slice and Dice bar, allowing me to see when I needed to reapply SnD without having to look away from the center of the screen.

So, I was wondering if there was any way to add more bars to the nUI Player/Target HUD to cover things like a rogue's SnD. I know this probably wouldn't wind up very high on Spiel's ToDo List, and so if I can get a few pointers on where to go with it, I might be able to code the enhancement plugin/addon myself? I'm just not sure where to get started with that, or what other bars like this people would want tracked for the different classes? SnD seems pretty important for Rogues, and I'm sure there are other mechanics in other classes that are equally important to them that would benefit from some sort of indicator in the HUD?

spiel2001 05-08-11 06:38 AM

Things like this will almost certainly be a part of nUI6, but I would not spend the effort on it with nUI5 given that it is at end of life (in theory)

Elileantal 05-08-11 12:16 PM

Alright... It also occurred to me that there is another solution, and one that would probably be necessary to have in place for the HUD bar to work right. Rupture and Revealing Strike both have blue timers on their icons to let you know when they need to be reapplied to the target, separate from the timer that says when they're ready to use again. Where would I look in the nUI5 code to add that for SnD? I'd rather have this up in the HUD, but from the screenshot for nUI6 it looks like the blue text is still there - if I can figure out how to add it to SnD for nUI5 then I should be able to offer the code for nUI6 as well(with a few adjustments for the differences between the two)?

From there I should be able to reverse engineer a HUD bar and make another one that specifically tracks SnD for Rogues, sitting a little ways to the right of the target's health/mana bars. Would try to make it modular so that the bar can track different abilities for different classes without having to add a separate bar specific to each class.

spiel2001 05-08-11 12:56 PM

THe blue timers you see are based on the aura being applied to the target... that is, the button says 'case this spell' and there time remaining for 'this spell' on the target is what's shown on the button.

I don't have a rogue, so I am not familiar with the mechanics, but I'm assuming SnD is not a spell yo have cast on the target, rather an (a) ability that is on cooldown, or, (b) an aura that proc's on you as a buff -- I'm guessing the latter or else it would show up on the cooldown bar.

The trick would be to modify the unit auras to look for the SnD aura being present on you and to notify you when it procs.

Elileantal 05-08-11 08:14 PM

Right, SnD is a buff cast on yourself that increases the rogue's attack speed for a certain period of time based on how many combo points they had when they used SnD. It can also be refreshed using certain finishing moves if you have the right Talents - it's possible to set up a 1point SnD to last an entire fight if you know your rotation well enough. So the blue text for a countdown timer probably wouldn't work after all - too many variables in how long SnD will last.

So, I'm going to start looking into how to code this myself, but for now I guess I can use the simpleHUD with the healthrace turned off to get the cooldown alerts, and IceHUD for the actual hud bars.

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