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Kathan 09-11-12 04:48 PM

I'm sorry, this is appaling

Originally Posted by Carboniteaddon
It is our addon. We did not ask, nor do we want someone else modding it.
I won't tell you to work for free or give your property away, so please don't tell us what we should do with our property.
I think my answers have been direct and to the point, but that is just my opinion.

Between this and the noobish update done by them, now we know. They still want to make money off of Carbonite doing little as possible, and without quality control. Play/pay for the game just to update carbonite? I think that's a lie given the update just didn't work. I wonder how many people eagerly downloaded the 'official' update and came out disappointed but don't voice their disdain on these forums, or even know of Rythals quality fan update.

schizophrena 09-11-12 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kathan (Post 263483)
Between this and the noobish update done by them, now we know. They still want to make money off of Carbonite doing little as possible, and without quality control. Play/pay for the game just to update carbonite? I think that's a lie given the update just didn't work. I wonder how many people eagerly downloaded the 'official' update and came out disappointed but don't voice their disdain on these forums, or even know of Rythals quality fan update.

Count me as one of those who have downloaded the official patch and have no real problems with it. I guess that doesn't work for your thread.. but I guarantee there are more people like myself then there are ones who are not complaining with it not working.

And what I find appalling... People feel the need to create 10 different threads of the same voice, yet... demand attention to their threads and ideas instead of allowing the authors to work on what is actually important. If you don't want to use the addon anymore, than done. If you want to add your complaints like the others - use an already established thread - there are plenty of them and you can stop clogging up the forums for the rest of us.

Rythal 09-11-12 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrena (Post 263550)
Count me as one of those who have downloaded the official patch and have no real problems with it. I guess that doesn't work for your thread.. but I guarantee there are more people like myself then there are ones who are not complaining with it not working.

If your having no problems with it, i'd love to know what you do in the game... since no eye means no BG's, no LFR, no LFD. Tried opening the carbonite quest log? it'll error. Tried viewing the Carbonite world map? it's gunna vanish if your mouse isn't over the window.

As I said before, they are all small bugs easily overlooked so no one should fault the developers for them, and i'm sure they will all be fixed for carbonite 5.0411 ... I had the same bugs in my initial release. But to say there are no problems with it is saying **** doesn't stink.

jeffy162 09-11-12 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kathan (Post 263483)
Between this and the noobish update done by them, now we know. They still want to make money off of Carbonite doing little as possible, and without quality control. Play/pay for the game just to update carbonite? I think that's a lie given the update just didn't work. I wonder how many people eagerly downloaded the 'official' update and came out disappointed but don't voice their disdain on these forums, or even know of Rythals quality fan update.

I have used Rythal's fan update of Carbonite 4.301. It worked pretty well. It still had a few bugs, but, generally worked fine. Once more: Thank you, Rythal, for helping us all with your fan update.

When the official update came out, I installed that. Not because I didn't like Rythal's patch, but because it was an official version updated by the author(s).

Guess what? It too works. I have tested since I installed it, and the only problems I have noticed are the annoying flashing icons (I mean ALL map icons) and I was doing some archaeology in Feralas and had a problem with the map not knowing exactly where I was. It couldn't seem to figure out which map to use in the area around Dire Maul until I landed. Then it was OK. The go to point was in that big stadium.

I even got on my Hunter (which I haven't been on in about a year) to check the hunter tracking, and didn't have any problems at all with it.

Y'know, it's kinda funny (no, not the "ha-ha" kind, either). All I keep seeing is threads and posts about how angry every one is with the authors. Every one except Rythal. He seems to be OK with the way things are going, and I haven't seen him post anything bad about Carbonites authors / developers. Can't you people take a hint? Leave this alone. Please go on about your business / lives and just let it go. It's OK to be angry on behalf of someone else, but THIS has been about done to death.

OK. /rant :o

Meganbtoo 09-11-12 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrena (Post 263550)
Count me as one of those who have downloaded the official patch and have no real problems with it. I guess that doesn't work for your thread.. but I guarantee there are more people like myself then there are ones who are not complaining with it not working.

And what I find appalling... People feel the need to create 10 different threads of the same voice, yet... demand attention to their threads and ideas instead of allowing the authors to work on what is actually important. If you don't want to use the addon anymore, than done. If you want to add your complaints like the others - use an already established thread - there are plenty of them and you can stop clogging up the forums for the rest of us.

Funny how you feel the need to respond in all these threads? Are you one of the authors or a relative/friend of them by any chance?

jeffy162 09-11-12 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263551)
If your having no problems with it, i'd love to know what you do in the game... since no eye means no BG's, no LFR, no LFD. Tried opening the carbonite quest log? it'll error. Tried viewing the Carbonite world map? it's gunna vanish if your mouse isn't over the window.

As I said before, they are all small bugs easily overlooked so no one should fault the developers for them, and i'm sure they will all be fixed for carbonite 5.0411 ... I had the same bugs in my initial release. But to say there are no problems with it is saying **** doesn't stink.

Well, I don't use the BG's, LFD, or LFR. So, I don't have a problem with it, no. The Carbonite Quest Log works fine for me (no errors), and I don't have to have my cursor on the Carbonite maximized (world) map to keep it working. It works just fine by its' lonesome.

Of course, since I don't do some of the things other people do, I (probably) don't use some of the addons they do. Any problems with Carbonite if you disable all of the other addons, and leave only Carbonite enabled? Not trying to be "funny" here, but that's the only sure-fire way to tell if the problem is within Carbonite or it's some other addon(s) interfering with it.

jeffy162 09-11-12 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Meganbtoo (Post 263557)
Funny how you feel the need to respond in all these threads? Are you one of the authors or a relative/friend of them by any chance?

I don't know, but I would have to say "Probably not.".

It's entirely possible that Carbonite might just work for him. Just like it does for me. And I am definitely not related to the authors. I just like Carbonite.

Rythal 09-11-12 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 263559)
Well, I don't use the BG's, LFD, or LFR. So, I don't have a problem with it, no. The Carbonite Quest Log works fine for me (no errors), and I don't have to have my cursor on the Carbonite maximized (world) map to keep it working. It works just fine by its' lonesome.

Of course, since I don't do some of the things other people do, I (probably) don't use some of the addons they do. Any problems with Carbonite if you disable all of the other addons, and leave only Carbonite enabled? Not trying to be "funny" here, but that's the only sure-fire way to tell if the problem is within Carbonite or it's some other addon(s) interfering with it.

Carbonite's the only addon i'm running :) the quest log will act up if you do a daily, not before then. Really wonder about the world map tho, it was doing it to me on the beta even before they patched it (or I patched it) which was why I had disabled all transparencies.. I thought maybe it was just me after they released 5.0, but people have posted bug reports and screen shots of the same issue... the continent graphics just vanish into nothing leaving behind just the POI's and whatever zone overlay was last displayed.

schizophrena 09-12-12 01:05 AM


Originally Posted by Meganbtoo (Post 263557)
Funny how you feel the need to respond in all these threads? Are you one of the authors or a relative/friend of them by any chance?

I was one of the users who paid for the subscription years ago and am a loyal follower. If I was a close friend/family member - they would've been notified the day of the update and we would've had a response much sooner than 10+ days out. If I were a friend or family member, I probably would have suggested they respond differently. I am a businessman, I can understand their possible stances and the fact that someone had financed the project. That silent partner probably has a lot of say as to when/if the code an be released to the general public for someone else to pick up on.

When there is 99% negative comments (and a bunch of flaming) being posted by members, it is also good to show some reality that it isn't that bad. In addition, I have seen these comments over and over and over again every major patch or new expansion since Blizzard told them they couldn't sell the addon and ultimately it comes down to the same thing - updates happen, just not as quickly as the "entitlement generation" wishes it would. I personally can understand the authors not wanting to release the rights and codes - especially to a big handful of loud and ungrateful complainers. As I said earlier, if I were them - I would have probably screwed with the code - fixed it to break when MoP actually comes out and people had gotten rid of the old codes and files.

Tamrael 09-12-12 01:41 AM

Ever tried a client which is not enUs or enGb?
No map, faulty configuration(as in ups this option throws an error, no questlog and anyway on deDE the only thing working with the so called release 5.041 is the freaking buggy as hell configuration.Everything else is simply not there or buggy.I never used Rythals version cause i am an software developer and i respect copyrigth in everyway but it sounded like Rythal had all those problems fixed or at least a lot.Why not ask him for advise/help if anyone of the original devs really wants to keep this project up an running?Seemingly he doesn't want anything but a working copy of carbonite for us ( as in community ) doesn't want money and never took credit for anything the original team made.a little talk of one hour or so to fix all bugs fixed by rythal in your own personal way would be better than fixing it all by your self and spend ours on it you could invest in other things.anyway thanks for the great addon but folks you could use some lessons on accepting help or at least learning from code snipets.i my days that was the way to go to learn or read and try yourself

oh i'm getting oldish again.nice work carbonite team i used your work ever since i heard of it in early 2008 but had to remove it due to all those bugs and performance problems :(

Skellionz 09-12-12 01:48 AM

Isn't it hard to update an addon when you do not play the game?

jeffy162 09-12-12 11:43 AM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263561)
Carbonite's the only addon i'm running :) the quest log will act up if you do a daily, not before then. Really wonder about the world map tho, it was doing it to me on the beta even before they patched it (or I patched it) which was why I had disabled all transparencies.. I thought maybe it was just me after they released 5.0, but people have posted bug reports and screen shots of the same issue... the continent graphics just vanish into nothing leaving behind just the POI's and whatever zone overlay was last displayed.

Well, I guess that just blows my theory all to he......... OK, all I can say is that it's pretty much working for me. I have somewhere around 150 addons installed, but, of course, I don't use all of them on all of my characters all the time. Sure, there are a few "glitches", but it's generally working for me (at least) about like it was in Cataclysm. Maybe I just got lucky (for once).

Have you tried deleting Carbonites "SavedVariables" file in your WTF folder to see if that helps? I was also wondering if you are deleting your Carbonite folders (or the files you are updating in a folder) before updating. It may be rare, but you can still get a bad overwrite.

Sorry, Rythal, just trying to figure out why you would have so many problems with no other addons, but mine works OK with as many addons as I am using.

Haxia420 09-12-12 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 263554)
I have used Rythal's fan update of Carbonite 4.301. It worked pretty well. It still had a few bugs, but, generally worked fine. Once more: Thank you, Rythal, for helping us all with your fan update.

When the official update came out, I installed that. Not because I didn't like Rythal's patch, but because it was an official version updated by the author(s).

Guess what? It too works. I have tested since I installed it, and the only problems I have noticed are the annoying flashing icons (I mean ALL map icons) and I was doing some archaeology in Feralas and had a problem with the map not knowing exactly where I was. It couldn't seem to figure out which map to use in the area around Dire Maul until I landed. Then it was OK. The go to point was in that big stadium.

I even got on my Hunter (which I haven't been on in about a year) to check the hunter tracking, and didn't have any problems at all with it.

Y'know, it's kinda funny (no, not the "ha-ha" kind, either). All I keep seeing is threads and posts about how angry every one is with the authors. Every one except Rythal. He seems to be OK with the way things are going, and I haven't seen him post anything bad about Carbonites authors / developers. Can't you people take a hint? Leave this alone. Please go on about your business / lives and just let it go. It's OK to be angry on behalf of someone else, but this has been about done to death.

OK. /rant :o

Simple Fix, when u wanna run dungeon or use eye thingy log out and disable it, its what i do i haveta have my carbonite for questing and farming.

jeffy162 09-12-12 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by Rythal (Post 263561)
Carbonite's the only addon i'm running :) the quest log will act up if you do a daily, not before then.

Never experienced this problem until today. Went and did a daily on purpose to see what would happen, and BOOM! Carbonites quest log was suddenly FUBAR (or so it seemed). Checked my BugGrabber bug report, and the fix was easy to make. Just open up "Carbonite.lua and comment out (put two dashes (--) in front of the text for that line) line 7496.

IE: Make line7496
Lua Code:
  1. daS1=format(QUEST_LOG_DAILY_COUNT_TEMPLATE,daD1,GetMaxDailyQuests())
look like this
Lua Code:
  1. --daS1=format(QUEST_LOG_DAILY_COUNT_TEMPLATE,daD1,GetMaxDailyQuests())
and it stops the quest log problem after doing a daily.

I believe I read somewhere that there is no daily quest maximum anymore, so that's why the error happens. The devs might not know about that and that's most likely why it was left in.


Originally Posted by Haxia420 (Post 263646)
Simple Fix, when u wanna run dungeon or use eye thingy log out and disable it, its what i do i haveta have my carbonite for questing and farming.

I just don't do dungeon runs, so, for me the "fix" doesn't matter. My computer is very low-end, and just won't handle the graphics that happen in a large-ish battle when you're in a group. I can run instances alone, but that's about it.

juztcallmepapi 09-12-12 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 263672)
I believe I read somewhere that there is no daily quest maximum anymore, so that's why the error happens. The devs might not know about that and that's most likely why it was left in.

I just don't do dungeon runs, so, for me the "fix" doesn't matter. My computer is very low-end, and just won't handle the graphics that happen in a large-ish battle when you're in a group. I can run instances alone, but that's about it.

Which brings up the valid point that Carbonite hasn't been updated with patches. Just quick fixes. It also bring attention to the lack of seriousness the original developers take on their project. People have been reporting the same issues and errors for a very long time and up until recently (Since the fan update) is has been quiet because everyone knew the truth (and it's been confirmed from the devs), that the devs gave up. They don't even play WoW anymore and they haven't for a very long time.

I'm glad you can see first hand, finally, one of the many errors that players come to when they play the game. Just because you don't do what they do on a gaming level, doesn't mean the addon is not broken, and therefore, useless to them.

Our valid question is, for a simple fix to the daily quest error, for example, why don't they fix it? It didn't take you very long to figure it out. Why is it taking them months (if they even fix it at all)? There are bugs being reported NOW that have remained bugs since Wrath of The Lich King (when I first started using Carbonit).

Meganbtoo 09-12-12 04:03 PM

It does not get fixed because they, unlike most addon authors, do not play the game. It was developed to make money for them. Blizz stopped that and they stopped caring.

juztcallmepapi 09-12-12 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Meganbtoo (Post 263695)
It does not get fixed because they, unlike most addon authors, do not play the game. It was developed to make money for them. Blizz stopped that and they stopped caring.

We know that. My questions we meant to bring up the point that they aren't around.

Kathan 09-12-12 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrena (Post 263550)
Count me as one of those who have downloaded the official patch and have no real problems with it. I guess that doesn't work for your thread.. but I guarantee there are more people like myself then there are ones who are not complaining with it not working.

And what I find appalling... People feel the need to create 10 different threads of the same voice, yet... demand attention to their threads and ideas instead of allowing the authors to work on what is actually important. If you don't want to use the addon anymore, than done. If you want to add your complaints like the others - use an already established thread - there are plenty of them and you can stop clogging up the forums for the rest of us.

Meh. The quote by the author needed it's own thread and attention, it really shows what's going on in the devs head. Also, working for my thread, band-aid fixes are band-aid fixes, and others have problems with the official update. For whatever reasons the author has, they're moot. Addons aren't a business, they're projects of hobbyists, and that's all I have to say.

Michaelgal 09-12-12 05:46 PM

So, why are you doing this to the people that gave you their hard earned money? Why can't you let the fans help with the updating of the mod and make everyone happy? You can keep your donation page open, yet say don't expect anything in return and then act like this.


schizophrena 09-12-12 11:34 PM


Originally Posted by jeffy162 (Post 263672)
Never experienced this problem until today. Went and did a daily on purpose to see what would happen, and BOOM! Carbonites quest log was suddenly FUBAR (or so it seemed). Checked my BugGrabber bug report, and the fix was easy to make. Just open up "Carbonite.lua and comment out (put two dashes (--) in front of the text for that line) line 7496.

IE: Make line7496
Lua Code:
  1. daS1=format(QUEST_LOG_DAILY_COUNT_TEMPLATE,daD1,GetMaxDailyQuests())
look like this
Lua Code:
  1. --daS1=format(QUEST_LOG_DAILY_COUNT_TEMPLATE,daD1,GetMaxDailyQuests())
and it stops the quest log problem after doing a daily.

I believe I read somewhere that there is no daily quest maximum anymore, so that's why the error happens. The devs might not know about that and that's most likely why it was left in.

I just don't do dungeon runs, so, for me the "fix" doesn't matter. My computer is very low-end, and just won't handle the graphics that happen in a large-ish battle when you're in a group. I can run instances alone, but that's about it.

I run nUI and therefore I don't use the carbonite buttons. Explains why I don't have these problems (not to mention I'm used to key shortcuts which still work). My maps still work and does my quest log - but granted I've always hated dailies, and I already have most of my toons at 85.

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