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cruizok 05-16-16 12:19 PM

Map quest location problems
Just recently, my map has started to point me to the weirdest places for quests that seems to be "in the database". In the past a few were wrong, or unknown/not in database and that was no big issue. This new thing though, it's like almost all quests are showing me to head to the middle of the ocean somewhere. These are mainly lvl 100 quests, and a few on a new char. that is questing all around the 40-50 level areas.

I've added no new addons since carbonite WAS working just fine with the quest/map function.

(I thought maybe there were trying to tell me something about heading out to the fatigue water and die lol! I don't think that's the deal. hehe)

So after too much typing, my real questions are:

What modules/files etc. do you think I should replace to maybe get it back to where it was a few weeks ago? I had thought maps and maybe quests, but maps doesn't seem to have its own folder, not sure on quests either. So I need to figure out which files might be corrupt or something.

Which version should I use? There are quite a few places to get the files online, and I thought github was the most current. Not sure. Don't want to replace a few files with the wrong version and I believe my last update was from github when it was announced there were changes.

I do have extensive map notes, so hoping I'm not going to lose them doing this. I had backed them up once, so I could prob. find the info on where to find them if there no way to avoid it.

Sp anyways, if anyone can help me try to get this working I'd surely appreciate it. I know carbonite is not
being updated atm, but I just want what i had to work like it did :-) I absolutely love the maps and quest modules and do not want to play without them, even if they are a bit out of date or whatever!

Thanks for any assistance!!!!

jeffy162 05-17-16 07:12 AM

It is always a good thing to back up your Interface and WTF folders, and, maybe, the Cache folder as well (but, I'm not sure that the Cache folder holds anything you really need). Yes, the latest builds are on Github, so if you are going with them, you're good. All of Carbonite's "SavedVariables" are kept in the WTF folder, so you can update without worry. The "SavedVariables" are only written (by the game) on log-out or UI reloads (which you can cause the game to do by typing /reloadUI [or /reload or even just /r if you have any addons with Ace 3 libraries in them] and hitting "enter") which is why addons have you reload the UI after changes.

Which reminds me - have you tried a reload of the UI for your problem? I've found that usually clears up any problems with Carbonite. Oh, and the "maps" module is the main module of Carbonite. If you look in your Interface\AddOns folder it is labeled as "Carbonite", and has been for as long as the addon has been made. IT IS THE MAIN MODULE AND YOU CAN NOT RUN CARBONITE WITHOUT IT. (just thought I'd put that in here 8^) )

cruizok 05-17-16 10:21 AM

Great! Thanks for the info. Know what I should try and where everything is now. Perfect!

I did try reload ui a few times, but it persists even after days of completely quitting game and going back in. It's not going to stop me using carbonite though, I'm hooked on it's functions :)

jeffy162 05-18-16 07:16 AM

Well, you can try enabling the "Take Map Function Control" option on the "Maps" page, "Map Options" tab, of Carbonite's options. Do a /reload after you mark the option (if you try it). I don't know if that will help you, but, it MAY be worth a try. (It helped me with a problem I had with the maps, so.......)

Kreelor 05-19-16 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by cruizok (Post 314892)
Great! Thanks for the info. Know what I should try and where everything is now. Perfect!

I did try reload ui a few times, but it persists even after days of completely quitting game and going back in. It's not going to stop me using carbonite though, I'm hooked on it's functions :)

cruizok, Jeffy has offered you some good suggestions. It's too bad that the author of this addon chooses to not help. I remember that I had to do "something" with the Carbonite "Take Map Function Control" option because it was interfering with my game. That was a a month ago so, I don't recall now which way I set it. Duuuh. I wish I could offer more help to you.

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