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LanceDH 07-01-18 05:05 AM

APIInterface - An interface for official API documentation
As I bumped into the in-game API documentation in 7.2 I found it rather annoying to use as it's all stuck in chat. So I end up making an addon that takes the documentation and presents it in an easy to navigate window. As it uses the official API, it also keeps itself up to date, unless they add a new feature such as the events.
It uses a style similar to achievements. By default it shows all the systems available. Clicking one of them shows all functions, events, enumerations, and structures in that system. If you then click one of those it shows the documentation and an editbox where you can ctrl v the clipboard string.
I've also added 4 buttons to search for different types in _G. So if you're looking if a certain function exists that's not in the documentation, or a localized string, you can just type something in the searchbox and click one of the buttons. It will show the results in a separate /tableinspect window

I use it a lot myself when creating or updating my addons, so I thought it might be of use to some of you.
Not sure how keen people here are with links to other platforms, but the addon is on Curse
Edit: Now also on WoWinterface;
You can open the window with the /apii command.

myrroddin 07-01-18 06:09 AM

I like it. I like it a lot.

Xrystal 07-01-18 07:08 AM

Very nice and a lot easier to see than the chat text.

JDoubleU00 07-01-18 08:24 AM

If we did likes on this site, I could not like it enough!

Seerah 07-01-18 01:41 PM

Would be nice to have it here as well. ;)

You can use this tool if it's more convenient:

myrroddin 07-01-18 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by Seerah (Post 328502)
You can use this tool if it's more convenient:

I have never used that tool, but check the thread now and then for updated news. This is because the tool only supports Git, which I never learned (the Light knows I tried) and use SVN instead. It doesn't even use Hg (Mercurial) even though I also have never used that repository type either.

p3lim 07-01-18 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by myrroddin (Post 328507)
I have never used that tool, but check the thread now and then for updated news. This is because the tool only supports Git, which I never learned (the Light knows I tried) and use SVN instead. It doesn't even use Hg (Mercurial) even though I also have never used that repository type either.

The tool itself doesn't require Git, Hg nor SVN, only TravisCI does. You could run it locally if you'd prefer.

Azgaurd 07-03-18 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by myrroddin (Post 328507)
This is because the tool only supports Git, which I never learned (the Light knows I tried) and use SVN instead. It doesn't even use Hg (Mercurial) even though I also have never used that repository type either.

As P3lim noted it will work with more than just GIT. However If you wanted to give GIT another shot (I cant recommend it enough, i struggled with it at first as well) download SourceTree, I found for my self as well as some of my Co-Workers getting a decent UI to use with GIT helps more than anything. The next part to GIT is to understand is how it differs. (I am going to oversimplify here) With GIT your local copy is basically a server. The Server (aka GitHub, bitbucket) is basically another person. You make changes, commit the changes to your own local copy of the server. Then you "Push" the changes to GitHub. This Disconnect allows you to work offline and make many changes without internet then push all your changes when you can. Other people (Or you on a different system) can then "Pull" your changes from GitHub, basically its SVN's Sync but split into 2.

The ability to work offline and make many changes without communicating with the server is a big plus for GIT's flexibility. One of the other big things in Branches & Tags. People have shoe-horned Branches support into SVN with the Tags, Trunk, Branches folders but the process is alot more streamlined & native with GIT since each tag and branch are not all copies of the code, it leads to much smaller repository sizes.

Back on topic: This looks great i think ill have to mess with it tonight.

FranekW 05-29-19 04:16 AM

LanceDH, thanks for the addon.

As to GIT, normally I would not be bothered to comments on things that have already been said. But GIT is a really very nice piece of work and will become easy to use after short time. Before GIT, I wasn't using anything related to keep different versions of my programs and manage to learn GIT fast--honestly not because I am that clever :p. I only have little programming background with some small C++ / Lua / Python exercises. I think the best thing is to just start using GIT. And +plus+ for mentioning of a local usage without internet connection. On the other hand, remote connections can be a good addition to store your work remotely, etc.

LanceDH 06-25-19 06:58 AM

Little late after the fact, but with the 8.2 update, I've uploaded it to WoWInterface as well.
A few changes since the first time I posted it:
Added another search button for values (i.e. integers), and now also include some undocumented system functions.
Some of the systems have functions which aren't yet documented. So, while they don't provide information, you can now at least know of their existance.

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