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Tigon 08-21-06 05:34 PM

Jaguar Beta (Formerly ChatEx)
Here it is, the newest beta version of ChatEx -Revisited-!! Below is a list of current features, known bugs, and planned features. I hope ya'll enjoy this! Please leave me comments and suggestions so I know what direction to take ChatEx -Revisited-!

Currently Included:
  • Chat Triggers :: All the old Chat Triggers that ChatEx contained, plus some new ones! Type '/ce' and click the 'Triggers' button or type '/ce trig' to see a list of all included triggers! If you want more information on what Chat Triggers are, see the explination below.
  • Tell Messenger :: Those who use an Instant Messenger program will appreciate this feature. This makes the WoW whisper system act like your typical messenger program. When you get or send a tell a new window will popup, and the conversation will happen there instead of in the chat box. Every conversation get's own "Tab" in the new window instead of the chat box. You can change conversations by clicking the "Conversations" button and selecting the name from the drop down menu. At this time, the Tell Messenger is only programmed to handle up to 10 conversations at a time. All conversations over 10 will appear as normal whispers.
  • WhoTip :: Shift+Click on a players name to see a tooltip with the players information. It's a replacement for the boring old /who results!
  • NameLink :: Right click on a players name in chat to get a popup menu with some quick links to common functions. These include Adding player to a group, to friends list, ignoring them, etc...
  • TimeStamps :: Customized TimeStamps! You can change the color, what is stamped, the format, and much more!
  • MultiSay :: You can send messages to more then one channel at a time using the /ms (/multisay) command. This works by typing /ms <where> <what>. The 'where' tokens can be a number representing a channel, a players name, or specified ChatEx Tokens. These tokens include: S for SAY, G for GUILD, O for OFFICER, P for PARTY, R for RAID, and Y for YELL. You can have any of these tokens in your <where> list, but they must be seperated by a comma without spaces. Here is an example of what a /ms command might look like: /ms 1,Tigon,S,G I am awesome! This will send "I am awesome!" to Channel 1, a whisper to Tigon, Say and Guild.
  • Scrolling :: You can now scroll your chat box with the mouse wheel, or Shift+Scroll to goto the top or bottom of the chat! You can also set how many lines of text are scrolled at a time.
  • Fading :: Ever get ignored with your chat box fading out on you? Well, ChatEx allows you to disable this feature. You can make it so your chat box never fades out again!
  • Other Stuff
    • You can reposition the chat edit box to the top or bottom of the chat frame.
    • You can echo stuff into your chatbox that only you can see. This is useful for macros that check cooldowns, hp, mp, etc. You can use this by typing /echo <what> or /print <what>. You may also customize the color of the text that is echoed.
    • A GUI to configure all your colors and settings. Type /ce to open or hide the configure screen.

Known Issues:
  • The popup menus on the config screen will sometimes go off screen depending on how close you have the GUI to the edge. To avoid this, try and keep the GUI near the middle of your screen. This will be fixed in the next release.

Planned Features:
  • Away Monitor :: I plan to expand on the already built-in /afk functionality of WoW. This will allow you to setup default away messages and track all tells and chat you get while you are afk.
  • Auto-Complete :: This will be much like FFXI's Auto-Translate function. You will be able to type the first few letters of a word, hit the tab key, and a list of all matching Zones, Skills, Items, etc.. will show up. You can select an item from that list to complete your word. This will also include some common phrases to make things easier on you. Things like "Hello!", "How are you?", "Do you want to party?", etc.
  • Class Highlighting :: I plan to add customized class highlighting for raid and party chat. You will be able to choose whos text shows up in what color based on class. I may expand this even further to include Main Tank, Off Tanks, Healers, etc.. This idea is not fully finalized.
  • GUI Overhaul :: I'm currently looking for someone who would like to join in on the project and redo the whole options GUI. My skills for anything visual is really lacking. I'm far from artistic and lack style :) So if anyone would like to help with redoing the GUI please either post here or send me a PM!
  • Trigger Overhaul :: When the GUI gets redone, I am also going to do a complete overhaul of the Trigger system. I hope to make it more memory effecient and faster. I hope to slim the code down enough that it allows for trigger highlighting in chat. This is another idea that I have not fully finalized yet.

ChatEx Roadmap:
  • Version 0.3 Beta:
    • Finish making tweaks to the Tell Messenger
  • Version 0.4 Beta:
    • Add Text/Name highlightning for Party/Raid/Battleground chat
    • Add StickyType options. Be able to set other chat channels to sticky much like the way party chat does
  • Version 0.5 Beta:
    • Complete Addon overhaul. I'm going to make ChatEx ACE compatible. This will lower the ammount of memory it uses by A LOT.
    • Each "Component" of ChatEx will become LoadOnDemand in this release :)
    • This is the version where the GUI and Trigger overhaul will happen!

What are Chat Triggers?
Chat Triggers are, for all purposes, short cuts in chat. They can be used as a short cut to common character stats and information. For intance, there is a chat trigger '<cls>' which, when sent to chat, will be replaced with the class of your character. There are built in chat triggers for your character, your pet, your target, and your party members. There is also a utility chat trigger which will link an item in your inventory/equipment to chat. These triggers can be used in macros for your convinence. Here are some sample macros that might come in handy during your time in the world of Azeroth.
  • /p Please heal me! My hp is at <hp> (<hpp>%)
  • /p I need to rest, I only have <mp> (<mpp>%) left
  • /echo I have <xp> (<xpp>%) experience points. I need <tnl> more to level up
  • /1 Help, I'm being corpse camped at <pos> by a Lv.<tlvl> <tcls>
  • /w <p3> Hey, mind if I get that linen you've been looting?
  • /target <me> (or <pet> or <p1-4>)

Well there you have it, ChatEx -Revisited-. Please remember that this is a *BETA VERSION* and may contain bugs. If you should find a bug please post them in this topic, or send me a PM, and I will do my best to get them fixed ASAP. Please be sure to include full error details, what you were doing when the bug happened, and how to reproduce it (if at all). Also, don't be afraid to make suggestions.. I love hearing what the users want, and most of the time I will make your suggestion into a reality!

Tell Messenger hard at work!

Download Here

Tigon 08-23-06 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by devlark
# WhoTip :: Shift+Click on a players name to see a tooltip with the players information. It's a replacement for the boring old /who results!
# NameLink :: Right click on a players name in chat to get a popup menu with some quick links to common functions. These include Adding player to a group, to friends list, ignoring them, etc...
is allreasdy surported by the blizz main ui........ just dealete that and this is a prety solid addon

These can be disabled for those who would rather use the ones built into WoW's default UI =P

Tylius 08-23-06 03:01 PM

TimeStamp -> Option for day/month/year

Would be a nice feature, then I can toss my timestamp mod =D

Tigon 08-23-06 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Tylius
TimeStamp -> Option for day/month/year

Would be a nice feature, then I can toss my timestamp mod =D

Done.. Kinda :) It's not very customizable, but you can show a DateStamp along with the TimeStamp now :) If you should wish it to have more features and such, let me know what you're looking for and I'll be happy to add it =P

Xuerian 08-23-06 07:33 PM

I'd like to request, even though all the features sound wonderful, you immitate Chatr in the manner that you split major features into LoD plugins! It'll be great to have a mod that does everything I can't find done well in others, but, the more configurable and trimmable, the extremely better. =)

As for features, looking forward to coloring nicknames, could you have a few options for that, such as color only in nametag, instead of color nametag and in messages?

Also, as for wheel-scrolling, what about removing the buttons as a additional option? If I can use the mousewheel, why would I need them?

Tigon 08-23-06 07:40 PM


I'd like to request, even though all the features sound wonderful, you immitate Chatr in the manner that you split major features into LoD plugins! It'll be great to have a mod that does everything I can't find done well in others, but, the more configurable and trimmable, the extremely better. =)
I plan on doing this when I get the GUI redone :) The way things are coded right now, they are all intertwined... But once I start ripping apart the config GUI it will be much easier to make everything LoadOnDemand =P I should add I plan to redo the GUI in v0.4 or v0.5. I'm working on the TellMessenger for v0.3 =P


As for features, looking forward to coloring nicknames, could you have a few options for that, such as color only in nametag, instead of color nametag and in messages?
I've looked into coloring just the name tag before, but I'm not too sure if it's possible. The reason behind that is because the names are treated the same as item links.. Once you change the color, that "tag" is no longer a link.. But I'm going to hope I find a way around this.


Also, as for wheel-scrolling, what about removing the buttons as a additional option? If I can use the mousewheel, why would I need them?
There is already an option to hide the chat buttons :)

Xuerian 08-24-06 05:41 PM

Heh, looks great. Perhaps a little less neutral space around the borders though? Minimalism is win =]

Also, don't know how I missed the hide buttons option.

To be perfectly honest, I'm eyeing this as a replacement for ChatMOD, which has topped my profiler list lately, mainly with the name highlighting. You're hitting every milestone with the features, except short/no channel names and the odd autodismount function, keep it up =D

Tigon 08-24-06 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by Xuerian
Heh, looks great. Perhaps a little less neutral space around the borders though? Minimalism is win =]

Also, don't know how I missed the hide buttons option.

To be perfectly honest, I'm eyeing this as a replacement for ChatMOD, which has topped my profiler list lately, mainly with the name highlighting. You're hitting every milestone with the features, except short/no channel names and the odd autodismount function, keep it up =D

On the auto-dismount feature.. you won't see that in ChatEx.. Reason being is I'm trying to keep everything chat related only :) The name highlighting, you'll see that in one of the next versions.. Dunno which one yet tho.

The reason for the neutral space will become more appearant as I finish off the GUI. The 2 "middle" frames are really a tab page, where it says "New Messages" is going to be an alert text when you get a new message in a non-active tab.. and the buttons need to be that big, or else they look really ugly :)

FYI: I changed the GUI just a little bit.. I'll be replacing the above screenshot shortly :)

StatiK 08-25-06 12:26 AM

Bug: Roll's and people on my guild and friends, when they come online, dont show in the chat.
I dont get an error from this...they simple don't show in the frames.
-Allow the editbox to be dockable whereever you want it, Confab has this.
-Color Names(already requested i think)
-Change of the Editbox texture.
-LoD plugins(already requested i think)
-Fubar plugin for options

Xuerian 08-25-06 08:00 AM

Heh, dismounting isn't a feature i'm gonna ask for, it's a chat mod ;)

As for the tell window, the buttons on the right... If you're not just overlaying your frame with a wow chatframe for example purposes, what about relying on wheel-scrolling and using that space for immediate function buttons for either the selected conversation, or the entire tell mod?

Also, again, if you're not just overlaying, what about removing the [xxxxx] Whispers: and To [xxxx], and just using [Timestamp] with colors to differentiate? You'd have to find somewhere to stick the name of the person you're whispering, though.

As for highlighting topping my profiler list, I mean LuaProfiler, not desire. I watch my mods to see how much they're affecting my performance. If you didn't know about it, it's on SVN with a functional version here: and the addon page with description of all the abbreviations here:

Finally to make it a official request,
-Shorten/Disable channel names option (EG: [1.General] to [1], or removing guild tags and relying on the fact that it's... well... green)

Tigon 08-25-06 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by StatiK
Bug: Roll's and people on my guild and friends, when they come online, dont show in the chat.
I dont get an error from this...they simple don't show in the frames.

I cannot reproduce this for the life of me... Do you have the latest version of ChatEx?

Doonga 08-25-06 01:59 PM

Very very nice. My only suggestion/request is sticky channels. I dumped chat frame extender for this, and that's the only thing I am really missing right now.

Tigon 08-25-06 02:37 PM


Originally Posted by Doonga
Very very nice. My only suggestion/request is sticky channels. I dumped chat frame extender for this, and that's the only thing I am really missing right now.

First off, thanks =P Second off, I will look into getting Sticky Channels in with the Name Highlightning, which is planned for v0.4 :) I'd do it sooner, but v0.3 is strictly for Tell Messenger tweaks/bug fixes. I want to make sure that it's solid as a rock.. I'd hate to see people getting all their whispers messed up =P

Tigon 08-25-06 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by devlark
<<<33333333333333333333333333333 Mad love man

Would like to see an option to move the edit box to the top tho

Thanks =P The edit box for the normal chat window or the Tell Messenger? If you mean the normal chat box, it's there.. Tho I must admit, my option naming is a little obscure :) But, that will be fixed in Version 0.5 when I go ACE and redo the whole GUI =P

Tigon 08-25-06 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by devlark
Lol you cought that before the edit

and Sense your the master with all the Texty Frames and stuff like that i was wondering ...

Is it at all possable to make a window that will alow you to see the Quotes That are saved in this add on
((i only update this one im just trying to implant some ideas in the 2 addons i have >.>))

Yes, it's possible... In fact, it would be really easy using the <ScrollingMessageFrame> .. Just iterate through the quotes table, and do an messageFrame:AddMessage(tableIndex); =P

If you would like something like that added to ChatEx, I can add it on the list of features for later implimentation =P

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