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Whaite 03-22-07 11:00 AM

Mod to start auto attacking when you hit any attack button
Hi. There used to be a great mod out before TBC called "Defend Yourself". It looks like it is no longer maintained.

What it did was the following:

- If you got attacked, it would start auto attack. (not so important for me).
- Had a panic button so you could prevent the above if you are being chased and want to drop aggro.

Most importantly
- If you were hitting buttons that would normally hit and start attacking if you had enough rage, then it would just begin auto attack even if you didn't have enough rage to use the ability you are pounding.

I do not want to make a macro for each of my abilities for multiple reasons so that is why I'm looking for a mod to do this for me.

I'm not sure why Blizz doesn't have this as built in behavior or at least an option for it to be.

I have a lvl 60 warrior and played with Defend Yourself from when I created him. I hate playing without it.

If anyone has any idea of anything out there that at least does the most important thing that I listed, that would be great.

Tweeker 03-22-07 11:17 AM

It was removed, considered a cheat, and i agree, as much as it was handy... people still used it to afk kill.. and so therefore was removed, doubt you will see anything that turns your attack on automaticly. sorry.

Seerah 03-22-07 11:20 AM

Yes, can't start auto-attack upon being hit. This promoted people going afk/botting.

BUT, you can just right click your target and it will auto-attack. If you can't use your ability, you'll still be auto-attacking. It has always been this way. ;)

Whaite 03-22-07 11:25 AM


I don't care about the part where they are being hit and it turns on auto attack.

What I want is what I specified as the "Most Important" piece. I want to turn on auto attack when I hit any attack button.

Seerah 03-22-07 11:28 AM

Just right click your target.

Grayhoof 03-22-07 11:40 AM

Just make macros for your 2-3 most used skills. For example Mortal Strike:

#showtooltip Mortal Strike
/cast Mortal Strike

That will do exactly what you want for your MS. Make the macros icon be "?" and it will automatically select the MS icon for it.

Whaite 03-22-07 01:41 PM

No offense guys, but I specifically said I don't want to make macros. I also said I'm looking for a specific mod. If it doesn't exist, then fine. I do know my nonmod options.

First, I don't use the mouse much for targetting. Its usually an assist, a tar by name, or a tab tar. Then, I usually have to hit "1" which is my auto attack button. I'm trying to avoid this. Because Im not using the mouse much, I don't want to grab the mouse just to right click them. I know about it, but when we're aoe'ing mobs and there are 6-7 mobs in camp and all I want to do is throw out a taunt, I've gotten used to just getting close to the one I want to tag, and hitting tab. I've gotten that pretty much down to a science.

Next, Macros. I do have a "most used" set of attacks. However, I dont want to be limited to them when I want to attack. Also, in the past, my macros did not work with my cooldown mods. I don't know if that is the case nowadays with the new syntaxes to add to them which leads me to the last reason I dont want to make macros for this . . . I only have a few slots left for macros and don't want to waste them. My entire interface is highly set up to work off the keyboard only when in combat. Everything from timers, to swapping gear, to raid icons is macro'ed. Skills, however, are not.

Again, no offense. Just wanted to explain. I essentially said, "I was looking for this mod. I don't want to make macros. I just want something to replace this mod. "

Then the responses were, "How bout macros" and "just right click". Neither of those gives me what I am looking for :-) .

PathMaster 03-22-07 01:56 PM

I think the functionality has been removed. In order to do almost anything now you must click a button. Besides using the stock button and adapting it into your play scheme/binds then I do not know what else there is for you.

Inokis 03-22-07 01:57 PM

Essentially, what they are telling you is you can no longer automate attack actions. All those functions have been protected for use only through macros, or default buttons.

PathMaster 03-22-07 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Inokis
Essentially, what they are telling you is you can no longer automate attack actions. All those functions have been protected for use only through macros, or default buttons.

What he/she said.

Whaite 03-22-07 03:06 PM

Thanks. All set then.

Grayhoof 03-22-07 03:11 PM

Whaite, what I suggested for a macro would 100% replace your normal Mortal Strike button (of whatever skill you want). You don't need "extra" buttons for these macros, just put that macro where your current ability is and it will work exactly like you want with your key bindings, and have cooldowns, and everything. You won't even know its a macro unless you have macro labeling text on.

PathMaster 03-22-07 03:16 PM

Yea, but as he said it would take up space for macros. Only a small finite amount of them available. I totally agree though. The macro option is perhaps the best.

If only wanding could be set to right click. :-(

Whaite 03-22-07 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Grayhoof
Whaite, what I suggested for a macro would 100% replace your normal Mortal Strike button (of whatever skill you want). You don't need "extra" buttons for these macros, just put that macro where your current ability is and it will work exactly like you want with your key bindings, and have cooldowns, and everything. You won't even know its a macro unless you have macro labeling text on.

No, but, I would have to create a macro for:

Heroic Strike
Mortal Strike or Blood Thirst
Shield Bash
Slam (I actually use it when I go 2 hand, very often)
Etc . . .

I understand the macro option. Trust me, I've posted on a few boards and they all suggested macros. I was just exercising the option of the mod first. If that did not pan out and my only other option was a macro, then I would use it. It would do what I need, but I'd have to get rid of some other macros that I use for raids and whatnot just so I could fit in everything I want.

Grayhoof 03-22-07 03:34 PM

I'm not following why you think you need to get rid of macros to add these new ones. Where ever you have MS now, just put this macro, don't have to do anything else. And you really don't need that many. As a warrior think about what the first things you usually attack with are:

Charge (already auto starts auto attack)
Intercept (already auto starts auto attack)
Hamstring (1 macro)
MS/BT/ShieldSlam (1 macro)

So, I really only think you need 2...hamstring and your specs instant attack. Can add as many as you want but I think its way overkill. I too hot key almost everything, but instead of doing this method I have a single hotkey "F" that auto attacks, targets nearest enemy, and executes all in one.

*Edit: if you are talking about the total number of macros allowed, don't forget you have both global and character specific macros you can use. I believe that gives you 36+ total.

Whaite 03-22-07 06:45 PM

Type /macro

There are 2 sets of macros, general and character.

Once those are all filled up, there is no room for more macros.

I don't PVP much. I PVE. So, if I'm fighting a caster, I might BT or HS first. If I'm fighting a melee, It might be sunder. If I'm raiding and I'm using 2h, it might be slam. Regardless of what it is, if I hit the button, it should be attacking. In order to do that I need to take up a bunch of macro slots. I looked at what I have , removed a couple, and I have a total of 5 left to use.

I made 5 macros that work nicely, but when I need to make another macro, I will have to delete one and I use them all.

Don't get me wrong . . . I'm not trying to fight with you about this. I'm not sure why you care that I don't want to use up all of my macros . . . I just like flexibility and this is essentially wasting 5 things for 1 basic idea.

I might be able to make them so they can be conditional though. Are you able to say, "If rage >= 30 then BT if you have it, else MS, else if you're >= 15 then HS? That would save me one if I could do that. I have to look at the BC macro language.

Logdan 03-22-07 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Whaite
I might be able to make them so they can be conditional though. Are you able to say, "If rage >= 30 then BT if you have it, else MS, else if you're >= 15 then HS? That would save me one if I could do that. I have to look at the BC macro language.

No. Conditionals like this are not usable in combat in WoW after 2.0.

Whaite 03-22-07 07:18 PM

Man. Just seems like anything I think of that seems intuitive, you can't do. As if having one macro to cast Bloodthirst, MS, or Shield Slam would make any difference to the game at all. You could only ever cast one of the three anyway. Just silly . . .

Logdan 03-22-07 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Whaite
Man. Just seems like anything I think of that seems intuitive, you can't do. As if having one macro to cast Bloodthirst, MS, or Shield Slam would make any difference to the game at all. You could only ever cast one of the three anyway. Just silly . . .

Well, you can have one macro cast BT, MS and SS, if you press it 3 times.

/castsequence Bloodthrist, Mortal Strike, Shield Slam

Read the stickies in the WoW UI/Macro forum for more details on what you can do.

Seerah 03-22-07 07:31 PM

3 skills, one macro:


Edit: more if you have more buttons on your mouse. You might even be able to use modifiers - I don't remember.

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