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09-07-08, 08:26 AM   #7
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Posts: 241
Originally Posted by Tristanian View Post
That's what I was afraid of.
fortunately, Aloft permits the user to simply disable this alpha override completely, which unhooks the OnUpdate event completely and enables the default Blizzard behavior (i.e. no additional overhead from the addon). so, flip a few options and this whole weird mess goes away completely.

as i said, i want to benchmark with this Aloft alpha stuff turned on, and again turned off, and see how expensive it is. at least then i can put some notes in my README.txt that will inform the user about the pitfalls of use of that particular part of Aloft.

i have always used this alpha option, and have benchmarked other stuff while Aloft was running, and never noticed Aloft on the resulting list of memory-hogs or CPU hogs, so maybe the difference with/without alpha override just doesn't amount to much. Aloft does very little processing on these OnUpdate events, it may be something that can be lived with.

in my ignorance though, it all came as an unpleasant suprise .

as for replacing blizzard's nameplates completely... each nameplate parent frame is effectively "hardcoded" into the WoW client specifically as a nameplate (along with a healthbar and castbar, all of them as an attribute of the unit, not something that can be thrown away and replaced by an addon, only tweaked), and Blizzard expects them to be there in a certain form, and controls their lifecycles, visibility, default appearance, etc. i don't know enough to be certain, but i strongly suspect there would be significant side effects trying to replace them. something to play with, perhaps, but i want to know more before i dig into it.
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