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09-07-08, 05:23 PM   #9
Fishing Trainer
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WoWInterface Super Mod
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 10,860
kerrang, the reason why we ask to view your code is so that we can see what you have and why things aren't working for you. If you give an example snippet of code, and that example is not working code, then how do we know what is in your working copy? Dummy variables, sure. But we would expect to see the dummy variables surrounded by working code - if not, then we assume that how your example code looks, is how it looks in your addon.

Think of it this way: You bring your car into a mechanic and say "I was driving along yesterday, and I heard something like a 'kachink kachink' sound while the engine was running." The mechanic spends his time looking for what would have caused a 'kachink kachink' sound and doesn't find anything, so he takes it out for a test drive, and hears a different kind of sound instead, which implies a different sort of problem with your engine. When he brings that up to you, you say "The 'kachink kachink' sound was only an example - I didn't say that it really sounded like that."

When you say, this doesn't work for me - this is how I have it in my addon, someone will look at it and say, "well, there's your problem right there." Unless they're psychic, they won't know what your real code looks like.

edit: and for long snippets of code, you may use
"You'd be surprised how many people violate this simple principle every day of their lives and try to fit square pegs into round holes, ignoring the clear reality that Things Are As They Are." -Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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