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09-08-08, 04:12 PM   #1
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 4
Unit / Raid Frames: Battle Ress - Innervate

As mentioned in a previous threat on this forum I'm new to UI customising but I've managed to get a decent UI that suits me. The next step is an addon for unit frames and raid frames.

There are several and most seem to be developed for healer purposes. Since I'm a feral druid I guess I woon't find much usefull to me in those addons but still I do wonder if that 'thought' is true. As a feral druid it does happen we have to pop an innervate or battle ress now and then and I would like to have some addon (x-perl / pitbull / suggestions welcome) that shows the raid or party my casting of innervate / battle ress and it also have to show on what target I'm doing that. This because in the heat of a fight it sometimes does occur that several druids cast innervate / battle ress on the same target which obviously is a waste.

I do know x-perl shows battle ress in detail if i'm not mistaken but about other unit and raid frames addons I don't have a clue.

Can anyone help me with this?
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