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09-12-08, 01:01 AM   #1
A Murloc Raider
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 9
Favorite music during WoW?

After eons of playing I've noticed I definitely have musical preferences for when I'm playing WoW. I tend for obvious reasons when I'm grinding to prefer long audiobooks, radio shows, Cher on repeat, Elton John on remix, the Orb on no sleep, whatever can keep enough of my brain distracted for hours so that the little bit needed to focus on grinding, especially with AoE spells, doesn't get overwhelmed by the much larger bit screaming like an acid-soaked sasquatch in the back of my cerebral cortex, YOU IDIOT, YOU ARE WASTING VALUABLE HOURS OF YOUR LIFE!!!

When I'm questing and the quests're actually engaging I tend to switch exclusively to classic rock: CSN, Janis Joplin, Joni Mitchel, the Stones... Anything to provide a mellow groove for my merry jaunts.

Battlegrounds sadly I usually switch to my grinding music. The Alliance always loses on every server I've been on anyway unless it's Alterac Valley and for some sadistic reason I keep rolling Alliance so what the heck, I usually kick back, find a sandwich, find a flag, beat the devil out of the Horde while I stare angrily at four or five Alliance off in the distance staring into space while I'm overwhelmed by rogues, locks, and whatever else somehow materializes out of nowhere to once again frustrate and annoy me almost to the point where I give up on PVP altogether. Alterac is just fun but it's kind of the opposite... The Alliance almost always wins... They do it the same way every time... All in on Drekky poo... Damn the torpedos... So *shrugs* if it's a good group I'll queue up something fiesty like Rasputina or the Velvet Underground but usually it's just going through the motions, win or lose. God, they really need to implement autokicks for AFKers but that's an entirely different topic...

Incidentally, there's something hilariously fun about Where Have All the Flowers Gone as you run through the Eastern Plaguelands but that could just be me. That and Hot Blooded while fighting Ragnaros, wee!
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