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10-11-08, 12:41 PM   #61
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by goathole View Post
Since it seems that a number of addon authors posting in this thread are strongly opposed to wowmatrix, and it's been mentioned a few times that the hosting pages authors submit to (wowinterface, curse, etc) could change the way they generate download links by putting in randomly generated URLs or something of the like, has anyone asked the hosting sites to include a measure of protection against leeching/deep-linking to files like this?

I've no idea how much or little work/cost a change of this sort would be, but if the hosting sites want to stop wowmatrix from operating in the way it does, and the people running wowmatrix appear to be unwilling to listen or change the way their program operates, why haven't authors been asking the hosting sites to protect their work by changing the way downloads function to block wowmatrix from leeching? It seems such an obvious question I'm sure there must be an obvious answer, so apologies if I'm derailing the thread by asking how the internet works...
Randomly generated URL's would cause other issues to those of us that also use the SVN here. I guess sites could always request a valid "referrer" but at the end of the day, it would also cause problems for users that don't use updaters. It is not necessary anyway, those of use that care, have already had our addons removed from the updater, after repeated emails. If that means less users using our stuff, then so be it. The world isn't going to stop turning and most of us are not putting up our addons because it's a popularity contest.

Just wanted to let you guys know (if you don't already) that wowmatrix now displays the Author of the addon.

I believe they still get the addons from the dev's pages and not their own but at least one part of the problem is solved.
Of course they did, they monitor these discussions anyway and also don't want any problems from authors or users, as that could hurt their "investment". Too little, too late if you ask me.

I'm using WoWMatrix and I still frequently visit the Addon sites. In fact all players I know do. As someone with a job, a family and playing WoW you only have that much time to surf the web, but I still go to Curse, WoWUI, WoWInterface and WoWAce.
If you really believe that all the thousands (if not more) players that use an updater to update more than let's say 20-30 addons, visit those pages more often than once in a blue moon (if at all), then you are mistaken.

And I do agree that the analogies posted were unfortunate and at the end of the day needless. There is indeed no reason to "dumb down" some very simple facts. And yes the thread has run its course and should probably be locked. Everything has been stated, both sides have been heard, we can actually agree to the fact that we are of a different mindset on this particular subject and live happily ever after.

That, or derail this more into a flame...