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10-14-08, 10:36 AM   #34
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Yhor View Post
I've lost Mazzleui more times than I can care to remember due to major and minor patches, as have many, many other long time users (likely you have too if you're a long time user). I LOVE this UI, but I don't love it enough to keep forking over cash every time it gets an update. Maybe it will be updated, maybe it won't; I just can't see continuing to support someone that 'feeds' off of other programmers to fix "their" ui, with little to no work (other than maintaining the portal). I've counted at least 50 thank you posts to Mazzle over the years I've used this ui, and every time I've donated to it (4-6 times) I've never once received a "thanks for your support" back (something I get from a few other authors I've donated to; even most corporations will give a thank you reply via email).
When I played WoW, I was actually quite methodical about responding to folks (usually via the e-mail in their paypal thing), but almost no donations come in any more, so I don't even notice them anymore. If you made a donation, then thanks.

Originally Posted by Yhor View Post
Good luck Mazzle, you really made a great ui. It's too bad that eventually most people will see through the tactics you use to keep feeding off this project while you are off in WAR or AoC or whatever the flavor of the week MMO is at the time.
lol, feeding off this project? I would be dead of starvation if that were the case. You grossly overestimate how much authors make off donations. I know it's easy to imagine profits pouring in given how many people play MMOs, but that's not the case. I've probably been one of the more fortunate among them, but that was only during some key periods in the development. I've got almost nothing since quitting WoW. When I considered making a MazzleUI site, I got some comments from other authors on how much they've gotten in donations. Let's just say that most authors, some of whom had good stuff out for years, would be lucky to buy a good gaming mouse with the proceeds from their work. I suspect the only folks making any decent money of add-ons are those running ad-driven sites. All the rest of us could continue to take donations for years and be lucky if it ever translate to 10 cents/hour. Your donations and accusations are, quite frankly, absurd and misinformed.

Originally Posted by Yhor View Post
Why don't you think about the reasons most other authors won't touch your ui with a 10' Nat Pagles fishing pole. Would it be because of your controlling personality?
No idea. Maybe.

Originally Posted by Yhor View Post
Perhaps complaining in articles about people who attempt to help Mazzle users (who, at the time, had a broken ui) by asking your permission to work on something, and after no reply they use something from your derivative work only to get pounded by the community for theft (3 sides to every story, I'm just calling it like I see it)?
I hope you're just someone who's really misinformed. The articles and threads specifically dealt with a plagiarizer who stole code and released it as his own stand-alone add-on, and the sites that enable and support such behavior. It had NOTHING to do with people who had posted or were interested in posting fixes to MazzleUI.

Originally Posted by Yhor View Post
I guess I could be wrong on all accounts; you could be a saint that shares the profits with the people that work on the bugs (breaks) this ui suffers from after most patches, but by reading through the posts that I've come across, this isn't the case.
Both things can be true, which I think is the case. I don't think I'm a saint, and I do think you are wrong on all accounts.

Originally Posted by Yhor View Post
*Sorry for any grammatical errors and/or hostile nature. This isn't an attempt at trolling, just a very unsatisfied customer expressing his right to customer feedback.
You are NOT a customer. You're someone who donated. Those are two very different things. Nonetheless, that puts you higher in my book than the 99% who don't donate to me or anyone else ever.
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