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10-14-08, 02:55 PM   #31
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 29
Just wanted to say, Maul, as a long-time trinity user, I can't wait to see how Macaroon will turn out.

Do you remember the original Flexbar? That was the most perfect bar addon. It removed all the restrictions on where/what/how bars were used. Then of course, Blizzard broke the api.

Trinity was easily as good as Flexbar, and exceeded it in several ways. Being a coder myself (though not on addons yet) I completely understand what you mean when you say Trinity was heading the wrong way.

Very often in coding projects you write loads of stuff and suddenly something clicks and you can see the whole thing heading for a cliff or a brick wall.

Nothing to do but bite the bullet, pull out what you can use, discard the rest and start over.

If you don't do that, you end up with Microsoft Windows

Patch day tomorrow here in Europe. I'm going to clear out my addons folder and the first thing in will be Macaroon.

Then we go through the rest and see whats broken.
All the best..