Thread: Help please!
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10-19-08, 10:18 AM   #2
A Cyclonian
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 49
Your problem is with Clique. Disable the mod or change the bindings (the options for it are found in the same window as your Spellbook) so that Right Click isn't set to resurrect someone (likely found under the Out of Combat spells) and then also make sure that Right Click isn't also set up for something while you're in combat (like Renew if you're a priest). After changing the bindings you may need to relog or just "/console reloadui" without the "
As far as whispering goes, it either may also be with Clique or the bindings setup from Bongos. Either change the binding from R or try using Alt+R and see if that will let you reply to a whisper. If not, just check the bindings for responding to a whisper in the key bindings section.

How do you have Mazzle working anyway?
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