Thread: My replacement
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10-20-08, 12:37 PM   #8
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
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Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 18
quick question. I assume you're using eepanels? How do you get the target frame to appear when you select a target? I know there's a way to associate a particular panel with a frame, but not sure how to do that and would like to learn.

Looks nice.

Edit: to clarify a bit, I'm referring to the target box that appears just above your minimap, not the actual target itself XD
Hi all, life without mazzle is not the same, but i've made my new ui now, and if i had screen shots i'd show it to you, but for now just to answer your question.

Firstly make a macro with the following command>
/print GetMouseFocus():GetName()

Bring that down to your action bars bung it in on of the hotkeys 1 - 10/-/=

place your cursor over your target frames and press 1 if thats where you put your macro.

In your chat screen will be the name of what the mouse was pointing at, i.e for me it's now Xperl_Target.

In your eepanels there is a option for partent which probably reads UIframe or somthing like that.

Type in the name of the target frame you want and your panel will wrap its self to that panel, you might not see it, just make it bigger. but remeber it's case sensative!!!.

Let me know how you got on.

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